Penicillin works. Anesthesias have saved millions from pain. The second law of thermodynamics has no reference to race or creed. The scientific method is the very closest attempt in all of history to remove all prejudice, of any kind, from the attempt to answer any question. Its kernel, its very ultimate idea, is submission to what is really seen, what is really there, what is really to be understood.
Most important of all, the colour of the skin of a discoverer has no bearing on the discovery.
You cannot “decolonize” science, because science has no colonies, it wishes none, and would lose all verity if it owed any allegiance except to cold observation, relentless questioning, and the utter exclusion of secondary impulses, most particularly those of race and activism.
Shame that this article didn’t come out until four months after an interesting debate on this exact thing.Rex Murphy: Science does not need to be 'decolonized'
Does Concordia University wish to be an instrument of learning, or a funnel for wokeness?
How would a person decolonize penicillin? Or anesthesia? Or open-heart surgery? Or the miracle advances the past century gave the world through the understandings — still not complete — of quantum physics?
Scientific truth is the truth of bare fact. The only reverence science knows is the genuflection before hard, physical reality. Science wears no ribbons of fealty to causes, colours or the predispositions of any mentality or ideology, other than the asking of questions and the submission to the answers provided by absolutely neutral inquiry — answers always tentative, always open to revision or correction; science is never final….Unless it is a politician. Like Justin Trudeau, or Al Gore talking about science…settled science, etc…
And yet you've got to admit Ron that science is also "selective", depending on the person speaking. As in, if they don't like the science, it's "bunk", but if it goes in their favour, well....