What will happen is there will be a "Legal" boycott of Ontario food, medicine and dry goods.
Already truckers are refusing loads, warehouses in California and Texas are starting to cease loading anything going to Ontario.
A "LEGAL" BOYCOTT which Trudeau can't stop..
There is about 3 weeks to 1 month food sources in local warehouses in Ontario. That will run out.
The power of the truckers is beyond belief if they wanted to use that power. They can stop a country in it's tracks if they all decided to stop driving and just stayed home for awhile. Now that would get the likes of Marxist Trudeau to really shit his Marxist underwear. he would stink so bad they everyone around him would want the chit arse gone. I have more respect for truckers now than I have ever had before. We all bloody well need them and they should be treated with respect and as hero's and not allow them to be treated like scum by our dear Marxist political so called leaders who could not even lead a dog parade.
It only took two years to flatten the Charter. Way the go to all of you useless bunch of moronic politicians out there. The more you touch the worse things get. You need to mind your won gawd dam business and leave everything up to we the peasants who could do a far better job than you ever could or did.