The border mandates are federal.
It was supposedly JUST border mandates, then it morphed after it started to ALL.
The provincial ones are mostly put in place at the direction of the feds.
Uh... yeah, sure...
So, turdOWE could have them all dropped if he wanted to.
No, he can't and you're an idiot.
Also it is pointless to lift mandates in some provinces and not others.
That's all up to the individual provinces, which is why all this going to the FEDS is nonsense. JFC.
While it doesn't much matter in province, when dealing with interprovincial trucking it is essential to have the same rules across the country, just like the rest of the trucking regulations.
Agreed, and it's not, on a LOT of things and has been that way for YEARS before Covid. Covid didn't just start the problems, it exacerbated them.
In case you didn't know, as most people don't the NSC number you see on every commercial vehicle stands for National Safety Code.
Considering how much you don't know about the process of medical mandates in Canada, I'm shocked you know that little tidbit.