A win for the LGTBQ community


Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
Again it doesn't change the reality of her body.

Or the qualifications needed for her to fight.

Or the fact she was physically weaker than both her oppenents.

Tamika Brents took on a military vet who was an MMA fighter and was taller, stronger and has a better reach,


This tweet is her tweeting at TERFs who've been after her for a decade maybe longer just for existing, she's retired now and still they don't stop so she fires back.

She's a jock about it but hey, it is just that here firing at them to piss people off.

Because in her situation why not?


Time Out
Oct 21, 2019
You never slept off the mania?

Right. Her body is male. She fights women.
Her body is trans and she passes all the set guidelines.

You can quibble all you want.

Brents was bigger, stronger, taller, more reach.

Brents just lost to a vet who knows what a real fight is.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
No, just the actual legal facts.

I just have 1 question for you where you born with XX, or XY chromosomes?

The XX/XY sex-determination system is the most familiar, as it is found in humans. The XX/XY system is found in most other mammals, as well as some insects. In this system, most females have two of the same kind of sex chromosome (XX), while most males have two distinct sex chromosomes (XY).
Sex-determination system - Wikipedia



Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I'm starting to become convinced TERF acronym was invented to that born-males can dehumanize born-females, and think of them as "less-than-human" or to invalidate their existence.

They do this because if a non-Transgender man were to do something like Fallon Fox did to a biological woman (nearly kill them and gloat about it), and say "I just about nearly killed a biological woman by crushing her skull!" the public would be so outraged, that MMA men would almost certainly want to attack them.

Fallon Fox is a coward. They would never get in the ring with a man of a similar size. They would be hurt badly, or killed.

This is not without precedent in history. The Nazis spent hours making propaganda dehumanizing the Jews, and brainwashing the German people to believe they were no better than "vermin", destroying the country. This was one reason the Holocaust occurred, and the perpetrators were mainly everyday Germans. Incidentally, if you follow Morgane Oger, and her tweets, she often uses "vermin" to describe her female adversaries.

In other words, you've no idea what TERF means, or have experienced TERF behaviour.

I'm female, born female.

And TERF's are disgusting. I mean, these females sometimes call for the abolishing of men's rights, take issues with men personally on levels that we'd find sexist...

That you think it's an OK term makes me wonder about you.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Well, these 2 have managed to make a win, a loss. Great job. With you 2 as lgbtq allies, they dont need anymore enemies.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
In other words, you've no idea what TERF means, or have experienced TERF behaviour.
I'm female, born female.
And TERF's are disgusting. I mean, these females sometimes call for the abolishing of men's rights, take issues with men personally on levels that we'd find sexist...
That you think it's an OK term makes me wonder about you.
Gosh. Women who dont like men claiming to be women?

Go figure.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I just have 1 question for you where you born with XX, or XY chromosomes?

Chromosomes have nothing to do with gender.

Nor are there just XY or XX.

Third, it's rude to even ask that, as it's not your business. No one has the right to ask your medical history or status to perpetuate hate.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Chromosomes have nothing to do with gender.
Nor are there just XY or XX.
Third, it's rude to even ask that, as it's not your business. No one has the right to ask your medical history or status to perpetuate hate.

So how do you square the fact that XX=female and XY=male without putting opinion in front of facts?

Well I was born with XY, and have never had an urge to have X dominate my Y, although my wife sometimes wishes I would get in touch with my X over my Y on many occasions.

XXXY syndrome - Wikipedia

Signs and symptoms
XXXY syndrome is a genetic condition characterized by a sex chromosome aneuploidy, where males have two extra X chromosomes. Males typically have only two sex chromosomes, an X and a Y. The presence of one Y chromosome with a functioning SRY gene causes the expression of genes that determine maleness. Because of this, XXXY syndrome only affects males. The additional two X chromosomes in males with XXXY syndrome causes them to have 48 chromosomes, instead of the typ…
See more on en.wikipedia.org · Text under CC-BY-SA license
Other names: 48,XXXY syndrome

What are XXY chromosomes?
Posted on
Updated April 26, 2020
by XXY Guy
A chromosome is a strand of DNA. XXY chromosomes are a naturally occurring human male variation. XXY men are identical in physical appearance and mental capacity to XY men.
XXY Quick Facts:
• XXY = male.
• One in every 500 male births is XXY.
• Numerous studies show XXY boys and men possess the same capabilities as XY boys and men.
• Most doctors lack real-world, first-person XXY experience.
• The standard doctor recommendation to expecting parents of an XXY baby is termination.
• XXY medical standards must change.
Why XXY Standards Must Change:
• XXY and XY men possess the same mental and physical capabilities.
• Many doctors portray XXY boys and men as subhuman.
• Many medical researchers and doctors treat XXY boys and men as lesser humans.
• XXY boys are thought to be slow learners, but the truth may be the opposite. They can be unusually fast learners.
XXY Is Not Intersex
XXY is male. It is not a gender issue. It is not an intersex issue.
All people regardless of chromosome type (XX, X0, XY, XXY, and more) have gender issues to consider. Defining who you are is part of being human.....More

So if it isn't Genetics that bore you Male or Female it obviously has to be a personal opinion that one rejects gender at birth


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
So radical feminism should be outlawed, but bashing a woman's skull in, that is accused of being a radical feminist, is perfectly ok with you.

What am I not surprised?

First, it was a sanctioned MMA fight, with inherent risks including serious injury.

I don't LIKE that Fallon Fox enjoyed it; again, disgusting.

Would you be so upset about a fighter being happy they bashed in the skull of another fighter in any other situation?

Again, I really don't think you know what TERF's are, or even Radical Feminists are.

As you, I'm not surprised.