Great knowledge in this great soora 48

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Bible thumpers...Quran thumpers....all the same...
Believe what you will but keep it to yourselves.... we don't need preachers on internet forums!
Wonders never cease....I agree with Cliffy on something!

I may not reply to your rumbling ..

only I say: See your own avatars:

What's the matter with you!? :lol:

so either you are confused or else you want to confuse others.

Most probably you are confused and intending to confuse others.. almost: a devil who knows the truth and works to support the falsehood.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
In complement to my post #20

This is a nice tale told to me by one of my friends:
The story is only a public one, not authentic, but it bears some implication:

My friend said: I was child, and I was sad when I heard about the Zionists of Tel Aviv and how they transgressed on Muslims in Palestine and elsewhere, so I asked my father:

"Father, what's this sad situation: these Israelite transgress on the Aqsa mosque and on Muslims in Palestine and elsewhere and none repels them and UK and USA help them and yet are not punished!?"

His father said to him: The consequences of UK and USA will be disastrous in the end!
He said: how is that?
His father said to him: It is like this story:

A poor man was helped by a rich man: the rich man gave him money to trade with until the poor became rich, then the poor died and people were gathered around him; the rich asked what's the matter? People said: your friend the poor whom you enriched has died!"
The rich said: "May God have mercy on his soul; but why are you gathering?
They said: "The dead man closes his fist, and none can open it; so can you yourself tries to open his fist?
The rich man could open the fist of the dead poor man.. to see a paper by the hand of the poor:
"I have impoverished him and you enriched him .. now I have killed him, can you revive him?"

So it is only a story but it bears the implication:

God killed the Zionists in the past, so can the UK and USA revive the Zionists whom God killed because of their idolatry, disobedience, killing the prophets, and their extreme wrong-doing?
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
And this is another public story, which ascribed to Prophet Moses.. every story of wisdom may be ascribed to Moses, or to Ali or others .. Anyhow:

Moses asked God (again I say this is only a public story, not authentic and not mentioned in the Quran)

So Moses said: "God, what's all this transgression, plundering, murdering and the murderer goes untouched and unharmed as I see!?"

God said to Moses: "Go to that thicket and hide there and don't react to anything you see .. just watch.
Then a man exhausted came crawling and reached to the river: he drank and washed,

then that man saw a shepherd coming with his sheep, so he climbed to that tree and hid himself there:
The shepherd came and drank water and washed there, then he brought his bag full of gold and put it under as a pillow under his head and he slept there.

Then a horseman came and drank of that river water; he saw the shepherd sleeping .. so he killed the shepherd and took his gold and his sheep, then buried him and slept under that tree.

Then the man who came first and climbed that tree, came down from the tree; he killed the horseman and took his gold and his sheep and went away.

God told Moses (which is only a non-authenticated story): these are the grand children of a man: their fathers killed the grandfather of the one who took all the gold and the sheep..

The implication: nothing will be neglected and the rights will sooner or later return to their true owner.


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
First of all listen to this beautiful recitation which will touch every heart that is not arrogant:
And here is the explanation of this wonderful soora which is translated from the Arabic interpretation by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly
Soora 48
(In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)
(1. We have opened for you [Mohammed, by means of the Hudaybiyyah truce] a manifest gate [for entering into the Islam, so that people may convert in large numbers.] a)
1 a Which is the truce between the Prophet and the associaters on the day of the Hudaybiyyah. It was a victory without fighting, and by means of that truce the associaters mixed with the Muslims, listened to their words and the Islam went into their hearts, and a large number of people embraced the Islam within three years, and so the general population of Muslims increased.

Great Knowledge in what?

Something someone wrote off the top of their head?

Give me a break...

I read Warhammer 40k, does that mean the God Emperor of Mankind will save my soul from Chaos?

You subscribe to someone else's beliefs. Learn to think for yourself

You are retarded