The winter here in Regina,SK was the fourth coldest since they started keeping records. My starter
finally piled up on my little car on the fourth day of consecutive -50+C weather with the wind chill.
Couldn't get my car into a shop for a couple of more days (every shop was too busy) so I walked
back and forth to work. That snap lasted over a week. Dexter Sinister is in the same town as me.
He can verify this.
This summer (here anyway) was much cooler than the last several. Didn't need the air conditioner
at all this year. Does this say anything one way or the other about global warming? Nope.
I remember almost all summers from the '70's into the '90's that where much warmer than this
one that just passed. Does this say anything one way or the other about global warming? Nope.
I don't remember a winter colder than this last one (here, anyway). Does this say anything one
way or the other about global warming? Nope. The early '70's had much more snow (here)
than the last 35 years or so. Does this say anything one way or the other about global warming?
I don't know.
The City of Regina could be one of those isolated pockets that defy the logic of Global Warming
though. I've heard that Saskatchewan is always 30yrs behind the rest of Canada. We can have
booze or strippers, but not both in the same place. We haven't gotten back on the daylight
savings thing for decades. Maybe in a few decades when the rest of the world is baking
in the sun, and the coastal cities are under several feet of water, Saskatchewan will catch
up and notice the effects that don't seem to be here yet. I think we might have been one
of the last places in Canada (if not the last) to be able to buy beer in cans.