A win for the LGTBQ community


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
It's not an opinion.

Running a gasoline engine on diesel doesnt make it a diesel engine.

HRT and surgery is superficial. It's a facade.

The fact you focus on "Trans = male" says a lot.

That you ignore what being Trans is also no shock.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I'm racially fluid, what sort of concoction do I need to crank in order to officially and legally identify as Chinese?


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
So how do you square the fact that XX=female and XY=male without putting opinion in front of facts?

Well I was born with XY, and have never had an urge to have X dominate my Y, although my wife sometimes wishes I would get in touch with my X over my Y on many occasions.

What are XXY chromosomes?

So if it isn't Genetics that bore you Male or Female it obviously has to be a personal opinion that one rejects gender at birth

You answered your own question.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
In your own words, define "TERF" for us, and give an example of a TERF.

TERF - trans exclusionary radical feminist. Basically seriously extremist, bent Radical Feminists.

TERF's are anti-trans, usually - but not always - lesbians. They believe Trans Women are claiming to be women to somehow subver what a "Womyn" is.

They believe that Trans Men are so hateful about their femininity due to male misogyny that they're to be pittied. Or worse.

I've seen TERF's on the extreme side of things call for the subjugation of males.

If you defend Trans people, and are a woman, you have become a slavery to misogyny and have internalized your male domination to hurt your fellow women.

Really it's all effin' crazy.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Gee, it doesn't go both ways? Are you feeling left out or upset I'm 100% male and feel I'm showing bias?

Are you one of those type?

Just pointing out that most anti-trans people focus on the Trans Woman, and yet don't say jack or get as upset over Trans men.

Which shows your bias, not mine.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
TERF - trans exclusionary radical feminist. Basically seriously extremist, bent Radical Feminists.
TERF's are anti-trans, usually - but not always - lesbians. They believe Trans Women are claiming to be women to somehow subver what a "Womyn" is.
They believe that Trans Men are so hateful about their femininity due to male misogyny that they're to be pittied. Or worse.
I've seen TERF's on the extreme side of things call for the subjugation of males.
If you defend Trans people, and are a woman, you have become a slavery to misogyny and have internalized your male domination to hurt your fellow women.
Really it's all effin' crazy.
Emotional wome(y)n?

No way! That's unpossible!


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Well, Fallon Fox labelled both fighters she beat up (including the one with the cracked skull), as "TERFs." She also labelled Ronda Rousey as a TERF. It seems some Transgender Women will label anyone who disagrees with them as a TERF, regardless if they are feminist or not. Last time I checked, Rousey is not a radical feminist, and neither were any of the fighters Fox faced, to my knowledge.

I don't know anything about Ronda Rousey so I can't say if she is or not.

I could take your comment and change it to fit any demographic. "Seems like any X person will label anyone who disagrees with them a X thing regardless if they are X thing or not".

Happens all the time.

Not the point of your posting to me at all.

You pointed out the twitter post and pointed out a Trans person beating up bio-females and what she feels about it.

I said it was disgusting regardless of the Trans issue.

Are you gonna give me another red because you got caught 'incorrectly opinioning'?


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Nice edit to take out the syndrome part, what did the second article say? Oh yeah on the very rare occurrence that an extra X shows up in male he is still male.

I didn't edit anything.

I said there was more than XX and XY.

You answered your own question pretty much by what you said.

Doesn't matter if it's rare.

Generally, no one knows their chromosomal status unless specifically looked into.

I'm female, but I could be any combination of chromosomes or partials.

And it doesn't matter because it's NYOB.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
It's not an opinion.
Running a gasoline engine on diesel doesnt make it a diesel engine.
HRT and surgery is superficial. It's a facade.
Again it's literally and functionally not but go ahead and lie about long proven medical science.

I'm sure he meant that his Gasoline engine felt it was built wrong in the factory and it self identified as a Diesel and is now transitioning, but does not want to remove it's spark plugs because that is irrelevant.


Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
I'm starting to become convinced TERF acronym was invented to that born-males can dehumanize born-females, and think of them as "less-than-human" or to invalidate their existence.
They do this because if a non-Transgender man were to do something like Fallon Fox did to a biological woman (nearly kill them and gloat about it), and say "I just about nearly killed a biological woman by crushing her skull!" the public would be so outraged, that MMA men would almost certainly want to attack them.
Fallon Fox is a coward. They would never get in the ring with a man of a similar size. They would be hurt badly, or killed.
This is not without precedent in history. The Nazis spent hours making propaganda dehumanizing the Jews, and brainwashing the German people to believe they were no better than "vermin", destroying the country. This was one reason the Holocaust occurred, and the perpetrators were mainly everyday Germans. Incidentally, if you follow Morgane Oger, and her tweets, she often uses "vermin" to describe her female adversaries.
You can be convinced but you're wrong and you were told the origin of TERF.
Odd how it was Nazis that burned trans research in WW2.
And funny how TERFs like Posie Parker and Meghan Murphy keep getting caught toadying up to white supremists.
Oh and lets not forgets TERFs literally have a Sorros conspiracy.