This is what it has come to. Two members fighting about history.
The humanity.
What do you think you know about history? Do you read look examine the subject of human history? Shirley you must have some questions. History is very much worth the fight, today it,s become weaponized because it is a very great and usefull tool to those who can weave.
I'm only going to write this once. Don't call me Shirley.
Your ignorance of history shines like a new moon.
Hint: The 1600s were indeed a time of exploration including unsuccessful attempts at finding a Northwest Passage. That plus geophysical evidence shows the ice coverage can vary dramatically from year to year.
I am a product of limeyland post graduate education which of course is irrelevant to this discussion.
Now go play in your sandbox,fool.
I thought he was Summerian!Oh, you're another arrogant Kipper. Say no more.
It is possible that this year won,t have a summer let alone an ice free artic.
I thought he was Summerian!
Oh, you're another arrogant Kipper. Say no more.
Ice cores. Jesus f-cking Christ!
We will comply, after a brief meeting with my advisors bending was suggested. I am of course saddened to have referred to you in the remote past as retarded canadian soldier, I was wrong then, but I was so much younger, if you remember.
Sadly, we shall never have the opportunity to analyze any ice cores from the north pole.... 2013 erased that potential from ever happening
Al Gore was wrong, ergo, the planet is NOT warming up, the glaciers are advancing, it's getting colder and colder and anything to the contrary is Prog propaganda ... all that 'cause Al Gore missed it by a few decades.Al Gore said 10 years ago that the Arctic would be ice-free in 2013.
Al Gore was wrong, ergo, the planet is NOT warming up, the glaciers are advancing, it's getting colder and colder and anything to the contrary is Prog propaganda ... all that 'cause Al Gore missed it by a few decades.
Did I leave anything out?
Snow in the winter is becoming pretty uncommon around here.The part of the planet where I live is very little if any warmer than it was 55 years ago. Xmas 1962 was the first Xmas in recorded history that was "Green" in Revelstoke and there hasn't been any since.