“Higher food, energy costs are deliberate??”

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
A world of escalating prices for energy and food isn’t just a temporary aberration caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

It’s the deliberate, global policy of those who tell us their goal is to defeat catastrophic climate change.

Only twice in the modern era have global greenhouse gas emissions plummeted anywhere close to the levels the United Nations says will be necessary to avoid disaster.

The first time was the 2008-09 global recession triggered by the subprime mortgage derivatives scandal in the U.S..

The second time was the global recession caused by the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.

In global recessions national economies contract.

Uncertainty about the future causes people to buy fewer goods and services — almost all made using fossil fuel energy — and therefore emissions decline.

To achieve reductions of the magnitude the UN says are needed to prevent a global temperature rise of more than 1.5C by the end of this century will require annual reductions in emissions approximately equivalent to those caused by the 2020 pandemic recession, from now until 2030.

The only way to achieve that will be to dramatically increase the cost of using fossil fuels, which in turn raises the cost of almost everything, including food, as we replace cheaper forms of energy with more expensive ones.

In the context of global energy policy, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s call at the recent Glasgow climate summit for a global carbon tax comparable to Canada’s — currently $40 per tonne of emissions rising to $170 per tonne in 2030 — is consistent with the UN’s advocacy of global central planning to address climate change.

If, for example, Canadian industries have to compete with those in foreign countries that do not have carbon taxes, there will be a tendency for them to defect to those countries.

This is called carbon leakage and in order to combat it what it will inevitably lead to is Canada imposing tariffs on goods and services we import from countries that do not have carbon taxes, so that Canadian industries can compete.

That, in turn, will raise the prices of those imported goods and services, just as the price of domestic goods will rise because of carbon taxes.

Is this the future our government is planning for us?
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Prime Minister’s Justin Trudeau went to Washington but came back empty-handed on all fronts.

(I’ll admit that I read through this story, clicked into it anyway, ‘cuz I thought it said Trudeau returned empty-headed)

That’s not hyperbole, Trudeau not only failed to secure a deal in Canada’s interests on all major trade files, he had the Americans throw his failures back in his face.

The biggest trade issue that Trudeau had to deal with were the protectionist measures for electric cars in President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better Act.

Biden’s Build Back Better Act includes a number of tax credits for consumers who buy an electric vehicle provided that vehicle is assembled in the United States, with 50% American parts, and an American-made battery. Auto industry players have said the move would be devastating to the future of Canada’s auto industry and will drive production stateside.

“They’ve heard us loud and clear,” Trudeau said Thursday evening at the end of his meetings.

He told reporters that he pushed his message with American politicians time and again. The problem is, they aren’t reacting to his message, they aren’t changing their path.

This is an issue that Trudeau should have been on months ago, he knew it was coming. Biden was clear in his protectionist goals all through the election campaign.

Why wasn’t Trudeau in Washington personally months ago? It’s not like he had given up travelling due to the pandemic.

Washington insiders describe Canada as being asleep since Trump left office, simply assuming Biden would be less protectionist. In many ways, Biden is more protectionist, he just does it with a smile.

Trudeau failed in Washington; he waited too long to make a push to support one of Canada’s biggest and most valuable industries and then couldn’t use his supposed connections to get a deal.

Canadians, including the hundreds of thousands working in those auto jobs, deserve better.

So….why wasn’t Justin Trudeau involved sooner….fighting tooth & nail, and selling the idea of North American built even while Biden & Trump where both try’n to convince Americans that they weren’t the wrong choice between bad and worse (??) unless he was good with Biden Keystone XL’ing the Canadian Auto Industry too???


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Prime Minister’s Justin Trudeau went to Washington but came back empty-handed on all fronts.

(I’ll admit that I read through this story, clicked into it anyway, ‘cuz I thought it said Trudeau returned empty-headed)

That’s not hyperbole, Trudeau not only failed to secure a deal in Canada’s interests on all major trade files, he had the Americans throw his failures back in his face.

The biggest trade issue that Trudeau had to deal with were the protectionist measures for electric cars in President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better Act.

Biden’s Build Back Better Act includes a number of tax credits for consumers who buy an electric vehicle provided that vehicle is assembled in the United States, with 50% American parts, and an American-made battery. Auto industry players have said the move would be devastating to the future of Canada’s auto industry and will drive production stateside.

“They’ve heard us loud and clear,” Trudeau said Thursday evening at the end of his meetings.

He told reporters that he pushed his message with American politicians time and again. The problem is, they aren’t reacting to his message, they aren’t changing their path.

This is an issue that Trudeau should have been on months ago, he knew it was coming. Biden was clear in his protectionist goals all through the election campaign.

Why wasn’t Trudeau in Washington personally months ago? It’s not like he had given up travelling due to the pandemic.

Washington insiders describe Canada as being asleep since Trump left office, simply assuming Biden would be less protectionist. In many ways, Biden is more protectionist, he just does it with a smile.

Trudeau failed in Washington; he waited too long to make a push to support one of Canada’s biggest and most valuable industries and then couldn’t use his supposed connections to get a deal.

Canadians, including the hundreds of thousands working in those auto jobs, deserve better.

So….why wasn’t Justin Trudeau involved sooner….fighting tooth & nail, and selling the idea of North American built even while Biden & Trump where both try’n to convince Americans that they weren’t the wrong choice between bad and worse (??) unless he was good with Biden Keystone XL’ing the Canadian Auto Industry too???
We want a to build electric vehicles to be ready for the future . Damn the present .

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
We want a to build electric vehicles to be ready for the future . Damn the present .
With Biden initiatives, we can have the Canadian Auto Industry snuffed out with the push to Electric vehicles while Trudeau simultaneously snuffs out our oil and gas industry. Sunny Ways for Canadian Peoplekind. Thank God interest rates will stay low forever and the Gov’t can just print more currency without consequences or we might be in real trouble.

Quebec with Their OPEC Maple Syrup Cartel can gladly carry the load for Canada for the next foreseeable future that you speak of.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
With Biden initiatives, we can have the Canadian Auto Industry snuffed out with the push to Electric vehicles while Trudeau simultaneously snuffs out our oil and gas industry. Sunny Ways for Canadian Peoplekind. Thank God interest rates will stay low forever and the Gov’t can just print more currency without consequences or we might be in real trouble.

Quebec with Their OPEC Maple Syrup Cartel can gladly carry the load for Canada for the next foreseeable future that you speak of.
Democrats keep screwing Canadians hard and it doesn't seems to sink in.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Prime Minister’s Justin Trudeau went to Washington but came back empty-handed on all fronts.

(I’ll admit that I read through this story, clicked into it anyway, ‘cuz I thought it said Trudeau returned empty-headed)

That’s not hyperbole, Trudeau not only failed to secure a deal in Canada’s interests on all major trade files, he had the Americans throw his failures back in his face.

The biggest trade issue that Trudeau had to deal with were the protectionist measures for electric cars in President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better Act.

Biden’s Build Back Better Act includes a number of tax credits for consumers who buy an electric vehicle provided that vehicle is assembled in the United States, with 50% American parts, and an American-made battery. Auto industry players have said the move would be devastating to the future of Canada’s auto industry and will drive production stateside.

“They’ve heard us loud and clear,” Trudeau said Thursday evening at the end of his meetings.

He told reporters that he pushed his message with American politicians time and again. The problem is, they aren’t reacting to his message, they aren’t changing their path.

This is an issue that Trudeau should have been on months ago, he knew it was coming. Biden was clear in his protectionist goals all through the election campaign.

Why wasn’t Trudeau in Washington personally months ago? It’s not like he had given up travelling due to the pandemic.

Washington insiders describe Canada as being asleep since Trump left office, simply assuming Biden would be less protectionist. In many ways, Biden is more protectionist, he just does it with a smile.

Trudeau failed in Washington; he waited too long to make a push to support one of Canada’s biggest and most valuable industries and then couldn’t use his supposed connections to get a deal.

Canadians, including the hundreds of thousands working in those auto jobs, deserve better.

So….why wasn’t Justin Trudeau involved sooner….fighting tooth & nail, and selling the idea of North American built even while Biden & Trump where both try’n to convince Americans that they weren’t the wrong choice between bad and worse (??) unless he was good with Biden Keystone XL’ing the Canadian Auto Industry too???
Too stupidly blinded by a shared party ideology (in parts) to actually see the truth. Kind'a like Roosevelt and Stalin. Or more recently like the moron unions in the US who were relying on the Keystone XL for jobs but still voted for Bidumb even though he campaigned, in part, on scrapping it.
There's being stupid, and then there's ideological blindness which is a much more dangerous form of stupid.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Clearly Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden, and the International Communist Conspiracy have complete control over prices in the market, and they're making us all SLAVES of the UN Conspiraceeee!

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Good for Alberta ???

Meh…Alberta still doesn’t have the diversity of its customer base that it needs in order to fully utilize the situation to Canada’s full advantage, and in the current political hamstringing climate it never will have that ability leaving this nation a day late and a dollar short into perpetuity.

Other than it’s domestic usage, only a small percentage can reach anywhere other than the US, & thus the deep discount between our oil and the world price. This positions our only significant customer to reap the benefit of the spread between what our oil is priced at & the world price…& ironically it can sell us back our own oil at that profit (Western Canada to Texas or Oklahoma to Eastern Canada).

If only there was a system in place to get these products in the safest manner possible West to the Pacific & East across our own nation inside our own borders with capacity beyond what we currently have for our own national security & benefit.

So, where are we at with respect to Michigan and Line 5 anyway? Should BC be printing off rationing decals for ON & QC also so they can get a bulk discount on printing expenses? How sad when it was quite avoidable with some foresight.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Clearly Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden, and the International Communist Conspiracy have complete control over prices in the market, and they're making us all SLAVES of the UN Conspiraceeee!
None has complete control, but they do have some control & definite influence, and it’s in that capacity that we judge them (positively or negatively) upon their actions or lack there of.

Right or wrong, I believe that a politician is elected on a three fold logic, and how they succeed or fail on those three points is how we judge them.

How in their role will they benefit the individual citizens? How in their role will they benefit the nation AS A WHOLE? How in their role will they benefit mankind globally?

Once in office, how they prioritize those above questions, successfully or not, or add in their own priorities different from those above, is what we judge them upon.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
A world of escalating prices for energy and food isn’t just a temporary aberration caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

It’s the deliberate, global policy of those who tell us their goal is to defeat catastrophic climate change.

Only twice in the modern era have global greenhouse gas emissions plummeted anywhere close to the levels the United Nations says will be necessary to avoid disaster.

The first time was the 2008-09 global recession triggered by the subprime mortgage derivatives scandal in the U.S..

The second time was the global recession caused by the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.

In global recessions national economies contract.

Uncertainty about the future causes people to buy fewer goods and services — almost all made using fossil fuel energy — and therefore emissions decline.

To achieve reductions of the magnitude the UN says are needed to prevent a global temperature rise of more than 1.5C by the end of this century will require annual reductions in emissions approximately equivalent to those caused by the 2020 pandemic recession, from now until 2030.

The only way to achieve that will be to dramatically increase the cost of using fossil fuels, which in turn raises the cost of almost everything, including food, as we replace cheaper forms of energy with more expensive ones.

In the context of global energy policy, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s call at the recent Glasgow climate summit for a global carbon tax comparable to Canada’s — currently $40 per tonne of emissions rising to $170 per tonne in 2030 — is consistent with the UN’s advocacy of global central planning to address climate change.

If, for example, Canadian industries have to compete with those in foreign countries that do not have carbon taxes, there will be a tendency for them to defect to those countries.

This is called carbon leakage and in order to combat it what it will inevitably lead to is Canada imposing tariffs on goods and services we import from countries that do not have carbon taxes, so that Canadian industries can compete.

That, in turn, will raise the prices of those imported goods and services, just as the price of domestic goods will rise because of carbon taxes.

Is this the future our government is planning for us?
Nailed it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Too stupidly blinded by a shared party ideology (in parts) to actually see the truth. Kind'a like Roosevelt and Stalin. Or more recently like the moron unions in the US who were relying on the Keystone XL for jobs but still voted for Bidumb even though he campaigned, in part, on scrapping it.
There's being stupid, and then there's ideological blindness which is a much more dangerous form of stupid.
No different then the steelworkers union in BC donating a million bucks to the NDPee that is banning old growth logging. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The OP seemed to suggest it was all a Great Big Communist UN Conspiraceeeee!
“UN?” Definitely mentioned.
“Conspiracy?” Sure smells like it.

“Communist or Communism” mentioned in the OP? I don’t recall that at all, but maybe I missed that & someone can point that out to me?

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Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
No speculation there. Personal gain is what it is all about.

Yeah a sitting senator makes $197,000 a year.. they all leave worth millions of dollars

Nothing shady there whatsoever 😉

Nothing worse than a crooked politician than an ambulance chasing lawyer with his office in a shitty strip mall 😂