The Chosen People of God!?

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
God divorced Israel and gave her the bill of divorce:

But these chosen people of God changed and altered their religion, and started to worship the idols like the Baalim, the Astaroth, the Star Sirius in addition to their sages, and they disobeyed God Who saved them from the slavery of Pharaoh in Egypt, and even they killed some of the messengers sent to them by God: like Isaiah, Zachariah, John Baptist and even they tried to kill Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed later on.

So God discarded them and shifted the prophet-hood and the apostle-hood to the sons of Ishmael the son of Abraham: Mohammed was the grandson of Ishmael.

Israel Is Divorced


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
All mankind everywhere (and animals in addition) know God Almighty and the Creator, Who has many names in different languages.

Then it shouldn't matter if you call it God, Allah, Yahweh, Zeus, Odin, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

So all creatures everywhere in the universe: they know God the Creator, but most of people set associates and partners with God to worship them besides God.

And yet they are still worshiping God.

Hey, here's a video for you (that you won't watch)

Talks about this very thing, but in Ancient Egypt.
God's religion is to worship and glorify God alone and to discard all other gods whether human beings, angels, kings, totems or idols.

And yet God is part of all those things to those who believe, so what you advocate is for people to not worship/glorify God in all it's creations.

God is called the Great Spirit by Red Indians;

Like God is called Allah to the Arabic peoples.

I found one of them called the Wood Cutter who called them to the Great Spirit alone, but after his death they returned to their idolatry and totem worship and therefore, they were about terminated.

Their "Termination" had nothing to do with not worshipping the Great Spirit alone.

Ironically it had everything to do with evil people who used the name of God - their version of it anyway - to destroy other people.

Which is why religion is evil, but personal faith not so much.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
God divorced Israel and gave her the bill of divorce:

But these chosen people of God changed and altered their religion, and started to worship the idols like the Baalim, the Astaroth, the Star Sirius in addition to their sages, and they disobeyed God Who saved them from the slavery of Pharaoh in Egypt, and even they killed some of the messengers sent to them by God: like Isaiah, Zachariah, John Baptist and even they tried to kill Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed later on.

So God discarded them and shifted the prophet-hood and the apostle-hood to the sons of Ishmael the son of Abraham: Mohammed was the grandson of Ishmael.

Israel Is Divorced

That is what YOU believe.

That does not make it true.

Unless you speak for God yourself to command it so, you cannot say WHAT is real, or not, when it comes to this, or any other religion.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Then it shouldn't matter if you call it God, Allah, Yahweh, Zeus, Odin, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

I don't know about Zeus or Odin, while the Spaghetti is only the word of an atheist lunatic and not sane.

And yet they are still worshiping God.
But they equalize Him with other beings or idols, which is the greatest crime coming only after the atheism.
And yet God is part of all those things to those who believe, so what you advocate is for people to not worship/glorify God in all it's creations.
The creation is other than the Creator.
The created is weak, limited in reason, power, knowledge and capabilities... while God is the All-Mighty, the Living Who does not die, the All-Knowing, the All-Seeing, the All-Hearing.

Their "Termination" had nothing to do with not worshipping the Great Spirit alone.
It has to do with their wrong-doing of each other and their idolatry: God set on them another people to take their land and to replace them.
Ironically it had everything to do with evil people who used the name of God - their version of it anyway - to destroy other people.
These people in fact, were not religious: many of them were criminals, emigrants.. etc: if some of them are religious they follow the wrong religion of the idolatry: it means: idolaters set on other idolates: like Nebuchodonsor set on the Israelite.
Which is why religion is evil, but personal faith not so much.
The religion of the idolatry is evil. But God's religion leads to prosperity, peace and much blessing.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
But they equalize Him with other beings or idols, which is the greatest crime coming only after the atheism.

Odin, Zeus, they were the KINGS of the Gods, the highest without any equal, all others were 'lesser'.

With Natives, the spirits were not equal, they all were tied to the Will of the Creator.

Even in ancient Egypt, they had bouts of either Monotheism or where there was only one HIGH God, and other Gods were either part of that God, or served that God.

It has to do with their wrong-doing of each other and their idolatry:

We're all humans, we ALL do 'wrong' at some point in our lives.

The 'idolatry' is just your take on their faith.

Are you saying then that your worship of Allah and the Quran is a legitimate thing to be held against you?

God set on them another people to take their land and to replace them.

No, God didn't do that. Men with Power, wanting Power, using God as an excuse did that.

These people in fact, were not religious: many of them were criminals, emigrants.. etc: if some of them are religious they follow the wrong religion of the idolatry: it means: idolaters set on other idolates: like Nebuchodonsor set on the Israelite.

That is what you believe, that doesn't make it TRUE.

The religion of the idolatry is evil. But God's religion leads to prosperity, peace and much blessing.


I don't see much "peace, prosperity and blessing" happening in the Middle East, where the God of Abraham, the Jews, The Christians, the Muslims, is worshipped.

And don't make excuses about why there's no peace, the lack of peace has nothing to do directly with God, but in reality the stupid humans who live there and don't WANT the peace. Neither Muslim, nor Jew, nor Christian, want peace in the middle east.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Odin, Zeus, they were the KINGS of the Gods, the highest without any equal, all others were 'lesser'.
This is only the myths of the ancient, and their idolatry.
God is the only One God with no other god besides Him in the entire universe.
With Natives, the spirits were not equal, they all were tied to the Will of the Creator.
The spirits are not equal to God, and they all are tied to the will of the Creator. This is good and correct.
Even in ancient Egypt, they had bouts of either Monotheism or where there was only one HIGH God, and other Gods were either part of that God, or served that God.
This is the idolatry or the polytheism.
We're all humans, we ALL do 'wrong' at some point in our lives.
True, but when the wrong-doing prevails and God will then misguide such wrong-doers and leave them to the devils to mislead them, then when He sends them His messengers, they will almost disbelieve them and even hurt them and therefore they deserve the punishment or the termination.
The 'idolatry' is just your take on their faith.
You can sort people in two categories: the associaters or idolaters who associate others with God; i.e. they worship God but they glorify and worship others with Him.
The other category: are those who devote themselves to God alone and do not associate anyone with Him: and that is God's religion which is the First Commandment.
The First Commandment
Are you saying then that your worship of Allah and the Quran is a legitimate thing to be held against you?
No, God didn't do that. Men with Power, wanting Power, using God as an excuse did that.
You think so, but if God wants, He can avert them this.
Like the Ukraine war: if God likes, He could have prevented the occurrence of this war, but He allowed it as punishment for both sides and may be to other countries: God knows the consequences.
I don't see much "peace, prosperity and blessing" happening in the Middle East, where the God of Abraham, the Jews, The Christians, the Muslims, is worshipped.
Because all these work against God and His commandments. So He set the Zionists on Muslims, while this will change.
Therefore, it is God Who set the Zionists on Muslims till now.
Quran 17: 6, which means:
(Then We [shall] give you [O Jews] once again your turn against the [Muslims], and aid you [O Jews] with wealth and children and make you more numerous)


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
This is only the myths of the ancient, and their idolatry.

Same could be said for the Torah, the Bible, and Islam.

God is the only One God with no other god besides Him in the entire universe.

That's your faith, not the faith of all.

Doesn't make you right, or wrong, just your faith.

The spirits are not equal to God,

No, they 'work with' God.

and they all are tied to the will of the Creator. This is good and correct.


This is the idolatry or the polytheism.

Well, I knew you wouldn't watch the video. You really need to learn your history.

True, but when the wrong-doing prevails

Wrong doing by whose determination? Wrong doing by 'faith' doesn't make it wrong, it just makes it 'not of my faith'.
and God will then misguide such wrong-doers and leave them to the devils to mislead them,

Unless they have no belief/faith in 'devils'.

then when He sends them His messengers, they will almost disbelieve them and even hurt them and therefore they deserve the punishment or the termination.

Question: how will people know that the messengers are God's? Because depending on the faith, the messengers of God will change. I mean, those messengers found in the Torah don't always carry to the Christian Bible, or to the Quran, yet are they less messengers of God?

You can sort people in two categories: the associaters or idolaters who associate others with God; i.e. they worship God but they glorify and worship others with Him.

You can sort people into all KINDS of categories. To limit it to two is to ignore the idiocy of humans.

The other category: are those who devote themselves to God alone and do not associate anyone with Him: and that is God's religion which is the First Commandment.
The First Commandment

That is a Torah commandment picked up and used by the Bible and Quran.

So are you admitting the Quran is also the Torah in part?

Are you saying that your worship of Allah, of dedication to the Quran, can be used against you?

You think so, but if God wants, He can avert them this.

You cannot say that for certain. That is like saying a murderer can murder, but it was God's will to murder and thus he cannot be called into justice because there is no higher Justice than God's will.

Like the Ukraine war: if God likes, He could have prevented the occurrence of this war, but He allowed it as punishment for both sides and may be to other countries: God knows the consequences.

No, you don't know that. Again, people with POWER decided this war, not God. You are putting too much into God's hands, when God is not openly present to say yes or no.

Because all these work against God and His commandments. So He set the Zionists on Muslims, while this will change.
Therefore, it is God Who set the Zionists on Muslims till now.
Quran 17: 6, which means:
(Then We [shall] give you [O Jews] once again your turn against the [Muslims], and aid you [O Jews] with wealth and children and make you more numerous)

Again, you will not get Peace in the Middle East, because no one there wants it. No Muslim, no Jew, no Christian, none. Because it is THE Holy Place for all three, and all want Dominion over it.

And humans are garbage people sometimes.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
True, but man should repent from his wrong and from his sins, and should not persist on doing sins, specially if he knows that he is wrong. Then he should ask God's forgiveness, and God is the Most Forgiving.

The conditions for repentance to be accepted

Sure, but from what you say, unless that man is Muslim, they will be sinners regardless. So why bother if God won't forgive him for being non-Muslim?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Sure, but from what you say, unless that man is Muslim, they will be sinners regardless. So why bother if God won't forgive him for being non-Muslim?
The whole universe to play with, and god spends his time extracting adoration from the short-lived, insignificant inhabitants of Sol III and making them dance to his arbitrary, psychotic rules.

Sounds almost human, don't he? And not a real good kind of human.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The whole universe to play with, and god spends his time extracting adoration from the short-lived, insignificant inhabitants of Sol III and making them dance to his arbitrary, psychotic rules.

Sounds almost human, don't he? And not a real good kind of human.
And a God that needs to rely on brainwashed religious followers to punish the rest of us that don’t follow that particular variant of belief? Doesn’t sound like the all powerful all knowing Deity does it? Doesn’t sound like a God if he needs people to declare war on the nonbelievers? Maybe something is misconstrued in the interpretation of what this God wants if he needs enforcers to make others believe in him/her/it?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
If there really is a gawd of any kind, there would not be wars and famine and disease. To say all this is gawd's will is foolish. Also, not the kind of gawd I want anything to do with.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If there really is a gawd of any kind, there would not be wars and famine and disease. To say all this is gawd's will is foolish. Also, not the kind of gawd I want anything to do with.
You don't like having freewill? Gawd should intervene?

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Sure, but from what you say, unless that man is Muslim, they will be sinners regardless. So why bother if God won't forgive him for being non-Muslim?
The Islam religion is the last heavenly religion: that God is One without associate or equal, and that Mohammed is His messenger to all mankind and genie-kind, with the great and precious Quran revealed to Prophet Mohammed.
Muslims also are like other mankind: they have fallen in the idolatry of glorifying and praying the saints and imams besides God Almighty and Most Gracious.

For this reason, the Prophet will complain them on Judgment Day:
Quran 25: 30, which means:
(Then [Mohammed] the messenger [will] say: "My Lord, my people treated this Quran with neglect a.")

a i.e. they forsook it: neither they believed, nor they accepted it.

The explanation by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly

I don't say all Muslims, but most of them have missed the true 'exclusive devotion to God alone' and they take the religion as traditions, and they glorify the companions of the Prophet and the Prophet himself and his family members, and thus they have associated these and their tombs in the worship together with God Most Gracious. For this reason, Muslims have declined.

However, while God revealed the Quran to be to the end of time, and so all peoples whether Christians, Jews, Idolaters and others have to convert to the Islam religion: to glorify God alone without associate or son or equal and to believe in all the prophets including Prophet Mohammed and to believe in all the heavenly books including the Torah, the Gospel and the Quran.

Or else if they do not believe in the Islam religion, they will lose in the Next Life, as in the Quran 3: 85, which means:
(Anyone seeks any religion, other than the Islam, [his righteous work] will not be accepted from him [because the past religions were altered g],
and he shall, in the Next Life, be of those who lose [the prosperity of Paradise.
h] )

g By the hand of the ‘chiefs of sects’ and by the ‘scholars of error and misguidance’; so that they changed and altered with their desires, and then said: This is what God commanded and instructed in His Torah; but they were liars against God, for the purpose of their personal advantages and for the wealth and position.
While the Islam religion is the true religion which God commanded people to follow in the past and at the present time, because it is the standard religion till Doomsday; and its followers do not worship idols as did you, Jews, worship, and as did you, Christians, claim about the Trinity, while Muslims exclusively devote themselves to God alone.
h So that anyone who seeks any religion other than the Islam, will lose the prosperity of Paradise.


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Same could be said for the Torah, the Bible, and Islam.
The Torah, the Gospel and the Quran and the Islam religion depend on logical proofs and indications, while the idols are only the falsehood: stones that do not see, hear or understand and cannot answer the prayer of man and cannot do anything.
That's your faith, not the faith of all.
Doesn't make you right, or wrong, just your faith.

But the faith in God and the Quran depends on logical proofs, while the idols are only stones that cannot understand or do anything.

No, they 'work with' God.
This is called the 'association with God'; it is the idolatry.
The Islam religion is the 'exclusive devotion to God alone'.
Wrong doing by whose determination? Wrong doing by 'faith' doesn't make it wrong, it just makes it 'not of my faith'.
The wrong-doing is like the transgression on others, the disobedience of parents, stealing, cheating others in trade and other ways ... etc.
Question: how will people know that the messengers are God's? Because depending on the faith, the messengers of God will change. I mean, those messengers found in the Torah don't always carry to the Christian Bible, or to the Quran, yet are they less messengers of God?
God's messenger invites people to worship God alone without associate and to discard all other idols, and invite people that they should not worship other beings with God Almighty and Most Gracious, even if these were Jesus, or Mohammed or the imams and saints.
The Quran in its principles agrees with the monotheism of the Torah, but it corrects the alterations which touched the basic principles of God's religion that happened for the past religions of Judaism an Christianity.
You can sort people into all KINDS of categories. To limit it to two is to ignore the idiocy of humans.
People are two kinds: correct and wrong.
The correct are those following the monotheism and exclusive devotion to God alone without associate, son or equal, and believing in all God's prophets without exception,
The wrong are all the rest.
That is a Torah commandment picked up and used by the Bible and Quran.
God Who revealed the Torah and the Gospel is the same that revealed the Quran; therefore, the Quran in its basis is like the Torah and the Gospel, but it is superior to them because it gives more clear and more devotion to God, and because the Quran corrects many mistakes and alterations added and distorted by generations.
The Ten Commandments In The Quran
The Mistakes In The Torah Of Ezra
So are you admitting the Quran is also the Torah in part?
You can says so to some extent, with some corrections and better laws.
Quran 4: 26, which means:
(God likes to explain to you q, and to acquaint you about the rites of those before you r, and to turn towards you; God is All-Knowing, Most Wise.)

q The statements of your religion and your life in the World.
r The religious laws of those before you, like the law of Moses and those before him, so that you may not deny that.

More explanation by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly
Are you saying that your worship of Allah, of dedication to the Quran, can be used against you?
You cannot say that for certain. That is like saying a murderer can murder, but it was God's will to murder and thus he cannot be called into justice because there is no higher Justice than God's will.
Not like this, but man has free will and is responsible about his deeds.
But God may punish the wrong-doer in the life of the world, by setting on him a criminal or a snake or a scorpion to punish him according to his transgression, etc.
No, you don't know that. Again, people with POWER decided this war, not God. You are putting too much into God's hands, when God is not openly present to say yes or no.
Had God willed, He could have prevented this fighting.
Quran 2: 253, which means:
(These are [the tales of] the messengers [We relate to you; of whom] did We bless some more than others [by specifying him with some special criteria:]
Among them was [Moses] to whom God spoke [in the valley of Sinai],
and another one [: Idries: Elia or Elijah] We raised [to certain high] degrees [of honor],
and We gave to Jesus, the son of Mary, the manifest miracles and We aided him by [Gabriel:] the Holy Spirit.

Had God willed, then the [people] after these [messengers] would not have fought among themselves, even after the obvious revelations had come to them [included in the heavenly books.]
But they fell into dissension [and they contradicted the first commandment]: some [steadfastly] believed and others disbelieved.

Had God willed, then they would not have fought each other, but God does whatever He wills.)

Again, you will not get Peace in the Middle East, because no one there wants it. No Muslim, no Jew, no Christian, none. Because it is THE Holy Place for all three, and all want Dominion over it.
The House of God at Jerusalem is the place where God's name is glorified by Muslims day and night; and it does not belong to Jews or others, but it belongs to God Who gave it to Muslims in inheritance to worship Him there.
And God will defend His House of worship and will terminate the Zionists if they dare do any damage to it, and now they have transgressed on Muslims inside the mosque and they work to prevent the worship and prayers by intimidation and persecution.

A Warning to Jews of Perishing, If they do not believe in the Quran

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
And a God that needs to rely on brainwashed religious followers to punish the rest of us that don’t follow that particular variant of belief? Doesn’t sound like the all powerful all knowing Deity does it? Doesn’t sound like a God if he needs people to declare war on the nonbelievers? Maybe something is misconstrued in the interpretation of what this God wants if he needs enforcers to make others believe in him/her/it?
Yes, God will punish you, if you disbelieve in God as One God without son or daughters or parents, and if you keep to your disbelief until you die as a disbeliever.
N.B. the wrong-doing in fact is that which prevents man from believing.

Quran 3: 102, which means:
(Believers, ward off [the disobedience of] God with complete warding off,
and do not die unless 'submitting yourselves and complying [to God's commands.' Lit. Muslims.]

The explanation:
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
If there really is a gawd of any kind, there would not be wars and famine and disease. To say all this is gawd's will is foolish. Also, not the kind of gawd I want anything to do with.
There is God and He is All-Mighty and He is Avenging of His enemies
Quran 5: 98, which means:
(Know that God is Terrible in retribution a, and God is Most Forgiving b, Most Merciful c.)

a To those who associate or join others with Him and contradict His commands.
b To those who devote themselves to God alone when they repent.
c To those who regret.

  • Haha
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
And a God that needs to rely on brainwashed religious followers to punish the rest of us that don’t follow that particular variant of belief? Doesn’t sound like the all powerful all knowing Deity does it? Doesn’t sound like a God if he needs people to declare war on the nonbelievers? Maybe something is misconstrued in the interpretation of what this God wants if he needs enforcers to make others believe in him/her/it?
God does not need anyone and does not need all His creatures. But He tests them by each other.
Quran 47: 4, which means:
(Had God willed He would have avenged Himself upon them, but that He may try some of you by means of others [with the fighting.] g )

g So that He may distinguish those among you who struggle, from those who refrain from the struggling.