Is Canada ready for the coming electric vehicle revolution?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
... infinite torque ...

Tuff gize don't like that sissy engineering stuff.

They like good old, down home VVRRROOOOM! VVRRROOOOM! because most of them are man children.

Oh its a lovely chart..........................................

and has WAY LESS truth and utility..................................


ever produced for gas powered vehicles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A million pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently Comrade Curious and hemerHOID have

confused POUNDS................................

WITH GRAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I would say "uneducated"

"White natty" is a phrase..................................................

hemerHOID STOLE someplace......................................

and continues to use.....................................

because he aint EDUCATED enough........................................

to come up with his own ideas.........................................

on anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is why he so slavishly repeats.........................................

LIE-beral policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Harley Davidson is attempting to revive their failing business by introducing the Livewire.

0-60 in 3 seconds.

Although this bike is probably worth every penny of the $30K they want for it I kind of doubt many old men are going to want to strap one of these on.

They prefer to putt around on the gasser models like it was 1969.

This is an interesting move in that it needs to draw in a new young demographic and the young demographic don't generally want to spend $30K on a bike.

It has to work or Harley is dead.

I cannot remember that last time I saw a Harley rumbling down the road without a grey haired old guy on top of it.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I doubt if electric vehicles should be a serious consideration for the next 10 years...………………...if then. My philosophy is if something works leave well enough alone. IF after 10 or 15 years there is an indication they are an improvement...………..go for it. Let the dummies wade in until the wrinkles are ironed out.
Along with that there should be parts that are interchangeable rather than the design is changed 1% just so it become useless a few years down the road. ie a car rim should fit any car that is the same size no matter how many different 'companies' there are.
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
They prefer to putt around on the gasser models like it was 1969.

This is an interesting move in that it needs to draw in a new young demographic and the young demographic don't generally want to spend $30K on a bike.
Only baby-boomers have that kind of money for a part-time ride. The sales will go to collectors who just store them and say they are increasing in value. BTW most old time riders are getting around in wheelchairs because of the insistence a 'hard-tail' was 'more manly than something with a suspension.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
How do we know we will be able to afford electricity? What will be the additional costs in terms of inundated land and habitat?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
How do we know we will be able to afford electricity? What will be the additional costs in terms of inundated land and habitat?
They want the money. It will be just a fluke that welfare just manages to take care of the utilities, the rent and a few stale crackers to gnaw on. Welcome to your new world.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
What was the ev news for July?

Global electric car sales were up 67% YoY in June (2nd best month ever), reaching 3.3% market share in June.

EV market news - Electric three-wheelers sell more than conventional ones first time in India.

EV company news - Tesla jumps past BYD to be the No 1 e-car seller. Tesla is also No 1 in Europe and the USA. Ampaire is testing hybrid planes


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
What was the ev news for July?

Global electric car sales were up 67% YoY in June (2nd best month ever), reaching 3.3% market share in June.

EV market news - Electric three-wheelers sell more than conventional ones first time in India.

EV company news - Tesla jumps past BYD to be the No 1 e-car seller. Tesla is also No 1 in Europe and the USA. Ampaire is testing hybrid planes

You go ahead and jump in there and tell us all about it. (On second thought, DON'T)


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
A whole 3.3% market share for a product that's been around for longer than the ICE powered car? Wowee.
Canada should be using NG, be about $100/vehicle (in mass production mode) and a few seals and wider valve seats is about all the change would take at the manufacturing end of it. Fill up from home is also as cheap as it gets. The only expense would be converting a gas station into something that has customers. Throw the money that was thrown at Tesla and it would be a done deal rather than a test bed that is being scrapped now they know how to do it.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Why solar, wind and EVs will be the death of the petroleum industry
“We conclude that the economics of oil for gasoline and diesel vehicles versus wind- and solar-powered EVs are now in relentless and irreversible decline, with far-reaching implications for both policymakers and the oil majors,”
LOL yep, until the reality of commercial scale wind and solar slap people in the face.

Let's look at wind power first since it is in fact negative power generation. A wind turbine will never generate the equivalent energy over its lifetime, than the fossil fuel energy required to extract, process and refine the resources to make them. The fossil fuel power to transport those resources and transform them into turbines, and the fossil fuel power required to transport them to their site. A job which takes 5 heavy rigs to perform. 1 for the tower itself, 3 for the blades and 1 for the nacelle.

On top of that, the human population is currently expanding by a net of 130 million people every year. People that will need electricity. In order to meet just the needs of annual increased demand, you'd have to build enough wind turbines to almost cover the entire UK. By 2050 we'd be looking at a land mass the size of Russia covered in turbines. And that doesn't even take into account replacing current fossil fuel power.

If you want to generate the kind of serious power needed to meet global demand without resorting to fossil fuels, nuclear is currently the only truly viable option. Period.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
NG should be the cheapest fuel and the lines are already in. That is what should be in the line for lower BC, all for local consumption. The cheaper alternative is Alberta into Montana and to the US coast through the scablands and then north back into lower BC at a price set by the US. From company town to company planet, only the numbers are different.