$1.70 a litre in BC


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
'Sitting on the side of the road': Lineups for trucks at Regina Co-op refinery pickets concern industry

I hope these small business owners sue Unifor for loss of profits and reimburse wages lost waiting in line due to the strike.

NOT A HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There were established rules for picketers..........................

so they "may supply information" regarding the need for the strike............................

to those who wish to enter the facility!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But LIE-berals LONG AGO NEUTERED and rendered impotent............................

all such laws of that sort that were supposed to limit the amount of interference strikers could offer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a degree of sympathy for union workers in the private sector...........................

think of Sears employees or the employees at the Ontari-owe Locomotive factory owned by a Yankee parent company.......................

and the company had its BEST YEAR EVER - thanks in part to its Ontari-owe workers................................

and the management turned and demanded a FIFTY PERCENT PAY CUT from its Ontari-owe workers or the jobs would all be sent

off to non union workers in Indiana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or the fibreglass insulation plant in Markham Ontari-owe that was bought by Dow Chemicals and they planned to shut the old place

down because it was OLD and apparently inefficient because it was so small!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And last I heard it was still open because the workers there did such a fine job that Dow relented and saved the place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or look at the Oshawa General Motors plant whose workers routinely won best honours for quality and safety.........................

and they are all on the unemployment line due to politics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There MUST BE a happy medium some place between union greed and management selfishness.......................

and the SHAMELESS VOTE BUYING OF LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And its to bad to many of our leaders do NOT SEE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals long ago chose to suck up to the most powerful unions - meaning the ones with a MONOPOLY ...............................

or a NEAR MONOPOLY that gives them UNFAIR POWER over ordinary people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals LOVE sucking up to HOG unions in exchange for HOG votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that lust for power and gravy at any price is messing up the country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Yes - as I have suggested at various times............................

public patience with union HOGS is wearing thin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-beral judges KNOW THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hence the reluctance to allow unrestricted UNIFOR bullying at this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is one of the FEW VIRTUES of our minority govt that LIE-berals are becoming a LITTLE MORE CIRCUMSPECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And just look at our Ontari-owe teacher HOGS dancing around their strike mandate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I suggest it is highly unlikely we will see a full scale teacher strike in Ontari-owe......................

UNTIL SPRING and the return of warmer weather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That way picketing strikers can bask in the warm weather all week.................................

and then head off to open up their summer homes and do maintenance as necessary on weekends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE BIG QUESTION IS THIS:::::::::::::::::::::::

"Will Ford TOLERATE school boards CONTINUING TO ISSUE PAY CHEQUES............................

to striking teachers as LIE-berals did"???????????????


The private sector DOES NOT CONTINUE to collect pay

while ON STRIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And will school boards whine about administrative costs .......

and attack Ford if he does order that strikers NOT RECEIVE



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Damn those Conservative stacked Provincial Courts.

Have you seen the price of diesel? It goes up Jan 1 as the 70,000 commercial ships moving goods and harvesting food are mandated by a Global Government you had absolutely no vote in to abandon bunker fuel for diesel.

All hail the Climate Empire or be excommunicated!
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The Ontario Teacher's Federation is legendary.
That it is. If for nothing more than it's union breaking activity. When the Ontariowe teachers pension plan bought something like 30% interest in TimberWest the first thing they instigated was firing all the company union loggers and replacing them with non union contractors. Then they closed all the company union operated sawmills and sold all their timber to US mills.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Damn those Conservative stacked Provincial Courts.
Have you seen the price of diesel? It goes up Jan 1 as the 70,000 commercial ships moving goods and harvesting food are mandated by a Global Government you had absolutely no vote in to abandon bunker fuel for diesel.
All hail the Climate Empire or be excommunicated!
Globullists should be executed.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Damn those Conservative stacked Provincial Courts.

Have you seen the price of diesel? It goes up Jan 1 as the 70,000 commercial ships moving goods and harvesting food are mandated by a Global Government you had absolutely no vote in to abandon bunker fuel for diesel.

All hail the Climate Empire or be excommunicated!

Oh now that statement is not entirely fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is my understanding that a good many cargo ships from third world nations...................

and apparently the majority of the worlds cargo ships are flagged from third world countries...........................

use the CHEAPEST and most sulfur laced and most contaminated oil they can find!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To reduce their operating costs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There seems nothing intrinsically wrong with setting a modest minimum standard for cargo ship pollution levels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After all we have imposed pollution and noise controls on aircraft entering our spaces..................................

and we have imposed rules on ships dumping ballast water inside our maritime areas...........................

to control the entry of invasive species!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The idea of having everybody play by some half decent rules does not sound like the start of WW3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But of course it is possible the DEVIL is in the details!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thus far your argument about an "un-elected world govt" is WEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Happens a lot when you get old. I think the one Petros is looking for is 5 or 6 years ago maybe more. It is kind of there but not quite. Probably because I don't know what most people do for a living.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

WHAT A SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have now been made aware of yet ANOTHER..................................

union HOG ENTITLEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our union HOGS are SO ENTITLED they will even defend a CHILD MOLESTER as the article below indicates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I find it utterly amazing how far civil service Hogs will go to `D` anything they do not approve of? That is-they will dismiss, delay, deny, delude, disengage, deride any fact or situation they don’t like or find embarrassing! This is why they are so determined to present drunken imbecile-and Hog union boy Stan Kabel as the ONLY villain in the Walkerton water disaster in which SEVEN people DIED! Hogs are so dedicated to dismissing the uncomfortable truth they wont discuss how many people did die and wont discuss how many ended up on kidney dialysis either thanks to an unholy alliance of drunken union goons and chicken shit Walkerton politicians trying to hang on to their gravy train seats by AVOIDING ANY confrontation with drunken union goons!

Hog determination to dismiss the disaster as an exception accidentally engineered by one man is so great they will EDIT the truth and omit critical facts such as just how often Kabel `forgot`-as Hogs put it-to reload chlorine into water purification machinery. Hogs will NOT admit that Kabel neglected to refill or REPAIR MULTIPLE chlorinators on MULTIPLE occasions! Nor will they discuss how often Kabel submitted FAKE water samples to hide how infrequently he was really doing his job! Hogs will not admit that Walkerton council hired Kabel as head of the water department due to his `good old boy` ties as his properly licensed FATHER had the job before him-Walkerton council KNEW son Stan was NOT licensed to operate the system but hey-Stan was a good union Boy-and being unlicensed he could be had cheap- so he got the job! And of course once Stan became an alcoholic-and led the rest of the water dept down that same alcohol laced road, council circled the wagons and began to `D` things! There is NO FACT that Hogs are not comfortable to quickly `omit` from the record!

So much for Hog `D`ing of Walkerton. Today we have a nice little story out of the Toronto history books and as usual I have added some comments of my own in brackets). On January 15, 2004, Toronto Sun writer Sue-Ann Levy wrote a column about `Absurd` union tactics and I have summarized her column below-lets see what sort of `D`s we get from Hogs this time around:

After SEVEN YEARS of legal wrangling-right up to the supreme Court of Canada, CUPE Local 79 lost its bid to reinstate a male union worker convicted of sex assault on a boy in his supervision.

Toronto Sun writer Sue-Ann Levy told us on January 15, 2004: That a city recreation instructor at the McCormack community centre in Toronto committed a series of sexual assaults over a period of years-starting when the boy was nine years old and ending when he was twelve-due to the worker being ARRESTED for pedophilia!

The worker was tried, convicted, and served his prison sentence. Once released the convicted pedophile made it clear he wanted his old job back but instead the City fired him! For reasons that are obvious to an ordinary person but incomprehensible to a Hog, the City was not willing to let him come back to any City facility that might have kids in it; so CUPE 79 launched a grievance against the City-alleging unjust dismissal.

The grievance went to arbitration and in a decision worthy of Kafka the arbitrator ordered the city to re-hire the worker. The arbitrator wrote this about the case ”the criminal conviction was NOT conclusive proof of the employees guilt....that the employee did not commit the acts alleged”.

The arbitrator ordered the worker re-hired in 1998 and George Monteith was city director of employment law at the time and he is quoted by Levy stating: “we have been in court ever since”. Meaning the matter has been argued through the courts from 1998 up to 2004! Monteith went on to say that THIRTEEN JUDGES at various judicial levels ALL over-ruled the arbitrator. Monteith also claimed that the cost to the city for outside counsel for this case-that is-lawyers not already working on retainer for the city-cost approximately $145,000.00! (I point out there would of course be additional costs-in the THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS- for the earlier arbitration efforts.)

Ann Dembinski was CUPE president at the time and “was on holiday” when the final judgement by the Supreme Court was made, but others at CUPE headquarters refused to comment on what they described as a “precedent setting case” as they had not yet reviewed the latest judgement.

City director of employment law George Monteith pointed out that “in fairness, they (meaning the union) have an obligation to provide fair representation to their members”!

(But an ordinary person will ask: at what point does `FAIR` dissolve into insanity? JUST HOW HUGE would be the damages levied against the city if they re-hired a convicted pedophile and he then proceeded to molest ANOTHER child on city property? And just how could city officials look the public in the eyes after allowing such a travesty of justice to occur?)

Levy then obtained this information from Bill Adams, city director of employee and labour relations- that as of January 2004 : ”there are 2,603 union driven grievances under way” and that “some of them involve employees convicted of criminal theft from the city”. But there is some good news-Levy was told by Adams that there were 3120 grievances at the same time period the previous year! (I say a drop from 3120 to 2603 is a nice reduction in the level of union madness!) Adams also explained that it costs $3,000.00 per DAY to fight a grievance at the arbitration stage-with the average `case` running about 12 days-and of course going to court would escalate the costs dramatically!

Adams also admitted that although none of the 2004 grievances were as serious as the pedophile case, he did admit that a number of those 2.603 grievances involved city workers CONVICTED of criminal THEFT of city property.

(I ask: WHY would unions think it would be morally right to FORCE the city to RE-HIRE criminals CONVICTED of theft of city property? Apparently union chiefs like the idea of having a `desperate` work force to manage-in other words the most dedicate and loyal union Hogs are those who cannot survive without the union and who owe the union leaders BIG favours!)

(From all this a cynical tax payer may easily conclude that the convenience of union members trumps any need for public safety/concern for child welfare or respect of tax payers money-but what else can we expect from a pack of Hogs who think they are entitled to the WORLD ON A PLATTER-delivered steaming hot to THEIR gravy train!)

(It will be interesting to see how Hogs `D` this story. Certainly they showed no shame over Walkerton-they insist that it is the fault of Mike Harris in spite of all the pieces of the disaster being put into place LONG before he appeared on the political scene. And of course the province had NO authority over Walkerton water dept or of the local union and Harris certainly had no legal right to fire Stan Kabel as Hogs `d`-mand that he should have.)

(Of course one has to ask if Hogs were so determined that somebody FIRE Stan Kabel then why didn’t they blame LIE-beral Jean Chretien for not stepping in? Why just Harris-and of course we know its because Chretien was a LIE-beral dispensing Hog gravy and Harris had pissed off Hogs by pinching pennies and limiting their gravy!)

(And speaking of Hogs `D`ing things-why don’t we ask just how it was that murderous drunk Stan Kabel KEPT his good union Hog status AFTER the Walkerton disaster and once the furor died down he got ANOTHER nice Hog job in a nearby municipality installing traffic signals! Come on now-which of you Hogs wants to step forward and explain which union executives and which local politicians thought it was a good idea to RE-HIRE Kabel?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Five 2020 Energy Predictions: Solar Surge, Coal Crash, Gas Exorcism, Clean Energy Incentives, Public Mobilization

2019 may have been the year clean energy irreversibly turned a corner toward dominance in the United States. After all, who could have foreseen last January that America would realize existing coal can’t compete against new renewables, see new solar-plus-storage beat new natural gas generation on price, have 13 states and territories committed to 100% clean electricity, or envision a path to nationwide net zero emissions?



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Five 2020 Energy Predictions: Solar Surge, Coal Crash, Gas Exorcism, Clean Energy Incentives, Public Mobilization

2019 may have been the year clean energy irreversibly turned a corner toward dominance in the United States. After all, who could have foreseen last January that America would realize existing coal can’t compete against new renewables, see new solar-plus-storage beat new natural gas generation on price, have 13 states and territories committed to 100% clean electricity, or envision a path to nationwide net zero emissions?




FOR HIS ILLUSIONS AND DELUSIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will Cdn tax payers ACCEPT SUCH A HUGE MEDICAL BILL..................................

just to try to save some shreds of sanity from a confirmed lunatic????????????????????????????

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
That must be why Germany, India and Chinaare building coal fired generators. Just because it costs more.
You are truly stupid.

Maybe when India and China provide huge subsidies to solar/wind, they might have a chance at being economical and cost competitive.... i won't be holding out on the subsidies happening any time soon, or, ever