Well, as if we thought the last delta virus would be the end of these covid viruses, well, I guess that we were sure wrong. Now we have another new virus coming our way called the Omipron virus. These viruses will never end. This could go on forever. And of course with the help of our bought off globalist big pharma puppet on a string lying politicians, and the bought off lying Canadian media, this new virus may end up becoming the big daddy of them all if those two mentioned above get their way. They both will no doubt take this new Omipron, or as some call it the Omi"con" virus, and go full speed ahead with it, and they will try and make it appear as though this new "scariant" virus will make us all very ill or could kill us. Better get out there and take your booster shots for your protection from this new global threat. LOL.
Why, we may even get to see more lock downs, maybe more quarantines, and the continuation of more social distancing and mask wearing for the next year. The push will be on for getting vaccinated with booster shots once again, And who knows, we may have to take those booster jabs just to be able to go into any restaurant or be able to travel. If you want to go eat at a restaurant well there is always McDonald's where you can go eat and sit inside without having to be fully vaccinated or vaccinated at all. Why is that? Restaurants no. Fast food joints yes.
Anyway, according to the South African Medical Association, this new Omipron virus is not supposed to be all that bad or harmful at all. Apparently, the symptoms that someone may get from this new scariant virus is sore muscles and feeling very tired. After a few days it goes away. Poof. But if those lying politicians and the media get their way, and the peasants listens to them, they will no doubt try and make it appear as though this scariant variant virus will be the end of mankind as we know it if not nipped in the bud. Any bets that more covid restrictions may soon be coming to your neighborhood if this new scariant virus is allowed to proceed? If our politicians, the media, and those so called health officials gets their way they will no doubt try and bring in more anti-freedom covid rules. Hey, we never know, eh?
The best thing to do here is to ignore and not let your dear comrade leaders and the communist media try and scare us into more fear and panic over nothing. We have nothing to fear from this new scariant variant virus at all, and we should all just get together and get with the real program of trying to get back to the good old normal days that we once enjoyed. If you want more covid bull chit in your life, then just keep listening to those spreaders of this covid bull chit, and keep wearing your clown masks, and take your booster jabs. I know that I will be refusing to do any of it as much as I can. It's your call now.
Why, we may even get to see more lock downs, maybe more quarantines, and the continuation of more social distancing and mask wearing for the next year. The push will be on for getting vaccinated with booster shots once again, And who knows, we may have to take those booster jabs just to be able to go into any restaurant or be able to travel. If you want to go eat at a restaurant well there is always McDonald's where you can go eat and sit inside without having to be fully vaccinated or vaccinated at all. Why is that? Restaurants no. Fast food joints yes.
Anyway, according to the South African Medical Association, this new Omipron virus is not supposed to be all that bad or harmful at all. Apparently, the symptoms that someone may get from this new scariant virus is sore muscles and feeling very tired. After a few days it goes away. Poof. But if those lying politicians and the media get their way, and the peasants listens to them, they will no doubt try and make it appear as though this scariant variant virus will be the end of mankind as we know it if not nipped in the bud. Any bets that more covid restrictions may soon be coming to your neighborhood if this new scariant virus is allowed to proceed? If our politicians, the media, and those so called health officials gets their way they will no doubt try and bring in more anti-freedom covid rules. Hey, we never know, eh?
The best thing to do here is to ignore and not let your dear comrade leaders and the communist media try and scare us into more fear and panic over nothing. We have nothing to fear from this new scariant variant virus at all, and we should all just get together and get with the real program of trying to get back to the good old normal days that we once enjoyed. If you want more covid bull chit in your life, then just keep listening to those spreaders of this covid bull chit, and keep wearing your clown masks, and take your booster jabs. I know that I will be refusing to do any of it as much as I can. It's your call now.