8 ways to control the people (Liberal Playbook)

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
He's long gone. So what's holding up the healthcare issue now? Trump's lack of a decent plan. "Who knew it could be so complicated?"

Again, Congress has a part to play as well and they refuse to work with Trump so that's what you get - NOTHING!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Babble on, Wacko.

AH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The standard "WACKO" LIE-beral response when LIE-beral propaganda FAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poor burned out Ember is NOT EVEN ORIGINAL in her thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was the Soviet Union who pioneered the habit of dismissing opponents as "wacko"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it was Soviets who locked up opponents and TORTURED THEM in Insane Asylums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes - Burned out Ember does a FINE JOB of revealing the VILE Soviet Dictator behind the LIE-beral face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Most? A lot? But the rest can go bankrupt, right? How is that being comprehensive about protecting your citizenry?

NVMD, they're rhetorical questions.

POOR BURNED OUT EMBER has NOT NOTICED that people working several part time jobs

GENERALLY GET NO BENEFITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


so they CANNOT BUY WHAT THEY NEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cdns are fairing better than Yankees thansk to our got health care but its going to cause MAJOR TROUBLE DOWN THE LINE!!!!!!!!


AND INCREASED HEALTH NEEDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is another article explaining how LIE-beral policy is failing across the board. With some comments of my own in brackets):

EDITORIAL: Toronto can't solve homeless crisis on its own

From Postmedia News. Published: January 6, 2018/ Updated: January 6, 2018 7:51 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Editorials

Toronto’s chronic inability to deal with its homeless problem isn’t just the result of administrative screw-ups at City Hall.

(OH REALLY? Toronto is most generous with offers to the homeless- with homeless people gravitating to the city for the better handouts! Toronto LIE-berals follow standard protocol- they BUY votes by hiring civil service union Hogs to “manage” the homeless “crisis” -meaning they make the “crisis” look as big and important and costly as possible so LIE-berals will have an excuse to dump even more money into the pot and BUY more votes! Shameless LIE-berals have given up hope of attracting enough Cdn homeless and are now encouraging illegals to come here from United States so the homeless crisis can be expanded and MORE Hogs be hire and more votes be bought in a frantic attempt to support the ever more unpopular LIE-beral cause! One employed Cdn in three works for govt and that is not enough to overcome the increasing HATE of the other two thirds!)

They were on display last week as city bureaucrats couldn’t provide correct information on which city shelters were full and which still had beds available in the middle of a bitter cold snap.

(City staff have LONG been in denial about the public interest in just how many beds are used on any given night- with staff adamant they WILL NOT keep such statistics! Poverty pimps WANT surplus beds at all shelters in order to “serve” the homeless better. On reason poverty pimps scorned the use of CNE buildings as emergency shelters- even though the buildings are sitting empty and unused is because they are not convenient for homeless people! You cannot panhandle on CNE grounds in winter because there is NOBODY there! A wise pan handler needs to get to the theatre or financial district- a long cold hike away from CNE grounds!)

(IN addition, an observant member of the public will note that homeless people NEED to get into populated areas in order to buy their drugs of choice and this is hard to do in deserted CNE territory! So homeless people need to move around for their quality of life and are often unable- too cold or too stoned or too drunk- to make the long trek to an isolated shelter at the CNE! Homeless people also like junk food as much as the rest of us and how will they buy their treats- with their panhandled cash if they are isolated at CNE? No, poverty pimps will insist that homeless NEED to be mobile for reasons the poverty pimps do not want to discuss!)

As a result, Mayor John Tory reversed course and agreed to opening up the city’s Moss Park Armoury as a winter respite centre, an idea he had rejected, based on the advice of city staff, just days before.

(Tory is a craven coward focussed entirely on getting re-elected and he has decided that sucking up to Muslims and Black Lives Matter bigots is good for him! Hence his enthusiasm for the Toronto “Sanctuary City” garbage policy and his unwillingness to explain WHY there has been a 30 percent jump in the number of people using homeless shelters this year. After all, the majority of Cdns are unhappy with Muslim immigration and are also hoping that the tens of thousands of illegals that have come here will be swiftly deported! While we call illegals “trespassers and gate crashers” , our LIE-beral overlords call them future LIE-beral party supporters! Tory and his ilk do not want to discuss how little real ability most of the illegals actually have to survive here without MASSIVE LIE-beral aid- hence there is NO talk of how many illegals are in the homeless shelters as it might lose votes for LIE-beral minded political twits!)

That said, Tory was correct in noting there are larger issues contributing to Toronto’s homelessness problem that the municipal government cannot solve on its own.

(Yes- the city has no control over immigration- not that they would change anything if they did have control- they just like having somebody else to blame when angry tax payers rage at them!)

First, there are 181,000 people on the waiting list for affordable housing in Toronto, which will never be addressed without intervention by the provincial and federal governments.

(Again, LIE-berals do not want to discuss how many of those seeking aid are people who should NOT have been allowed into Canada in the first place! LIE-berals routinely undo any legislation made by other parties that tightens immigration rules- with the current rules- under Our idiot Boy Justin now more lax than ever before! Nor do LIE-bera;s wish to discuss how badly our savings- such as they are- are being hit by LIE-beral meddling with interest rates! Our property taxes are set to go up 2.9 percent this year- without factoring in how much we will get hit by the increased market value of our homes- yet a sharp eyed shopper can get a maximum of about 0.8 percent interest on a bank savings account and MAY get as much as 1.4 percent on a bond- our money is DEVALUING as we speak- thanks to govt “inflation” and govt debts and govt meddling with interest rates! And yet they wonder why we wont save for our old age? HAHAHAHAHA!)

Second, many of the people in Toronto’s emergency shelter system are refugees, and yet Ottawa continues to set immigration policy in the absence of any meaningful input from Toronto’s municipal government.

(AS we have said- city leaders DO NOT want to provide input- they LIKE things as they are- except they want other levels of govt to gather money to be given- no strings attached- to city leaders- it’s a great deal- on set of leaders takes the hit for high taxes and another set of leaders gets to use the tax to buy vote for themselves! Is it any wonder that federal Hogs are not responding to Jackass Tory?)

This despite the fact the vast majority of refugees who come to Canada end up in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver.

(Federal politicians know that City of Toronto already gets TEN TIMES MORE in transfer payments from the province than other Ontari-owe municipalities can hope for! Toronto greed is a fiscal black hole that federal LIE-berals see NO reason to try to fill! NO politician will take that popularity hit by raising taxes so that another level of govt can go on a vote buying spending spree!)

Third, the hard core homeless living on Toronto’s streets cannot be legally compelled to come in from the cold, even when their lives are in danger.

(Ontari-owe LIE-berals have increased the education budget FIFTY percent FASTER than health care budget even as numbers of students drop and numbers of aged people seeking medical aid INCREASE! LIE-berals have made their choices regarding the best places to buy votes! And the crazy homeless types are not reliable LIE-beral supporters anyway so screw them!)

While this is done to protect their rights, the consequence is that no matter how many shelter beds the city provides, we will never get all of the hard core homeless into emergency shelters.

(Homeless shelters are a very last resort for many due to theft and violence and bedbugs etc.)

This leads us to the fourth and largest issue identified by Tory in his remarks last week in the middle of the homeless shelter controversy.

That is that mental illness is a huge problem when it comes to addressing the issue of homelessness effectively, and again, it’s one the city cannot solve on its own.

Ontario’s ongoing mental health crisis is the root cause of much of the homelessness we see on our streets.

(And LIE-beral refusal to deal with either the mentally ill or the loopholes in our immigration policy are at the heart of the homeless so called “crisis”!)

This will not change as long as treatment and community supports for the mentally ill and their families are lacking.

(WE START by getting rid of LIE-berals and their twisted set of values!)

Not only does this contribute to homelessness, it is also the root cause of many of the fatal confrontations between police and the mentally ill.

As retired Supreme Court judge Frank Iacobucci concluded in his review of Toronto police use of force guidelines in 2014: “The effective functioning of the mental health system is essential as a means of preventing people from finding themselves in crisis in the first place. There will not be great improvements in police encounters with people in crisis, without the participation of … municipal, provincial and federal governments because … they are part of the problem and need to be involved in the solution.”

Sadly, there will also not be great improvements in finding permanent housing for the mentally ill, until that happens.

(Our nation is stony broke- with an ongoing fight between LIE-berals and others regarding what to do with the last of our money- does it go to civil service union Hog pensions or to dealing with mentally ill people who need keepers for their own protection? LIE-berals have shown us THEIR priorities!)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Most? A lot? But the rest can go bankrupt, right? How is that being comprehensive about protecting your citizenry?

NVMD, they're rhetorical questions.
I didn’t say it was a perfect system , I said most Americans aren’t behind changing what works very well for them . A stronger economy and higher wages and competitive market place will provide more people with ample coverage . When and if the political class comes up with a system that retains the fine coverage most have while providing coverage for un and under insured the American people will support it . They will not support the waiting lists and high taxation Canadians enjoy .


Council Member
Aug 31, 2019
Kootenays BC
My, my you are being facetious because what you have stated is exactly the opposite of what I said but hey, that's par for the course. Everything good that Trump has done isn't good enough I guess. Wages are higher, more people working, signed some trade deals - and pray tell can you tell me what the Democrats have done for their country in the last 3 years.

I will be the first to admit that Trump isn't perfect, but he's the best the Americans have at present and considering what he's been up against, he's doing a damn fine job. Guess we agree to disagree huh?
So you are essentially saying only Congress screws up but Trump only does good. uhuh BS
And maybe it isn't that the Dems refuse to work with Trump, but the other way around. And why does McConnell refuse any Democrat bill that protects America from Russian interference, as well as other bills that would be beneficial?

Your Trumpling talking points don't go far:
Wages are higher? The nedian is 2.9%, inflation for 2019 was 2.3% and there were higher costs for goods in 2019 because of Trump's asinine tariff wars so higher wages means nothing.
More people working? At low end jobs, plus more people needing to work multiple jobs to make ends meet, and purchasing power has stagnated.
Signed some trade deals? Deals like he made with NoKo where he said they'd quit testing nukes? Oh, gee, wasn't that a good deal? lol

What have the dems done? You mean besides having any of their good bills squashed by McConnell?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
So you are essentially saying only Congress screws up but Trump only does good. uhuh BS
And maybe it isn't that the Dems refuse to work with Trump, but the other way around. And why does McConnell refuse any Democrat bill that protects America from Russian interference, as well as other bills that would be beneficial?

Your Trumpling talking points don't go far:
Wages are higher? The nedian is 2.9%, inflation for 2019 was 2.3% and there were higher costs for goods in 2019 because of Trump's asinine tariff wars so higher wages means nothing.
More people working? At low end jobs, plus more people needing to work multiple jobs to make ends meet, and purchasing power has stagnated.
Signed some trade deals? Deals like he made with NoKo where he said they'd quit testing nukes? Oh, gee, wasn't that a good deal? lol

What have the dems done? You mean besides having any of their good bills squashed by McConnell?

POOR burned out Ember!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She wants to talk about Yankee govt because the Cdn version is a MUCH BIGGER MESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Council Member
Aug 31, 2019
Kootenays BC
I didn’t say it was a perfect system , I said most Americans aren’t behind changing what works very well for them . A stronger economy and higher wages and competitive market place will provide more people with ample coverage . When and if the political class comes up with a system that retains the fine coverage most have while providing coverage for un and under insured the American people will support it . They will not support the waiting lists and high taxation Canadians enjoy .
Of course it isn't perfect. It created more holes that average people would fall through than Obama's complicated mess did.
Trump got rid of CHIP and didn't replace it so millions of kids are worse off than they ever were, he repealed ACA and a lot of healthy people dropped coverages so insurance companies raised premiums for the rest, drug prices haven't dropped on average, he stopped reimbursing insurers who waived costs for low-income people, etc.


Council Member
Aug 31, 2019
Kootenays BC
POOR burned out Ember!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She wants to talk about Yankee govt because the Cdn version is a MUCH BIGGER MESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually, that is fact. I gave up on Canada's two main political parties long ago, under Brian Bullroney. Hrper was the only one I had much positive to mention.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Of course it isn't perfect. It created more holes that average people would fall through than Obama's complicated mess did.
Trump got rid of CHIP and didn't replace it so millions of kids are worse off than they ever were, he repealed ACA and a lot of healthy people dropped coverages so insurance companies raised premiums for the rest, drug prices haven't dropped on average, he stopped reimbursing insurers who waived costs for low-income people, etc.
Again you miss my point , and keep telling me how bad Trump and Republicans are . The American public will not support huge tax increases .


Council Member
Aug 31, 2019
Kootenays BC
Again you miss my point , and keep telling me how bad Trump and Republicans are . The American public will not support huge tax increases .
No, I didn't. I avoided it because it states the simple-minded obvious. I can't think of ANY public that would WANT high taxes.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
No, I didn't. I avoided it because it states the simple-minded obvious. I can't think of ANY public that would WANT high taxes.
Canadians vote for them as the results from our last federal election showed . I believe one of the issues was the carbon Tax .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
No, I didn't. I avoided it because it states the simple-minded obvious. I can't think of ANY public that would WANT high taxes.
Which creates a conundrum. People that work and pay taxes don't want and can't afford more taxes yet virtually everyone wants more free services from te government.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Just in case you are interested there is some realistic priced property on some of the islands. No jobs though.
Yea I know the Islands pretty well . Beautiful area but don’t care for the ferries on a regular basis .