Great knowledge in this great soora 48

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
First of all listen to this beautiful recitation which will touch every heart that is not arrogant:

And here is the explanation of this wonderful soora which is translated from the Arabic interpretation by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly

Soora 48

(In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)

(1. We have opened for you [Mohammed, by means of the Hudaybiyyah truce] a manifest gate [for entering into the Islam, so that people may convert in large numbers.] a)

1 a Which is the truce between the Prophet and the associaters on the day of the Hudaybiyyah. It was a victory without fighting, and by means of that truce the associaters mixed with the Muslims, listened to their words and the Islam went into their hearts, and a large number of people embraced the Islam within three years, and so the general population of Muslims increased.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
(Quran 48: 2. That God may forgive you [Mohammed, both] your past and new sins b, and complete His grace on you c, and guide you onto a straight way d.

3. And that God may help you with a mighty help [against your enemies.])

2 b i.e. the old and new sins.

The Prophet considered himself sinful and neglecting about the delivering of the message and propagating the call to the Islam; particularly when His saying – be glorified – was revealed in the Quran 5: 67, which means:

(O messenger, convey [to your people] what has been revealed to you from your Lord [but fear not;]

if you do it not, then you will not have conveyed His message [to people.]

Therefore, he considered himself neglecting, so he was embarrassed and depressed on account of this.

So His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 7: 2 was revealed:

([Mohammed, recite this] Book [: the Quran] revealed to you, and let there be no embarrassment in your breast as to it[s conveyance.])

It means: We will forgive you some of your neglect in the conveying and propagating the call, so let there be no embarrassment in your breast about that.

2 c By continuing the revelation of the sooras and ayat until the Quran is complete.

The indication of this is His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 5: 3, which means:

(Today I have perfected your religion for you and completed My favor to you, and chosen for you, as religion, the Islam.)

2 d Which is the Islam religion: the religion of monotheism [or the exclusive devotion to God alone], in order that you may move on it and do not deviate from it.

The indication of this is His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 36: 3-4, which means:

(Surely, you [Mohammed] are one of the messengers. [Following] on a standard way.)

It means: on a straight way in which there is not any crookedness; it is the religion of monotheism [or the exclusive devotion to God alone], which does not incline: neither to Jews who worshipped the idols, nor to Christians who worshipped the Cross and the statue of Mary.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
(Quran 48: 4. It is [God] Who sent down the 'tranquility and quieting' into the hearts of the believers; that they might have more ‘certainty of belief’ in addition to their ‘certainty of belief’; for to God belong the hosts of the heavens and the earth; God is All-Knowing, Most Wise.

5. That He may admit [after death] the believers, men and women alike, into Gardens underneath [the trees of] which rivers flow; therein to dwell forever, and conceal their bad deeds [from the sight of souls]; that [admission, in the ethereal heavens] is in God's sight a mighty triumph.

6. And that [God] may chastise [after death] the hypocrites (men and women), and the associaters (men and women): those who think about God evil thoughts; against them shall be the evil turn of fortune, and moreover the wrath of God is against them, and He has cursed them, and has prepared Hell for [punishing] them –– evil is [Hell] for a destination [in the Next Life.]

7. To God belong the hosts of the heavens and the earth; God is All-Mighty, Most Wise.)

More explanation in the link:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Quran 48: 8-10, which mean:
(8. [O prophet,] We have sent you as a witness [of your people],
a bearer of glad tidings [of Paradise for those who believe]
and a warner [of punishment for those who disbelieve.]

[Then God – be glorified - explained about the purpose of such ‘sending’ [of the Prophet], and He said:]
9. That you may believe in God and His messenger, and support [the messenger with words and action], and reverence God, and that you may celebrate His praises [always] early and late in the day.

10. Surely, those who swear allegiance to you [Mohammed], swear allegiance only to God [because it is He Who has sent you.]
The [surplus-] hand of God is above their [surplus-] hands
So whosoever [afterwards] breaks his oath, breaks it only to his soul's hurt; while whosoever keeps his covenant with God, on him will He bestow immense reward [in the Next Life.])

More explanation is in the link:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Quran 48: 11-14, which mean:
(11. Those rural Arabs [round about the Medina city], who were left behind [and did not go with you], will say to you [Mohammed, when you will return from Hudaybiyyah]:
"Our possessions and families distracted us [from going forth with you]; so ask [God’s] forgiveness for us!"
They say with their tongues that which is not in their hearts.

Say [to them]: "Who then can avail you anything against God, if He desires harm for you [even when you are at your homes], or if He desires profit for you [even when you are in war]?"
But God is Well-acquainted of all that you do [so He informs us about your secrets and acts.]

12. But you deemed that the messenger and the believers would never return to their families [once again, and they all would be killed and taken captives],
and [by Satan] this was made fair-seeming in your hearts,
and you thought such bad thought [of the annihilation of the messenger and the believers],
and you were a people [void of reason and wisdom.]

13. Whoso believes not in God and His messenger – We have prepared for the disbelievers [in God and His messenger] a blazing [fire.]

14. To God belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth;
He forgives to whomsoever He will; and He chastises whomsoever He will;
God is Most Forgiving [to those who repent], Most Merciful [to those who regret.]

More explanation in the link:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Quran 48: 15-16 , which mean:
(15. ‘Those who stayed behind' [and did not go with you to Hudaybiyah] will say, when you [will come back to them from your campaign, and you will intend to] set forth to take the spoils [of Khaybar], will say: "Let us follow you [in your campaign to Khaybar!]"

They thus intend to change the word of God.

Say: "You will not follow us; God has already declared [this] beforehand."

Then they will say: "You surely do envy us."

In fact they have not understood [the truth and that to which you invite them] but only a little [bit.]

16. Say to the Bedouins 'who stayed behind' [and did not go with you to Hudaybiyah]:

"You shall be invited [in the future, as a trial,] against a people having mighty valour: to fight them, or they surrender.

If you then obey [the Prophet to fight them], God will give you a fair recompense;

But if you turn away, as did you before turn away [from going to Hudaybiyah], He will chastise you with a painful chastisement [because of your repeating of the disobedience.]"

More explanation in the link:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Quran 48: 17-21 , which mean:
(17. There is no blame on the blind, nor on the lame, nor on the sick patient [for refraining from fighting.]

Whosoever obeys God and His messenger, He will admit him into Gardens beneath [the trees of] which rivers flow.

But whosoever turns away [from obeying God and obeying His messenger], He will chastise him with a painful chastisement [in the Next Life.]

18. God has been well-pleased with the believers when they were swearing fealty to you [Mohammed] under the tree, and He knew what [sincerity and fulfillment of their pledge] was in their hearts, so He sent down the 'tranquility and quieting' upon them, and rewarded them with a victory that will come soon,

19. And many spoils for them to take [from Khaibar]; God is ever All-Mighty, Most Wise.

20. God promises you [believers] many spoils that you will gain [in the future], and has hastened on this [booty of Khaibar] for you, and has withheld the hands of men [: the allies of the Jews] from you.

So that the [battle of Khaibar] may become a sign for the believers [indicating the truthfulness of Mohammed], and that [God] may guide you to a standard path [in the future to capture many countries.]

21. And another [city: Mecca] you [believers] have not yet conquered [but you will conquer within a short time]; God comprehends it [with His knowledge]; for God is Most Powerful over all things.)

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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Quran 48: 22-26 , which mean:
(22. If the disbelievers [of Mecca] had fought you [at Hudaybiyyah], they would then have turned their backs [in flight], and would have found neither patron [to aid them] nor helper [to help them against you.]

23. Such was God's way [of dealing with His servants] which passed away before [for the past nations]; and you will never find any changing of the way of God['s dealing.]

24. And it is [God] Who withheld their hands from you, and withheld your hands from them, in the valley of Mecca, after He had made you victors over them.

God is All-Seeing of what you do.

25. It was they who disbelieved and barred you from the Inviolable Mosque [on the day of Hudaibyah], and [barred] the 'offering', detained so as not to reach [Mecca:] its place [of sacrifice.]

If it had not been for some believing men and some believing women whom you know not, lest you should trample [: killing] them, and thus you incur ' guilt and disgrace' for [killing] them while you were unaware;

that God may admit into His mercy [and guide, to the religion of the Islam, those among the associaters] whom He please;

had these [believers among the Meccans] gradually departed [from Mecca], then We would have chastised those who disbelieve among the [people of Mecca] with a painful chastisement.

26. When the disbelievers [of Mecca] set up haughtiness in their hearts, [like] the haughtiness [of their fathers in the time] of the [pre-Islam] 'ignorance'.

So God sent down His 'tranquility and quietness' upon His messenger and the believers,

and made them uphold the 'word of piety' [that is their saying: 'Compliance'], of which [the Meccan] were in fact more worthy and meet for [saying it.]

God is All-Knowing of everything.

Additional explanation:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
[The Prophet – salam to him – saw in his dream that he entered Mecca together with his companions in order to perform the pilgrimage, and he told his companions about his dream.
Then when they were prevented from the pilgrimage, and the truce was agreed upon by the two parties, some of the Muslims objected to the Prophet, and said: “Hadn’t you promised us to enter Mecca for the pilgrimage, then why could they have prevented us from entering it!?”
Therefore, this aya was revealed:]

Quran 48: 27, which mean:
(27. God has fulfilled the vision for His messenger in truth. You shall indeed enter the Inviolable Mosque, if God will, secure, [having your hair] shaven and cut [after the pilgrimage], not fearing [of your enemies.]
But He knew that which you know not, and has appointed before that a near victory [next year.]

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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Quran 48: 28-29, which mean:
(28. It is He [: God] Who has sent His messenger [: Mohammed] with the guidance and the religion of truth; that He may make [the Islam religion] prevail over all religions [in the time of the Mahdi: the Comforter].
And God is Sufficient to witness [that you, Mohammed, are a messenger.]

29. Mohammed, the messenger of God, and those [believers] together with him are tough on the disbelievers, and merciful to each other. You [man] see them bowing and prostrating themselves [in prayers, most of the time], seeking God’s bounty and good-pleasure. Their [righteousness] appears obviously on their faces due to the effect of compliance [to God.] Such [describing them as being tough against the disbelievers] is their parable [and description written] in the Torah.

And their parable in the Gospel is: as a seedling that sends forth its sprouts, and the [sprouts] strengthen the [seedling] and [all] grow stout [not bending to the ground] and the [stem of the plant] becomes thick, and the plant rises equally straight upon the stem, delighting the sower; that by them [God] may exasperate the disbelievers.
God promises those, among them who believe and do righteous deeds, with forgiveness and a great reward [in the Next Life.]

Additional explanation:

The translation of the explanation has been completed by God's help and His grace.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
And here is the recitation of this great soora 48 of the Quran, by an excellent Iraqi reciter:



Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
These DaSleeper and Cliffy are two unlucky losers: Zionists who cannot withstand the truth of the Quran.
Their outcome is ominous.

Satan is the enemy of Adam's seed, just as the Zionist is the enemy of the Muslim.
Both the Zionist and Satan will turn to be losers.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Let's see: Muslims killing Muslims, Christians killing Muslims, Hindus killing Muslims, Buddhists killing Muslims... I think your god is pissed at Muslims. He has turned the world against you, including your own. You are one silly whelp, Torch.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Let's see: Muslims killing Muslims, Christians killing Muslims, Hindus killing Muslims, Buddhists killing Muslims... I think God ... has turned the world against you, including your own.

It is true.. the present situation of Muslims everywhere ..
The situation of the present Muslims is like the situation of the past Children of Israel when Nebuchodonosor conquered them and took them captives to Babylon in Iraq.

God had been angry and wrathful against the Israelite: they had killed His apostles, wronged each other, blasphemed and worshiped their imams (or religious figures associating them with God in the glorification and enthusiasm.)

The present Muslims have fallen in the idolatry: they have been enthusiastic about their imams and religious figures so as to glorify them together with God Almighty ..

for this reason God has become wrathful with Muslims, for that the present Muslims (and the past Israelite) equalize God with His servants and by so doing they have fallen in the idolatry...

in addition Muslims have adopted the programs of the West and East and abandoned the Quran laws and teachings.

But once Muslims regain their wisdom, so they glorify God to worship Him alone without associate .. He will help them against their enemy.
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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
in addition Muslims have adopted the programs of the West and East and abandoned the Quran laws and teachings.

But once Muslims regain their wisdom, so they glorify God to worship Him alone without associate .. He will help them against their enemy.

Dream on. When life is crap, all you have is your dreams. Sad but true.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
These DaSleeper and Cliffy are two unlucky losers: Zionists who cannot withstand the truth of the Quran.
Their outcome is ominous.

Satan is the enemy of Adam's seed, just as the Zionist is the enemy of the Muslim.
Both the Zionist and Satan will turn to be losers.

Bible thumpers...Quran thumpers....all the same...
Believe what you will but keep it to yourselves.... we don't need preachers on internet forums!
Wonders never cease....I agree with Cliffy on something!

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Dream on. When life is crap, all you have is your dreams. Sad but true.

It is not any dream; see history of the past nations of the idolaters how they vanished away: see the Israelite in the past how they had been punished so many times after disobeying their prophets who warned them of their wrong-doing and blasphemy.
See the two world wars and all the conflicts at the present time; and if you are not convinced: See Saddam and how he perished by his own allies; see also the other tyrants: how they perished after a while
And if not convinced yet: see every criminal and guilty how he ends.

Therefore, read these words and I'll tell you a nice story afterwards.
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