JLM ADMITS to having "very little knowledge and NO expertise" about immigration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then he proceeds to give us his thoughts on a subject he knows NOTHING ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You don't read too good, do you idiot? Quit your fcuking trolling and stop being a total Asshole! Most of us on this forum have had enough. Can you understand that?
OH DEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JLM IS ANGRY WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But HE HAS NOT answered the QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What benefit came to Canada from allowing Jamaican DRUG DEALER Anthony Dooley......................................
and Jamaican WELFARE CHEAT Marcia Dooley to make refugee claims in Canada????????????????????????
And while here they BEAT their 9 year old son Randal Dooley to death???????????????????????
When a LIE-beral calls you a "TROLL".................................................
it means you have asked a question the LIE-beral CANNOT ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So let me ask the TROLL BAIT another question that may be easier to answer::
Canada recently accepted for landed immigrant status..............................................
a man with a PROVEN HISTORY as leader of a Guatemalan DEATH SQUAD????????????????????????
What benefit comes to Canada from encouraging a PROVEN KILLER to come here??????????????????
Is this one EASIER FOR you.............................................
TROLL BRAIN???????????????????????????????????????
OH DEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JLM IS ANGRY WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But HE HAS NOT answered the QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What benefit came to Canada from allowing Jamaican DRUG DEALER Anthony Dooley......................................
and Jamaican WELFARE CHEAT Marcia Dooley to make refugee claims in Canada????????????????????????
And while here they BEAT their 9 year old son Randal Dooley to death???????????????????????
That's news to me as I hadn't heard of the Dooley Trio! (Did hear of Tom Dooley sung by the Kingston Trio) any connection?![]()
Data shows immigration continues to power Canadian economy - while Old Stock Canadians and their unmotivated progeny continue to weigh us down
The employment rate among recent immigrants between the ages of 25 and 54 reached a 12-year high in 2018, The Canadian Press is reporting.
The news agency obtained a federal Finance Ministry memo from January that says the employment rate for immigrants in this age group who landed in Canada less than five years prior was 71 per cent.
This was the highest level recorded since 2006 and the memo said a similar trend was observed among immigrants who had landed in Canada between five and 10 years prior.
The increase comes as more immigrants are entering Canada under the federal government’s new multi-year immigration levels plan, the memo observes, which the ministry said reflected Canada’s high job-creation numbers.
The document attributed the strong employment results to the fact many federal and provincial immigration programs are focused on human capital factors such as education, skilled work experience and proficiency in English or French.
The memo posits that Canada’s positive attitude toward immigrants in Canada is helping outcomes for immigrants more generally.
The memo also touched on outcomes for second-generation Canadians, who it said are faring better than the children of Canadian-born parents when it comes to both education and income.
Just over 40 per cent of second-generation Canadians between the ages of 25 and 44 had a university degree, compared to only 24 per cent of Canadians whose parents were born in Canada.
In terms of income, second-generation Canadians earned on average just under $4,000 more per year than their peers with two Canadian parents ($55,500 to $51,600).
OH DEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JLM IS ANGRY WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But HE HAS NOT answered the QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What benefit came to Canada from allowing Jamaican DRUG DEALER Anthony Dooley......................................
and Jamaican WELFARE CHEAT Marcia Dooley to make refugee claims in Canada????????????????????????
And while here they BEAT their 9 year old son Randal Dooley to death???????????????????????
That's news to me as I hadn't heard of the Dooley Trio! (Did hear of Tom Dooley sung by the Kingston Trio) any connection?![]()
Yeah REAL FUNNY LIE Asshat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They punched the kid so hard and so often in the face.............................................
that when they did the autopsy ..............................
they found piece of his shattered teeth in his stomach...............................................
NOW HOW FUNNY IS IT???????????????????????????????????
Anthony Dooley ALREADY HAD a drug dealer CONVICTION in United States.............................
so Cnd authorities KNEW what he was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If his refugee hearing had been refused....................
that little boy would NOT have been TORTURED..................
TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And YOU STILL AVOID the question...............................
"WHAT BENEFIT did we get from being kind to a DRUG
DEALER and a welfare cheat"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah REAL FUNNY LIE Asshat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They punched the kid so hard and so often in the face.............................................
that when they did the autopsy ..............................
they found piece of his shattered teeth in his stomach...............................................
NOW HOW FUNNY IS IT???????????????????????????????????
Anthony Dooley ALREADY HAD a drug dealer CONVICTION in United States.............................
so Cnd authorities KNEW what he was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If his refugee hearing had been refused....................
that little boy would NOT have been TORTURED..................
TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And YOU STILL AVOID the question...............................
"WHAT BENEFIT did we get from being kind to a DRUG
DEALER and a welfare cheat"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And isnt it nice.............................................
you have been SHAMED into not referring to me a TROLL..............................................
merely for asking questions YOU CANNOT ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah REAL FUNNY LIE Asshat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They punched the kid so hard and so often in the face.............................................
Are you terminally stupid? As horrendous and horrific as the case may be I explained to you already that I wasn't aware of it.
So WTF can't you just accept that and go bother someone else for awhile. (Hoid would just love to hear from you)
he has been on my ignore list since day one
keep quoting him and you'll be there again too
You train as a jew burner too?Where's the part about him knocking down the World Trade Center?
LOL, says the guy who never wrote anything that is important enough to be ignored for.he has been on my ignore list since day one
keep quoting him and you'll be there again too
Are you terminally stupid? As horrendous and horrific as the case may be I explained to you already that I wasn't aware of it.
So WTF can't you just accept that and go bother someone else for awhile. (Hoid would just love to hear from you)
Oh dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Am I BOTHERING YOU with the TRUTH???????????????????????????????
LIE-berals DO ENJOY being willfully BLIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And they think that being EDUCATED on their BLIND FOLLY........................................................
is an infringement on their RIGHT to be both ignorant and BIGOTED!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can ALWAYS tell when a LIE-beral is embarrassed......................................
they start squawking like a demented Parrot: "I DIDNT KNOW"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then they run right out............................................................
and do exactly the same stupid things....................................................
till they are confronted yet again............................................
and then they CLAIM the new situation is somehow DIFFERENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And thus THEY DID NOT KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LIE-berals have a credibility issue at this time....................................
THAT THEY DO NOT KNOW ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And its not like the Dooleys or that Guatemalan hit man are the ONLY LIE-beral immigration problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Consider this one that you no doubt "never heard of either"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is a fine article describing the poisonously irresponsible attitudes of LIE-berals towards the Muslim terrorist threat to Canada-with some comments of my own in brackets):
Release conditions upheld for Egyptian man branded a security threat
Colin Perkel, Toronto Sun. First posted: Monday, July 04, 2016 01:00 PM EDT
TORONTO - An Egyptian man long branded as a threat to Canada's national security has lost his bid to lift restrictions on his freedom.
While some minor changes are appropriate, Federal Court Judge Simon Noel ruled that Mohamed Mahjoub still needs careful monitoring.
"Nothing will ever be to the satisfaction of Mr. Mahjoub," Noel said in his decision. "I understand the position Mr. Mahjoub is in and the frustration he must be going through (but) at a certain point, a reality check must be performed in order for him to adapt to his future."
Canadian authorities have argued since his initial arrest in 2000 that Mahjoub, 56, of Toronto, poses a terror-related threat. He has fought numerous legal battles in an effort to overturn his national security certificate, which allows Ottawa to jail him or otherwise limit his freedom -- without laying criminal charges against him.
Mahjoub, who spent years in prison, was released in 2009 under stringent conditions. While those restrictions have been eased in recent years, he had wanted Noel to scrap almost all of them.
In rejecting the request, Noel leaned heavily on a 2013 Federal Court decision that found Mahjoub's national security certificate to be reasonable.
In that decision, another judge found credible evidence that Mahjoub was once a top executive at an enterprise in Sudan run by the late terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden. The judge also found Mahjoub had been a ranking member of the Egyptian terror organization known as Vanguards of Conquest, and that he had lied about his contacts with known terrorists while in Canada.
(So thanks to Cdn cops and others we have enough evidence to PROVE that Mahjoub is friendly to terrorists. He has been through our costly immigration courts and been deemed unsuitable to be a Cdn. We also had to pay to keep him in our prisons for a number of years at our cost. He then went through various court appeals-ALSO at our cost and was then released with “strict conditions” which involve our security people keeping tabs on him-MORE costs for us. I doubt that a guy on such a short leash is working to support himself so we are paying for THAT too. And now he is bored an unhappy and is BACK in court-at our cost to whine about his situation-MORE costs.)
Mahjoub, who first came to Canada in December 1995 and was granted refugee status in October 1996, has consistently denied any such links but courts have repeatedly upheld his security certificate since it was first issued in 2000 -- despite finding that authorities at times had breached his rights.
(Oh great-LIE-beral lawyers and hug a thug judges recognize that Mahjoub is a threat but see no reason why they should not dump him on us and force us to care for him at any price.)
Although some conditions of his release in 2009 have been eased -- such as the requirement that he wear a tracking bracelet -- numerous others remain in place. Among them is a requirement he report to border service agents weekly, that he remain subject to physical surveillance, and that he can only use a supervised email account.
Mahjoub, who has staved off deportation because of a risk he would be tortured if sent back to Egypt, argued there was no evidence to justify restrictions he said were taking a toll on his mental and physical health.
"To a certain limit, it is understandable that Mr. Mahjoub experiences feelings of rejection, refusal and despair," Noel wrote.
At the same time, the judge said, Mahjoub had not been co-operative with authorities and had even breached some of the conditions -- although the violations were not serious.
In his defence, Mahjoub argued he only wanted to ensure Canada Border Services Agency did not reach beyond what the court had ordered, and that agents respected his privacy.
Those concerns had some validity, Noel said, but proper supervision was essential to ensuring the conditions were meaningful.
(OH right-he is breaking terms and conditions and demanding HIS rights. And what is wrong with shipping him back to Egypt at this time since Bin Lauden is dead and after 21 years of being in Canada I think Mahjoub has NOTHING to tell a security team.....UNLESS he has been in recent contact with other terrorist cells? Oh wait-he has been CAUGHT LYING about his contacts with other terrorists while IN CANADA! Can we trust this clown with anything?)
"The danger to the security of Canada associated to Mr. Mahjoub now is certainly not comparable to the danger assessed in the past," Noel wrote in upholding 23 conditions.
"But the danger to the security of Canada associated to Mr. Mahjoub has not evaporated; it remains latent, perceptible and factual."
(And there is the best reason to get rid of the clown! Too bad LIE-berals think we are made of money and want to save the world-starting with the most criminal types! Its all about making LIE-berals look good to ethnic groups in exchange for votes and LIE-beral power! )
well, nobody really reads what you have to say.LOL, says the guy who never wrote anything that is important enough to be ignored for.
As far as the "Booming Economy" the TSX has been crashing since May 23
(Note also: The TSX hit a high of 16.669 on a date that adds up to 66 - YEAH, RIGHT!!!)
I have tried to explain to you all what that number means for a couple of years now. You just don't get it do you?
well, nobody really reads what you have to say.
POOR STUPID hemer-HOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Were you born STUPID or do you work at it?
Just answer the question and quit being an idiiot, also look up the word "apolitical"!