Sin tax that gives you a government discount might be a hit. (hookers and booze and pot, hookers are not shipped, sex robots are though)Not nearly the money maker an online RezHardware store would make. The server has to be located there as well as having enough goods to satisfy the local demand otherwise Canada Post can take delivery at the warehouse that serves Canada. Pizza by drone would not be as in demand as a pallet of cement moved up the slope of a mountain so the natural terrain stays that way. The owner would chopper in and out of the fortress (or zip-line). On the ranch it would monitor crops as wells delivering 'meds' to the plants or the herds at the watering hole or by dart-gun.Every single Albertan will pay higher provincial taxes as Kenney has not indexed tax brackets. This is a $600 million tax increase.
Vehicle registration and recreational vehicle registration fees are increasing.
Municipal taxes will increase to cover lower transfers from the province.
New fees on tourism levies – like hotel rooms and Airbnb accommodations.
Increased tobacco and vaping taxes.
Jason Kenney - Another pretend conservative
Every single Albertan will pay higher provincial taxes as Kenney has not indexed tax brackets. This is a $600 million tax increase.
Vehicle registration and recreational vehicle registration fees are increasing.
Municipal taxes will increase to cover lower transfers from the province.
New fees on tourism levies – like hotel rooms and Airbnb accommodations.
Increased tobacco and vaping taxes.
Jason Kenney - Another pretend conservative
Maybe, he's another anti-science Bible thumper.Elimination of the scientific research and experimental development credit
Removal of the interactive digital media credit, which targeted job creation in software design.
Kenney is afraid to technology
I doubt that he likes the mayor of Calgary.Broken explicit platform promise to maintain the city charter with Edmonton & Calgary and the funding arrangements included it in.
Cuts grants in lieu of property tax on its buildings, meaning a cut to municipal funding.
Kenney undermines municipalities
I doubt that he likes the mayor of Calgary.
Have the referendum that sins of the past Government can be undone singularity or in a group and make 1948 the effective date for how far back the UN courts would be willing to go back. Having Judges from 3rd world countries would help the case arrive at the correct verdict and award the correct damages. Collective means 'Jane Doe' and anybody missing completely. Lacking proof a high number is chosen instead of the lowest. The money taken from the rich and given to the poor still belongs to the same bank. Who they favor has changed and they do not like competition, or 'a potential witnesses against them'.Since equalization was created (in 1957), Alberta has received 0.02% of all payments, the last of which was in 1964-1965. In contrast, Quebec has received equalization money every year of the program, totalling 221 billion dollars or 51 per cent of all payments.
No it would not affect Alberta as you say above..
However, even if we had a referendum transfer payments are protected in the 1982 Constitution so it can’t suddenly be axed.
Can Kenney be any worse than Rachel Notley?
As an Albertan I'm past being angry at Eastern Canada. Alberta and Saskatchewan have such different views on how we should develope and benefit from our resources I don't think there can ever be a reconciliation. The first goal of any marriage is to try and make it work, but when it becomes apparent that it will never work it is time to end it to stop the fighting. We are at that stage here in the west. It is definitely time to end the relationship and find alternatives.
And this not just because of this last election. This is due to yrs and yrs of east vs west. We think so much different and quite frankly they have NO respect for us and DONT care . We are more similar to western US. Sad but true..
It time for a referendum in Alberta 1. To stop equalization payments, 2. To see how many Albertans would want to join the USA as the 51st State..
Enough talk, hold a referendum NOW!!
Jason Kenney says he will balance the budget by 2023 – the exact same timeline the Notley NDP government was working toward without all the cuts. Under Kenney – the budget deficit is expected to increase by $2 billion next year!
Of course he can. He’s a pretend conservative
"Of course he can. He’s a pretend conservative"...……………..Oh, just like you!![]()