Is the 'cure' worse than Covid? Driven to despair by lockdown, two of Professor Angus Dalgleish's colleagues took their own lives… and compelled him to join a growing rebellion against Cromwellian restrictions
On Monday, I joined a Zoom meeting with a colleague who told me that another participant, a highly respected research assistant, would not be joining us.
Tragically, he had committed suicide. It subsequently emerged that he had hanged himself in his bedsit.
Lockdown and Covid restrictions had left him feeling isolated and broken by the loss of normal human interaction.
The news came as a terrible shock — but his is not the only suicide that has touched my life in the past fortnight.
I was also shaken when another colleague, whom I have known since we were young doctors, killed himself as a result of profound despair at the loneliness and anxiety created by Covid.
As far as I am aware, he had no history of mental illness, nor was he undertaking treatment for depression, but it is clear he became overwhelmed by feelings of hopelessness as the pandemic dragged on.
These two cases provide a graphic illustration of the lethal impact of this disease that goes far beyond the physical harm caused by the virus itself.
Our society has been thrown into turmoil, our economy paralysed.
And there is no sign of a return to normality any time soon.
Indeed, just the opposite is true, as the institutions of the State indulge in ever greater fear-mongering and repression. In response to a rising rate of infections and hospital admissions, the Scottish Government has imposed draconian restrictions on the hospitality trade, while in London the Tory Cabinet considers a massive extension of local lockdowns across northern England from Monday.
Such measures may not stem the tide of contagion, but they will certainly lead to more business failures, mass unemployment, public distress and fractured lives.
I view the official Covid strategy with mounting alarm. As our nation stares into the abyss of unprecedented recession and social dislocation, the supposed cure is indeed turning out to be far worse than the disease.
Read more of this disturbing article about the horrors awaiting us thanks to the Lockdowners: