Strongest Earthquake in 20 Years Rattles Southern California
The magnitude-6.4 Independence Day quake was centered in the Ridgecrest area north of Los Angeles
7.1 Magnitude Earthquake Rocks Southern California
Just a day after a July 4 jolt, Southern California is rocked again by an even stronger earthquake
A day after a powerful quake rattled Southern California, residents across the region were shaken by a 7.1 temblor that rattled for up to 40 seconds, knocked out power and frayed already thin nerves.
Well, It turns out the sun based climate people were also right about earthquakes being triggered by the same scientific phenomenon as the changes in the jet stream and the increase in COOLING clouds which are caused by a lack of solar radiation shielding us from ( cooling cloud causing ) COSMIC radiation.
I think we are going to see more of this close to home in the near future severing things like power lines, phone/ computer lines, road ways, and water systems.