Brexit 2019: the Good, Bad and could-turn-Ugly options


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I think it's funny that a dumb twat like you doesn't even know Britain isn't on the euro.

You know, you personify every stereotype of "dumb, drunk Canuck." Bet you wear a lot of plaid.

Check your trip advisory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Major Brit businesses DO TAKE EUROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They would PREFER Brit pounds Sterling but will accept Euro bills in payment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But no Euro coins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And any change you are owed gets paid in Brit coins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And when Britain entered the E.U. there WAS AN AGREED EXCHANGE RATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But this is NOT RELEVANT to my comments about EXCHANGE RATES once Brexit occurs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And poor foolish Tecumsehbonesforbrains DID NOT CLUE IN TO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is too busy trying to think of X rated insults in order to distract from the failings of his various crap arguments to notice much detail

in any post that dares to disagree with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can always tell when T-bonesforbrains feels he is losing an argument....................he starts trotting out crude distractions!!!!!!!!!!!

Once Brexit occurs.......................or even if nothing much gets settled........................THERE WILL NEED TO BE ONGOING talks and adjustments of exchange rates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It will not matter if British economy goes up or down after Brexit.............................once the separation occurs there WILL NEED TO BE ADJUSTMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We see it regularly with the Cdn dollar relative to Chinese Yuan and Yankee dollar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it will happen with Brit Pounds Sterling as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brexit is occurring specifically BECAUSE Britain wants to be free of the E.U. LIE-beral economic and social welfare state MESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not that T-bonesforbrains would understand what is wrong with the social welfare state!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC

Check your trip advisory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Major Brit businesses DO TAKE EUROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They would PREFER Brit pounds Sterling but will accept Euro bills in payment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But no Euro coins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And any change you are owed gets paid in Brit coins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And when Britain entered the E.U. there WAS AN AGREED EXCHANGE RATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But this is NOT RELEVANT to my comments about EXCHANGE RATES once Brexit occurs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And poor foolish Tecumsehbonesforbrains DID NOT CLUE IN TO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is too busy trying to think of X rated insults in order to distract from the failings of his various crap arguments to notice much detail
in any post that dares to disagree with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can always tell when T-bonesforbrains feels he is losing an argument....................he starts trotting out crude distractions!!!!!!!!!!!
Once Brexit occurs.......................or even if nothing much gets settled........................THERE WILL NEED TO BE ONGOING talks and adjustments of exchange rates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It will not matter if British economy goes up or down after Brexit.............................once the separation occurs there WILL NEED TO BE ADJUSTMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We see it regularly with the Cdn dollar relative to Chinese Yuan and Yankee dollar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And it will happen with Brit Pounds Sterling as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brexit is occurring specifically BECAUSE Britain wants to be free of the E.U. LIE-beral economic and social welfare state MESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not that T-bonesforbrains would understand what is wrong with the social welfare state!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dance, li'l retard, dance.

Many Canadian businesses take U.S. dollars.

That don't mean Canada uses the U.S. dollar.

Nice try though. I'm sure all your head lice agree with you.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
The only way the EU will allow the UK into a Customs Union is if the UK conforms to the fundamental constitution of the EU guarantees. That is the free movement of product, capital, services, people. In other words the UK will cede its borders to Brussels. It also means all trade agreements for Britain will be written by the EU and in this scenario without British representation. And this would inextricably entangle the UK in the EU spiderweb interminably for evermore..

Britain’s only plausible way forward is to defer any ‘deal’ until after Brexit takes place. At that point it should use the flexibility this provides to mint Bilateral Fair Trade Agreements with constructive imposition of tariffs to promote a sovereign, integrated, industrial economy with protected sectors for employment and markets.

The EU Customs Union v. UK Economic Sovereignty form diametrically opposed and irreconcilable visions of the future of Britain. Ultimately there are forces loose in the West that will overtake and engulf this debate that will define the outcome in Britain and in Europe. Those forces are defined by nationalism, populism, dirigism and fiscal progressivism.

Teresa May is the quintissential Britrish Bulldog.. She bites.. locks her jaws.. and will not release her grip. She is tunnel visioned and myopic in purpose but relentlessly optimistic in process, even as the ground quakes under her. She is authetic, well intentioned, upbeat, but has no appreciation for the cause of economic nationalism.

She’s been a stalwart soldier but Britain needs a true believer in Brexit and a sovereign Britain, rather than someone who views it all an exercize in political expediency and trade offs. That will only result in some unsustainable appeasement and interminable deadlock.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Whadda ya mean , them? I knew the UK uses the Sterling. I just thought he was referring to some hypothetical future of the UK leaving, rejoining and taking the Euro, and then leaving again, mainly because I knew tekbones must certainly know the UK doesn't use the euro presently.

The EU won't be around soon for the UK to rejoin.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
The only way the EU will allow the UK into a Customs Union is if the UK conforms to the fundamental constitution of the EU guarantees. That is the free movement of product, capital, services, people. In other words the UK will cede its borders to Brussels. It also means all trade agreements for Britain will be written by the EU and in this scenario without British representation. And this would inextricably entangle the UK in the EU spiderweb interminably for evermore..
Britain’s only plausible way forward is to defer any ‘deal’ until after Brexit takes place. At that point it should use the flexibility this provides to mint Bilateral Fair Trade Agreements with constructive imposition of tariffs to promote a sovereign, integrated, industrial economy with protected sectors for employment and markets.
The EU Customs Union v. UK Economic Sovereignty form diametrically opposed and irreconcilable visions of the future of Britain. Ultimately there are forces loose in the West that will overtake and engulf this debate that will define the outcome in Britain and in Europe. Those forces are defined by nationalism, populism, dirigism and fiscal progressivism.
Teresa May is the quintissential Britrish Bulldog.. She bites.. locks her jaws.. and will not release her grip. She is tunnel visioned and myopic in purpose but relentlessly optimistic in process, even as the ground quakes under her. She is authetic, well intentioned, upbeat, but has no appreciation for the cause of economic nationalism.
She’s been a stalwart soldier but Britain needs a true believer in Brexit and a sovereign Britain, rather than someone who views it all an exercize in political expediency and trade offs. That will only result in some unsustainable appeasement and interminable deadlock.

The customs union is, essentially, the EU. If Britain stays in that then it won't have truly seceded from the EU. That's why it needs to leave the customs union.

As for Mrs May, I quite like her. She seems a nice woman and, despite being a Remainer, is trying her best to honour the democratic decision the British people made when other Remainer MPs are trying to overturn it.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005

European leaders offer a long Brexit delay, averting a chaotic exit on Friday

Although British Prime Minister Theresa May had asked for an extension until the end of June, E.U. leaders are tired of emergency Brexit summits and skeptical of what she can accomplish in less than three months. They gave her until Oct. 31. According to the offer, Britain can leave earlier if Parliament passes a Brexit withdrawal deal. May still needs to sign off on the offer.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

European leaders offer a long Brexit delay, averting a chaotic exit on Friday

Although British Prime Minister Theresa May had asked for an extension until the end of June, E.U. leaders are tired of emergency Brexit summits and skeptical of what she can accomplish in less than three months. They gave her until Oct. 31. According to the offer, Britain can leave earlier if Parliament passes a Brexit withdrawal deal. May still needs to sign off on the offer.

What would be chaotic about leaving on Friday?

Britain has done No Deal preparations and so has the EU. Both are ready for such a thing. Remainers don't even think No Deal would be chaotic. They just don't want us to leave with No Deal because they just don't want us to leave so they are bound to say it would be "chaotic".

Remember: No Deal Brexit is what the British people voted for. Stopping such a thing is undemocratic.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
What would be chaotic about leaving on Friday?
Britain has done No Deal preparations and so has the EU. Both are ready for such a thing. Remainers don't seven think No Deal would be chaotic. They just don't want us to leave with No Deal because they just don't want us to leave so they are bound to say it would be "chaotic".
You're pussies, begging for an extension. You tell us.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
So what is the REAL holdup??

Undemocratic Remainer MPs not wanting us out on 29th March.

So undemocratic in fact, they weren't even willing to honour what THEY THEMSELVES voted for in the Commons.

That's the pathetic reality of the situation.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Still, it will be quite cool for British Independence Day to be on Halloween. We can celebrate our independence whilst wearing scary masks and treat or treating.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
So, they got their extension.

Now, there's enough time for a Brit general election to sort out the wheet from the chaff, there.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
The real holdup is that nobody knows what the brits even want - especially the brits themselves.
This is the worst the UK has looked in my lifetime.
They are a laughingstock.

They know exactly what they want. They want the Finnish model, or maybe the Swiss, or CETA, or maybe just WTO rules, or maybe unilateral global free trade, or some mixture of these. Why do Remoaners demand such precision? If budgets balance themselves in Canada, why can't the UK's international relations just sort themselves out too?


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
So, they got their extension.
Now, there's enough time for a Brit general election to sort out the wheet from the chaff, there.

And Farage's Brexit party will continue to run on a 'leave' campaign all the while refusing to commit to any particular plan. If he just admitted that the only hard-Brexit option that would make any sense would be unilateral global free trade, that unilateral global free trade would cause short-to-medium-term disruption of the economy for at least a decade and maybe even a few decades, and that in the long run, unilateral global free trade might prove somewhat inferior to or maybe somewhat superior to EU-membership, but that even if it does prove surperior, studies show that at best, it could be only mildly so, and even then only over the long run, then I might have a little more respect for his position. At least then people would know what they're getting themselves into: in the best-case scenario, a possible mild advantage over the long run after short-to-medium-term pain, but with no guarantee.

But when Farage blames everyone else and refuses to present a plan, pretends that the UK could just sleepwalk into a post-Brexit paradise, and denies that a hard Brexit, no matter how well-planned, must necessarily cause at least short-to-medium-term disruption, and that even a well-planned Brexit could, at best, outperform the EU only somewhat, only over the long run, and even that's not 100% certain, then how can we take him seriously?
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