Yes- the situation IS MESSY with that Russian broad! The Russian security people certainly WERE INTERESTED IN HER
and in her new hubby as well! There is VALID REASON to suspect that various foreign govts have identified LAX Cdn immigration law
with regard to spouses - as a good way to get sleeper agents into the country!
Consider this convoluted immigration MESS::::::
Here is an article illustrating LIE-beral social justice warrior MADNESS! With some comments of my own in brackets):
'I should have the right to marry and live my life' — Ontario guardian stops wedding of disabled woman
(Lets get it straight - the woman is mentally disabled and thus vulnerable to smooth talking con men!)
By Kelly Egan Post Media
Published December 6, 2019
Sherry Brachfeld is trying to get married at the end of December, but the Public Guardian is putting up roadblocks, she says.
Sherry Brachfeld had her wedding all set for Dec. 29 — the venue, the dress, the ring, a man she loved.
Then came a crashing intruder. Ontario’s Public Guardian and Trustee wants to leave her at the altar, now and possibly forever.
In a Nov. 29 letter, the state Guardian said it had “serious concerns” that Brachfeld is mentally capable of making such an important life decision and is refusing to provide documents she needs for a marriage licence.
“I should have the right to marry and live my life,” she said one day this week. “I’m a human being. I have a right to be happy.”
Brachfeld, 33, says she has a mild intellectual disability and is on the autism spectrum. She also admits to a hoarding tendency and problems with personal care — the very reasons the Public Guardian took over her affairs in 2017 from her mother, who had legally been in charge.
(If you require govt aid to make the most basic choices for your own welfare then HOW can you look after anybody else?? It is natural the woman wants a spouse but WHAT HAPPENS when she also wants a baby she is incapable of tending to?)
But Brachfeld says she’s been working on her mental health and points to her record of independence: working at Tim Hortons for 11 years; stints at Elections Canada; a couple of years on her own in Israel; moving freely about Ottawa, including going to the see the Nutcracker at the National Arts Centre on Wednesday evening.
She’s also graduated from the public school board’s Adaptive Learning Program and occasionally returned as a motivational speaker.
“I’m not crazy like they think I am.”
(That`s nice- but WHY does she still require GOVT ASSISTANCE if she is sane and competent?? And is she FIT TO JUDGE HERSELF?)
The Public Guardian, however, concludes differently. “There are serious concerns as to whether Ms. Brachfeld has the mental capacity to choose to enter into a marriage and everything that a marriage involves, including physical intimacy,” reads a letter sent to her fiancé, Jun Miyamoto.
(Ah yes- it seems that Jun might be a potential immigrant originally from an Asian country - looking for a Cdn spouse and fast track to Cdn Citizenship - and taking advantage of the mentally disabled Cdn??)
He has an interesting life story. Miyamoto, 51, was born in Japan but is now an American citizen living in Cincinnati. He has a PhD in nuclear engineering but now works as a software engineer.
He met Sherry in about 2004 while he was a research associate at Carleton University. He lived near the Brachfeld family home and the pair attended the same synagogue. Miyamoto converted to Judaism and is now an Orthodox Jew who uses the Hebrew name Yona.
A relationship developed about 15 years ago and, despite his moves to the U.S., they stayed in touch, eventually rekindling their liaison and becoming engaged in May.
Brachfeld lives in supportive housing and gets regular help from the Tamir Foundation. She says the staff at Tamir were so keen on her wedding plans they helped organize an engagement party in July, an event to which guests flew in from out of town.
(Shall we ask if Tamir staff like the idea of putting this woman in the hands of a hubby and getting her OFF their books and lowering their costs?)
(Or is there social justice idiocy at work - I think of the woman with Downs
Syndrome and a mental age of about 13 who thought it would be fun to have a baby and of course the support staff that monitor her daily were excited fo her to be pregnant - and of course her baby proved to also have Downs Syndrome - but IS IT RIGHT or fair to tax payers to create yet another generation who must have TOTAL SUPPORT for VIRTUALLY ALL NEEDS from our bankrupt govt?)
Miyamoto put down a $3,000 deposit for a downtown hotel for the wedding reception and the plans sped ahead. The esteemed Rabbi Reuven Bulka was lined up for the ceremony and a bridal shower was held.
Then reality began to sink in. The Public Guardian said it can’t formally stop Brachfeld from getting married, but it can withhold her documents and control where she lives. It also warned that her Ontario Disability Support Program payments could be cut by virtue of the marriage.
(If she is as sane and responsible as she claims - then WHY is she still getting ODSP payments and working with assisted living?? And if she is mentally challenged then WHY is her well educated nuclear scientist hubby so interested in her?? Unless he plans to use her as an easy entry to Canada - and then DUMP HER as so often happens with such fast track immigrants?)
Neither did it like the idea that Brachfeld would move out on her own — with a personal support worker Miyamoto would pay for — while he sorts out his residency and employment status in Canada, a process that could take six to 12 months.
(And WE HAVE SEEN THAT TRICK BEFORE - people swearing to take responsibility and then RENEGING and dumping their mess on govt!)
(And given the status of the Cdn nuclear industry - it might TAKE MUCH LONGER than 12 months to sort out that work option!! Cdn industry DOES NOT WANT aging workers with out of date skills - which is why that British Company is now running the Bruce nuclear power station - using mainly retired sailors from MODERN nuclear submarine programs!)
“They’re not letting me try,” said Brachfeld. “I feel like I’m being degraded, I’m being put down.”
The Public Guardian did not respond to comment requests from this newspaper.
(No - and there is NO politically correct LIE-beral answer available!)
Miyamoto, meanwhile, wonders whether they are holding Sherry to a behaviour standard that a so-called “normal” person would not be subject to.
“What does competence and incompetence mean? It can be defined in different ways,” he said this week.
(If he does not understand “incompetence” then he is LIVING the definition!)
“They are deciding her future based on what they know now. They’re not giving her a chance to improve. They’re making an assumption that she will stay that way forever.”
(One does not “improve” from brain damage!)
Rabbi Bulka sympathizes with the couple but, based on the Guardian’s position, can’t legally marry them. He says he “defers” to the expert opinion that Sherry is not ready for this step right now. After all, he says, the government guardian has a responsibility to ensure its charges are not put in harmful situations.
“She’s a lovely kid,” he said. “I think it’s a hard call.”
The Public Guardian has given the couple a couple of options, both involving hiring a lawyer: a court order declaring her competent to be married or an order that terminates the Guardian’s role altogether.
So now the couple is reassessing.
(“Reassessing” might be code word for the guy looking for another quick wife?)
“This has caused a lot of stress and anxiety but Yona can see that I’ve been able to cope with it and manage,” said Sherry. ”I love Yona very much. I tried to tell them that.”
Brachfeld feels strongly that she needs to speak up for other disabled people, who are so often treated differently.
(Oh gosh - is it NOT FAIR to treat people differently if they have brain damage and are unable to care properly for themselves?)
“I’m doing this for myself and for all the people out there who are not able to speak for themselves.”
(Uh huh - sounds like the poverty pimps and social justice radicals have been coaching her!)