Explain how you get across the ocean in a train. Or get anywhere in a timely manner. Planes are pretty much essential. So are freighters. Cruise ships OTH can be done away with with no inconvenience to anyone.
And HOW OFTEN does anybody NEED to cross an ocean? And HOW OFTEN does anybody NEED to fly to Florida?
AND HOW OFTEN do we NEED to ship GARBAGE to or from China?
LIE-berals tell us we MUST REDUCE Our use of fossil fuel and then they encourage their civil service union HOG allies to maintain or even EXPAND their carbon footprint while the rest of us freeze in the dark!
This is the GREAT ISSUE that LIE-berals DO NOT ADDRESS!
Here is a powerful article illustrating the essential madness at the heart of all LIE-beral policy! With some comments of my own in brackets):
No visitors to your house but granny can fly in from overseas?
By Brian Lilley, Toronto Sun, Publishing date: Oct 03, 2020 • Last Updated 13 hours ago.
Is it any wonder the public is confused by the competing messaging coming from various levels of government?
(The hard fact is that our federal LIE-beral govt has goals and needs radically different than the goals of provincial premiers such as Ford and Legault! In the first four months after Our idiot Boy Justin ordered our borders closed to travellers - a total of 4.4 MILLION PEOPLE entered Canada - mostly on filthy disease riddled airplanes - according to recently released govt documents!)
(Those 4.4 million travellers represents a very LOW number compared to normal travel activity - but we need to recall that many of those who are travelling are doing so for medically DANGEROUS reasons! For instance - some are Cdns returning home from Virus hot spots because they know Canada is medically safer than many other countries such as Italy and China and Iran! And we KNOW that some Wuhan Virus infected travellers can infect others without showing any symptoms of their own - thus some Wuhan infected are being allowed in WITHOUT any govt oversight or real effort at quarantine!)
(And we also KNOW - from govt reports that some people returning to Canada have DELIBERATELY HIDDEN symptoms for fear of being denied entry! We also KNOW - thanks to comments by Ford govt - that federal LIE-berals are asleep on the job - they have LOST TRACK OF and are failing to monitor some hundreds of infected travellers who are now wandering loose in Canada!)
(We KNOW that MANY of those most recently infected have been present at large gatherings such as wedding and funerals and other such religious ceremonies - where social distancing and wearing of masks has been scorned by attendees - thus people who have travelled far and have waltzed through our porous border blockades are now becoming key spreaders of Wuhan Virus while enjoying themselves at LARGE family gatherings!)
(At the same time that provincial and municipal leaders are seeking to restore restrictions on the daily activities of Cdn citizens in order to head off a new wave of Wuhan infections - Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals are so DESPERATE to buy votes that they have partly RE-OPENED the borders so that families can be more easily “re-unified”!)
(Even worse - LIE-berals have EASED THE RESTRICTIONS for quarantine orders for such travellers! LIE-berals are so desperate to BUY votes from immigrants that they have waived the for 14 day quarantine requirement for some travellers - apparently because the cost of such quarantine might be deemed “prohibitive” for some families trying to get Granny into the country!)
(So yes - Lilley is right - govt prohibits you from having neighbours over for dinner and virtually ignores your aged Granny flying in from a foreign virus hot spot on some crowded and poorly vented aircraft! And aircraft were KNOWN spreaders of diseases like Colds and Flu BEFORE Wuhan Virus showed up - thanks to those close quarters and re-circulated and virus carrying air!)
(And it has been reported that Wuhan Virus is much lighter than other viruses and can thus hang in the air LONGER than other viruses and thus be potentially INFECTIOUS for longer time periods before floating to the floor and away from your nose and mouth!)
(YES - Federal LIE-berals have set family reunification as a HIGHER PRIORITY than controlling the Wuhan Virus - and LIE-berals have done so simply because of their need to BUY votes! LIE-berals are quite happy to leave the medical cost of dealing with Wuhan Pestilence to the provinces!)
(Even worse - the longer our economy is shut down due to that second wave of infection that LIE-berals are not opposing in any significant way - the more aid money that LIE-berals can shell out in frantic hope of buying our love and respect! LIE-berals hope we will be focussed ONLY on the gravy being doled out today - with NO EYE on what our future taxes will look like when the bills come due and the govt credit card is CANCELLED!)
(LIE-berals are simply trying to sneak past the spring 2021 budget season without having their minority govt cancelled by an enraged public that has awakened to the FULL COST of LIE-beral vote buying! LIE-berals are hoping that so many Cdns will be SO DEEP IN DEBT that they will vote LIE-beral in frantic hope that Our idiot Boy can find a way to keep economic reality and hardship at bay!)
The province on Friday announced new restrictions on restaurants and fitness clubs, Toronto’s medical officer asked the province to close all restaurants and tell people not to leave their homes except for essential trips, and the feds opened the border.
(Sadly it is our municipal govts that are the weak link in the provincial plan! Our municipal cops are too few in number to properly restrict the large gatherings and Covidiot behaviour that are so swiftly spreading Wuhan Virus! Even worse - Our LIE-beral hug a thug judges are ON SIDE with LIE-beral vote buying needs and thus are RELUCTANT to punish quarantine breakers and social distance violators harshly enough to halt such idiot behaviour!)
(We have only to think of the African man who became notorious in 2019 for dumping buckets of sewage onto the heads of Toronto residents! LIE-berals swiftly determined that such an act was medically DANGEROUS and made great efforts to get the guy arrested! And yet the same “leaders” who acted strongly against one lone NUTBAR are AFRAID to take action against a mass of Covidiots who are spreading a dangerous Pestilence by refusing to wear masks or use social distancing!)
On the same day my mother was told she shouldn’t have me over for Thanksgiving dinner, she was also told it’s okay to bring my Uncle Frank over from Scotland for a visit.
(And of course - Great Britain is suffering a resurgence of Wuhan Virus - thanks in large part to air travellers! Spain is a virus hot spot and also happens to be a favoured holiday destination for British citizens - with Spain taking angry issue with Brit plans to quarantine travellers returning from Spain! LIE-beral govt in all countries is more concerned with getting our tourist industry re-started then they are with preventing the spread of Wuhan Pestilence!)
The problem with all of these recommendations from the various levels of government is that they all claim to be making them based on evidence and science to fight the pandemic. None of them are showing their work though.
Do you remember in school when we were told by math and science teachers that we had to show our work to get full marks? I think the politicians, and the political doctors that are advising them, should do the same.
I’m serious, no more announcements of further public health measures, or the relaxing of public health measures without some revelation of the science behind the decision. Saying, “We think,” or, “We know,” shouldn’t be acceptable to the public any longer.
Take a look at what people were subjected to as advice on Friday alone.
Toronto’s medical officer, Dr. Eileen De Villa, released a statement recommending the aforementioned restaurant closures and also, “that people only leave their homes for essential activities.”
Essential activities is pretty limited, it’s an effective return to a full lockdown – it includes going to work or school, doctor’s appointments, buying food and getting exercise.
(LIE-berals apparently consider it an “essential activity” that bored snowbird seniors should be allowed to wander the world and spend hours on crowded airplanes while seeking to visit relatives! But it is NOT federal LIE-berals that bear the cost of the resulting infections! Even worse - LIE-berals have bought into the INSANE NOTION that they will NEVER have to pay back the debts our govts are running up in our names! LIE-berals see no reason not to go on printing money whenever cash is needed! That such a policy is a great way of eventually triggering massive inflation of the sort that created the Dirty Thirties and brought Adolf Hitler to power - is something that LIE-berals NEVER consider!)
(Never in their wildest dreams would LIE-berals consider that Our idiot Boy Justin IS the aspiring Cdn version of Dictator Hitler! Our idiot Boy routinely shows his disdain for Parliament - by making every effort to KEEP IT SHUT DOWN! Our idiot Boy does not want the WE Scandal revived and thus closing Parliament is a handy way to kill the investigating committee!)
(NOR DOES Our idiot Boy want a full accounting of just how much gravy he has handed out - nor does he want any investigation into how much CERB Gravy has been wasted on FRAUD! NDPee leader Jagmeet Singh has gone even further out on a LUNATIC LIMB by suggesting that people who got CERB illegally should not be facing criminal charges! Singh dares suggest that it is unfair to criminally charge people who got CERB due to what Singh calls “clerical errors”! While our civil servants document cases of CERB aid received by holders of FAKE ID!)
(In related news - I have heard rumours that homeless people - who are NOT eligible for CERB - are now “renting” addresses from unscrupulous tenants and home owners in order to provide a real address to which CERB aid can be sent! In exchange for the use of the address, the drug addict or alcoholic will pay $200 per month out of CERB for the use of the address - and use the rest for drug and alcohol binges! Perhaps this is why there has been a recent MAJOR SPIKE in Fentanyl over doses in most provinces in recent weeks?)
The Ford government announced new restaurant restrictions but did not close them – yet – while also saying we should stop the idea of “social circles” and advising “that all Ontarians allow close contact only with people living in their own household.”
(Ford has had his hands tied by Covidiots who are refusing to cooperate with social distancing! In one recent Ontari-owe incident a man got punched in the face after he complained of another man in a store REFUSING to wear a mask! LIE-berals are encouraging this IDIOT behaviour by being mealy mouthed on the subject of ALLEGED Rights! Your refusal to wear a mask violates MY RIGHT not to be exposed to a dangerous Pestilence while out in public buying food or conducting other necessary business!)
(But NONE of this worries our idiot LIE-beral overlords! They are too busy trying to BUY themselves a grand new future using that Funny Money they are printing up there in Ottawa! And NEVER MIND about Weimar Germany style or Argentian style or Venezuela style HYPER INFLATION that rides along RIGHT BEHIND those generous govt cheques!)
(And when the inflation kicks in - LIE-berals will have a GRAND EXCUSE to offer up MORE GRAVY to their civil service union HOG allies! After all - HOG Gravy Grants must keep up with the cost of living! Too bad about the private sector that will make due with whatever CRUMBS the HOGS do not vacuum up!)