That was not what you were saying. And, yes I am fully aware that Canada is a blend of Capitalism with socialism. I think it is an effective mix. You were talking about a much deeper than that.That's the kind of sensationalist bullshit that has people talking about "the age of ignorance". People banging their lips together trotting out buzzwords without a freakin clue what they're talking about. Canada is already a blend of free market capitalism and socialism. Without socialism you wouldn't have the access to healthcare and education that we have already. We have a progressive income tax system where those who make more pay taxes at a higher rate than those making less. The system is basically good, it's just gotten out of balance favouring a very few at the top, and needs some tweaking. I grew up in a day where a single income could support a mortgage payment, a car payment, decent food on the table and maybe take a family holiday in the summer or send a kid to college. Now it's standard to have both parents working just to make ends meet. This all goes back to the post WW2 industrial boom and the shift away from stakeholder capitalism to a profit-over-people attitude that has given us a shrinking middle class and slowly collapsing social systems.
"From where I see it, it all comes down to money, who has it, who doesn't, and the totally lopsided ratio in the way it's divided among our society in general. Economic inequality has its claws in social inequality."
This implies you want to redistribute the wealth. Redistribution is more of a Marxist concept.