My step daughter is a single mother of two with no support from the father. She's a daycare worker so her wage isn't great. She is currently looking to buy a house. If she can do it, pretty much anybody can....well maybe people like you (with a can't do attitude) might find it too much of a challenge. It could be a generational thing as well. While your generation expected the government support, her generation expects nothing
Is your daughter working in the PRIVATE and for PROFIT private day care sector?????????????????????
Or is she one of the PRIVILEGED Quebec ELITES benefiting from that $11 billion dollar federal LIE- beral transfer payment GIFT to Quebec that is being used to ensure that Quebec daycare workers are WELL COMPENSATED???????????????????
Or maybe your daughter is one of the privileged ELITES working in the Ontari-owe school system day care deal that LIE-berals created so they could get a bunch more civil service union Hogs squeezed onto the LIE-beral gravy train at HUGE COST to tax payers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That Wynne-bag LIE-beral $16 billion dollar deficit did not create itself you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or maybe your daughter is working for one of the LIE-beral sponsered day care deals down east in a place like Nova Scotia.............
where ANY govt wages are comparatively HIGH......................and house prices are LOW???????????????????????
So before we accept your statements about your daughter and how virtuous and frugal she ALLEGEDLY IS..............WE FIRST NEED honesty and clarity about her situation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!