Why the belief in the Next Life is essential

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The belief in the Next Life is an essential part of faith.. there should be a certainty about the Next Life or else man is not considered a believer.
So the believer believes a certain belief about the Next Life, while the disbeliever denies or doubts about the Next Life.
It means: there will be requital and rewarding: there will be prosperity and suffering: there will be recompensing of the deeds and belief during the life of the World: such rewarding and reprisal will be in the Next Life.
It is a distinguishing mark between the believer who is certainly sure about the Next Life, and the unbeliever who denies or doubts about the Next Life: because he does not believe in God or He associates others with God, like the idols and the prophets or saints.

In fact, God let Satan of the Devil suggest and deceive man: only to know is man a believer in the Next Life or he doubts about it:
Quran 34, 21, which means:
(Yet [Iblies or Satan] had no authority over them, but only that We would know [and distinguish] the one believing in the Next Life from the one doubting about it; surely your Lord [O Mohammed] is All-Observing of everything.)


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
In this soora 75, God - be glorified - explain why the disbeliever denies the Next Life and Doomsday:

Soora 75
(In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)
1. No, but I [: God] swear by the Doomsday!

2. And no, but I [: God] swear by the 'censuring soul' [: the Comforter!]

3. Does man [: the denier of the sending forth to the Next Life] deem that We cannot recollect his [rotten] bones?

4. Yes, indeed; We are Able even to restore [the prints of] his fingertips.

5. But man aims [from his denying the sending of souls to the Next Life] to go on as a profligate.

6. He questions [with denial]: "When will Doomsday take place!?"

[Then God – be glorified – started to answer the one who asked, and to explain some of its portents, and He said:]
7. So when the sight becomes dazed.

8. And the moon is cleft [into two halves.]

9. And the sun and moon are joined together.

10. On that day, [the denying] man shall say: "Where to flee [from the chastisement and punishment?]"

11. By no means! he will not at all be hidden [in any shelter!]

12. On that day, the [only] ‘repose and settlement’ will be in the neighborhood of your Lord.

13. On that day, the [disbelieving] man shall be informed:

of every [prohibition] he preferred [to do, and so he committed],

and [of every religious duty he] neglected [and so he did not do.]

14. But man has, in charge of his own soul, [some] seeing [angels.]

15. Even though he gives [all] his excuses, [no excuses will be accepted.]

See more explanation of these ayat and the rest of this marvelous soora in the link:


House Member
May 18, 2010
This is all nonsense, taxslave is absolutely correct, there is no after life.

In fact there is no Alla or a God.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Without a belief in the the afterlife, you're just a dumb-as-dirt barbarian blowing yourself to shit for no purpose.

WITH a belief in the afterlife, though, you're a dumb-as-dirt barbarian blowing yourself to shit for Allah!
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
it would have been wonderful if mum could have lived until the end of human history. 💡

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
You are a bunch of atheists and Zionists: one of you confirms the other.. only the assertions.
As I said: the disbeliever denies the Next Life so as to justify for himself the ungodliness and to indulge in his lusts and every sin and disobedience to God.

Quran 75: 5-6, which mean:
(5. But man aims [from his denying the sending of souls to the Next Life] to go on as a profligate.

6. He questions [with denial]: "When will Doomsday take place!?")

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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Without a belief in the the afterlife, you're just a dumb-as-dirt barbarian blowing yourself to shit for no purpose.

WITH a belief in the afterlife, though, you're a dumb-as-dirt barbarian blowing yourself to shit for Allah!
All this wisdom comes from you, Totem worshiper!? :rolleyes:
No wonder the unfair one gives your post a thumb up.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
it would have been wonderful if mum could have lived until the end of human history. 💡
The important thing is not that she lives or not; she certainly lives, but the important thing is how she lives there in the Afterlife.
Because when a man dies, his examination will end...
as in school, they used to say when the time of the examination ends: Put your penicls down! It means you cannot add or omit anything from the examination paper.

Punishment and prosperity in the Barzakh world
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
One who believes in God, will certainly believe also in the Next Life, in Doomsday, in souls, in angels. etc.
While the disbeliever: whether atheist or idolater, usually does not believe in the Next Life.

Then when the disbeliever will go to the Next Life, he will be sorry for not believing:

Quran 69: 25-37, which mean:
(25. But as for him given his book [of deeds] in his left [hand] he shall say [regretting and sighing]: “Would that I had never been given my book [of deeds.]”

26. "And that I had never known about my accounting!”

27. "Would [death] have brought about the end [of my life forever.]"

28. "My wealth has not availed me [of anything.]"

29. "My authority is gone away from me!"

30. [Then God will say to the angels:]
"Take him and shackle him."

31. "Then broil him [by casting him headlong] in Hell."

32. And thrust him in a chain whereof the length is seventy cubits [: winding that chain around him.]"

33. “For he did not believe in God, the Great.”

34. "And he used [neither to feed], nor to urge [people] on feeding the needy."

35. "Therefore, today he has not here any intimate [friend to benefit him, nor any relative to save him from the punishment.]"

36. "Neither any food [to eat] saving the 'Ghislien'"

37. "Which none but the erring [n their religion and doctrines] eat.")

See the explanation of these great ayat in this link:

Here is also the recital of this great soora 69:
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