Tired of the winters? Come to Florida!


New Member
Aug 29, 2019
We have a nice condo for sale. Please visit: SPAM Real Estate Site Removed

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New Member
Aug 29, 2019
Didn't you know with globull warming in effect we have winter vacation spots on the Arctic Ocean.

Yea, right. And Florida will turn into a barren flooded swampland, full of alligators and python snakes.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Some people may think winters suck but they beat the hell of out hurricanes and sink holes. I've lived in places that have some pretty gnarly winters and yet I've never had to abandon my home, even temporarily, because of a snow storm.


New Member
Aug 29, 2019
It's in the Bahamas and it hasn't reached Florida yet, "dumbass".


I am way south of where the hurricane is. And it will not make land in Florida. They are predicting Georgia/S. Carolina..

But I digress. I would much rather put up with the hurricane threats than cold winters up north. If that's what you like...great!
I was born and raised in Chicago. I know what bad weather is. Been through the times when the entire city was closed down!
Been through many 30-80 below zero wind-chills. You can have them.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
I would rather live just about anywhere rather than Florida

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
To each his own....
I have in-laws down in Floriduh. Their grandfather moved them down there from Canada to help build Mercury Gemini and Apollo with Nasa, Half of my wife's family stayed in Florida (because the winters are cold, here) and half returned to Canada. The ones that stayed on Florida have had violence, crime and misfortune visited on them over and over. Most recently, a year ago, my wife's niece died a horrible, violent death under extremely suspicious circumstances that only got the most cursory and superficial police investigation (Yes, they are White) near Jacksonville.

I will also mention that, comparing notes, they receive noticably inferior Heath care in Florida that costs a lot and delivers an interior product (a country-wide phenomenon, likely).

The lucky ones came back to Canada and the unlucky ones stayed where it's warm.

To each his own.

I do pity you.


New Member
Aug 29, 2019
I have in-laws down in Floriduh. Their grandfather moved them down there from Canada to help build Mercury Gemini and Apollo with Nasa, Half of my wife's family stayed in Florida (because the winters are cold, here) and half returned to Canada. The ones that stayed on Florida have had violence, crime and misfortune visited on them over and over. Most recently, a year ago, my wife's niece died a horrible, violent death under extremely suspicious circumstances that only got the most cursory and superficial police investigation (Yes, they are White) near Jacksonville.

I will also mention that, comparing notes, they receive noticably inferior Heath care in Florida that costs a lot and delivers an interior product (a country-wide phenomenon, likely).

The lucky ones came back to Canada and the unlucky ones stayed where it's warm.

To each his own.

I do pity you.

No reason to pity me. We love it here. Sure there is some violence. Mostly drug related. But it's much better here than say...Chicago. We live in a gated community so no violence where we live. We will be moving into a brand new community at the end of this month. It's gated too. Our health care is sufficient for our needs. As for pity....I offer that to the homeless in Canada, especially during the winters.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
No reason to pity me. We love it here. Sure there is some violence. Mostly drug related. But it's much better here than say...Chicago. We live in a gated community so no violence where we live. We will be moving into a brand new community at the end of this month. It's gated too. Our health care is sufficient for our needs. As for pity....I offer that to the homeless in Canada, especially during the winters.
You clearly don't know what it's like up here in a progressive, modern country.


New Member
Aug 29, 2019
A progressive modern country? You appear to be throwing politics into this discussion. I am strictly talking about weather. Why are there a lot of Canadians here during the Winter? I see a ton of Ontario license plates driving around in the winter months?


New Member
Aug 29, 2019
In fact, the condo right next to me is owned by multiple family members from the U.K. as well as Canada. They visit multiple times a year.