Canada – Fast Becoming a Third-World Country


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Production increases and creation of line of 'cold weather gear for dummies' that sees them having the same number of fingers and toes as they had in the late fall. $5.3B in the first year the shoreline of Hudson Bay is opened to 'homesteaders'. The banks get a long term loan in the 3 digit area for what is your basic engineers shack and a few containers to act as the 'out buildings'. Send the bill to the KSA and threaten to take depositions on video so a live witness at the ICC won't be needed should it go that far, better yet have the UN pay us up front for the whole loan and they can collect it from the KSA.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Dude, you originally quoted me pointing out Justin Trudeau and the liberals on their hypocrisy. Somehow you could not understand what you quoted but if that makes me a liberal then so be it..... but if that makes me a liberal what does that make you? If I am a liberal that you and I are both Liberals with a capital L.


POOR Ron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He thinks that he can slag any view that diverges from LIE-beral orthodoxy and then CLAIM to be an unbiased and NON PARTISAN observer!!!!!

And yet LIE-berals are all bewildered as to why all their arguments are FAILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Seriously man, are you just a troll or are you actually that dumb? I'm male, white, conservative, almost 50yrs old, and totally not getting where you're coming from unless you're another incarnation of Avro or something along those lines. I'm just not around here enough to know for sure at this point to be honest. I've made almost 14,000 postings on this forum over the years, and if you can find something in those almost 14,000 posts where I'm espousing "LIE-beral orthodoxy" at all....then if I wore a hat I'd eat it.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Seriously man, are you just a troll or are you actually that dumb? I'm male, white, conservative, almost 50yrs old, and totally not getting where you're coming from unless you're another incarnation of Avro or something along those lines. I'm just not around here enough to know for sure at this point to be honest. I've made almost 14,000 postings on this forum over the years, and if you can find something in those almost 14,000 posts where I'm espousing "LIE-beral orthodoxy" at all....then if I wore a hat I'd eat it.

You have to give Spilled a bit of rope. He appears to be mentally ill.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
You have to give Spilled a bit of rope. He appears to be mentally ill.


Ah yes- the standard defense of DULL WITTED LIE-berals everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They all whine: "I am NOT a muddled LIE-beral and you must be crazy to suggest such a thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is this mental agility- the ability to "forget" awkward facts that enables LIE-berals and their socialist cousins to re-write history without any shame or embarrassment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating the rotten heart of LIE-beral economic policy. With some comments of my own in brackets):

MACPHERSON: A greener, poorer, slower economy

Special to Postmedia Network. Published: January 22, 2018. Updated: January 22, 2018 4:47 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists


EDITORIAL: Ministers don't need paid social media staffers
MARIN: Wade carefully in the Liberal swamp
ELDER: Why wasn't Obama impeached?

By Paige MacPherson

Without a doubt, rising population and prosperity in the developing world will grow global demand for energy for the foreseeable future. For human progress, this is fantastic. Billions of people will be lifted out of poverty. Central to this progress is access to reliable and reasonably priced power.

According to every reliable forecasting agency, from the International Energy Agency to multinational energy conglomerates like BP, the rising demand for energy cannot be met any time soon by renewables like wind and solar. In the next several decades at least, many more hydrocarbons will be burned than are burned today.

(An obvious part of the problem with wind power- as Ontari-owe LIE-berals found out the hard way- is that those UGLY and COSTLY wind farms are most productive in spring and fall- when we need them least! And it does not help that wind farms are so unreliable in Ontari-owe that we must keep natural gas fired generators fully manned and fully fired up- ready 24/7- to take over when the wind gust dies away!)

(AS noted in a TVO documentary- China is involved in building huge numbers of solar farms in semi desert lands in Pakistan- which means that power is made available to lots of people who could not afford nuclear power and who live in lands far too dry for water power- problem with solar power is that big swaths of the country GO DARK at nightfall- meaning not just stores and homes going dark- it also means NO MORE traffic lights or security lighting till dawn! Translation- renewables are fine if you are desperately poor and have no other options!)

(IN their usual short sighted- no long term planning way- LIE-berals think it would be grand to force us to buy their electric Toy cars- and we can conveniently each night while we sleep- using mouldy green energy- but LIE-berals have not noticed- short sighted is a LIE-beral hallmark- that mouldy green production falls to very LOW LEVELS after dark!)

(Cdns will NOT be powering electric toy cars with LIE-beral mouldy green power any time soon- not unless LIE-berals also force us to sleep all day and work at night!)

For some, rising energy-fueled growth and prosperity is more of a curse than a blessing. How can we “decarbonize” our world in the face of inexorable growth in demand for oil, coal and natural gas?

As the world’s fastest growing economies expand fossil fuels usage, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is heading the opposite direction, heaping on taxes and regulations designed to reduce consumption of carbon-based energy along with the emissions and jobs it produces.

(And too bad Our idiot Boy Justin is simply engaged in a massive cash grab with his carbon crap that is modelled on the 15 year old European version that only cleans cash from wallets and leaves the dirt in the air! BUT- and this is key- carbon taxes give LIE-berals a fine new slush fund to dip into so they can buy votes from select groups and cling to power at any price!)

(Where LIE-beral carbon taxes are concerned - ANY benefit to the environment is an unplanned and unexpected event! Chasing jobs out of Canada with high carbon taxes simply ensures that the jobs and factories are set up in other countries with MORE LAX regulations than Cdns deal with!)

(Twenty odd years ago the world got together and banned various fluro-carbons such as Freon - in order to save the ozone layer and reduce skin cancer rates- and things got better for some years but its now sliding back- various third world govts are cheating and using the banned substances because they ARE CHEAPER! Feel good nonsense such as the Paris Accords are ineffective since there is so much room for cheating! And verifying emissions is nearly impossible in some countries such as Russia, China, Iran, Nigeria and North Korea!)

(IN addition some countries such as Venezuela and Mexico are economic basket cases where nothing much- including enforcement of govt regulations- simply does not happen! We Cdns would do better to kick out our LIE-beral govt, whack and stack some noisy protestors and go build the Energy East pipeline and Kinder Morgan and maybe some other lines as well!)

(For one thing- Cdn oil and gas producers operate under more stringent regulations than either Mexico or Venezuela- which happen to produce much of the oil for eastern North America- meaning all of eastern Canada and much of eastern United States as well! So buying local means buying CLEANER as well!)

The tax-and-regulatory gap with Canada’s largest trading partner widened after Donald Trump became President of the United States. When Trump jettisoned the Paris climate agreement he was loudly rebuked. Consumer products giant Procter & Gamble was among those calling for climate action. But soon after, the multinational closed its plant in Brockville, Ontario, to relocate operations in West Virginia where coal-powered energy is much cheaper.

(OH yes- its is better to LOOK GOOD than to do the heavy lifting involved in BEING GOOD- and this is a major flaw in ALL LIE-beral climate plans!)

Canada’s CO2 emissions from P&G along with almost 500 manufacturing jobs will shift from Ontario to the U.S. – jobs from Canada are West Virginia’s unexpected reward for voting Trump.

(So the dirt is STILL going into the air- but the jobs and tax revenue are benefiting Yankees! So what did the LIE-berals carbon taxes and mouldy green energy scams get us? Except for longer unemployment lines and bigger govt deficits?)

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
You addled troll. I'm with a trucking company and as
a mental break today from what I was doing, I played
with my basic math skills. Knowing a Carbon Tax will
be inflicted upon Canada January 1st, 2019 (& I'm a
resident of Saskatchewan, I wanted to see what it
would cost us).

I took the $10/ton and with some playing, I worked
that our to about $0.025/litre on gasoline or diesel.
With the just shy of 1/2 a million litres of diesel we
purchased last year (about 62% in the USA and
38% in Canada), I figured this would cost us (our
little trucking company) $4,560/yr up in smoke with
no return at all, and when it hits $50/ton of "carbon"
it would cost an extra $22,800/yr up in smoke with no
return. I'm sure Trudeau and his ilk will come up with
a way (I'm assuming using IFTA Provincial Dept's) to
also suck off revenue from trucking companies coming
into Canada with American fuel in their tanks.

That's direct cost without factoring in the increase in
costs to everything shipped using fossil fuels by means
of transport like train or planes or trucks. That's no even
looking at the cost of heating our homes or cooking our
meals and so on and so forth. It's a blatant revenue grab
to punish the middle class and chase industry out of
Canada. They'll claim it's revenue neutral by given a
chunk of the revenue to the lower end of the income scale
that pay little into things, and to heavy emitters like the
auto industry or steel smelters (that isn't used up in the
administrating of taking our money and giving it to others)
and balancing the books out to look like zero net gain for
Gov't. Good times....there's my advocating Liberal policy
and waving their flag you fool. If you're Avro, kudos on
fooling so many for so long; and if you're not....oh well....


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
They want little trucking company to go natural gas as it's abundant, works in any diesel very well, needs no refining, is piped to the littke trucking co shop but NG refilling outside an urban area is as rare as high speed charging outside an urban area.

At 13 cents a liter equivalent piped to the shop the carbon tax is bupkis but the $10K per truck conversion and $150K for compressors and storage is an intial hefty cost to carry without subsidies and tax credits.

There is so much NG they need to create markets.

Similar was done with the gas bbq craze in the 80s to sell propane they couldn't give away.
Last edited:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
NG peak power plants that come online when it's dark and the wind isn't blowing are the real deal. Solar and wind are useless without them. Those shiny new power plants are the true future of energy. They just needed a way to convince you to pay for it.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Production increases and creation of line of 'cold weather gear for dummies' that sees them having the same number of fingers and toes as they had in the late fall. $5.3B in the first year the shoreline of Hudson Bay is opened to 'homesteaders'. The banks get a long term loan in the 3 digit area for what is your basic engineers shack and a few containers to act as the 'out buildings'. Send the bill to the KSA and threaten to take depositions on video so a live witness at the ICC won't be needed should it go that far, better yet have the UN pay us up front for the whole loan and they can collect it from the KSA.


OH MHz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your mental train of thought is so far OFF the rails that you dont even know where to look for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a sample of life on the shores of Hudson Bay:

Ho-hum-another year, another flood, as this article shows. Maybe its not the flooding that is the problem, maybe it is stubborn natives and stupid govt? With some comments of my own in brackets):

Residents of Kashechewan First Nation evacuated for fear of flooding

THE CANADIAN PRESS. First posted: Sunday, May 01, 2016 04:24 PM EDT | Updated: Sunday, May 01, 2016 04:30 PM EDT

Related Stories:

Kashechewan First Nation children treated for skin conditions
Officials to evacuate Kashechewan First Nation kids due to rashes, open sores

KASHECHEWAN, Ont. -- More than 400 residents of the Kashechewan First Nation have been moved from their homes because of potential flooding, with plans for an evacuation involving about 300 more people.

(Yes- I know- this report is from 2016, the problem is its IDENTICAL to the report for 2017, AND from 2014 as well! Nothing has changed!)

Residents who are deemed vulnerable -- children, seniors and people with medical conditions -- are being airlifted out of the remote James Bay community and into Kapuskasing and Thunder Bay.

The province has said that if need be, they may also send people to Greenstone.

The province says the flooding could be caused by ice jams on the Albany River.

(Of course its caused by ice jams- each spring melting snow and water flows north from milder southern lands into still frozen Hudson Bay Lowlands- where the average elevation above sea level is 6ft- it’s a classic recipe for flooding! EVERY YEAR!)

The Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management are coordinating the evacuation, with help from local First Nations and the Ministry of National Resources.

The province says the evacuation may ultimately involve more than 1,200 residents.

(That`s nice- our environment is burning under the assault of green house gases and we are moving hundreds of people, their pets and gear for hundreds or thousands of kilometers- out and back every spring! Given that Kashetchewan is a run down pest hole with no jobs and no resources, maybe we should fly these people out and LEAVE them some place like Thunder Bay where they would have a chance at a more prosperous life? And save ourselves all that cost and effort to move them every damned spring?)

On Friday, they sent 236 residents to Kapuskasing, and they moved out another 165 on Saturday.

They aim to take out an additional 300 residents on Sunday.

Flooding forced evacuations in Kashechewan late last April as well.

(And in related news, lets have a look at medical and sanitary conditions at Kash as well!)

Kashechewan First Nation children treated for skin conditions

Kristy Kirkup, THE CANADIAN PRESS. First posted: Thursday, March 24, 2016 08:33 PM EDT | Updated: Thursday, March 24, 2016 08:40 PM EDT

A young girl from Kashechewan with one of the more severe cases of the rashes experienced by children in the community. The photo has been altered to protect her identity. (Supplied photo)

(The photo supplied with the news article showed a little girl with the sort of pimply open wounds I associate with unsanitary conditions and lack of exposure to soap and hot water with the condition exacerbated by unwashed clothing! That there is an epidemic of this condition at the reserve speaks volumes about slovenly, apathetic life there- no wonder there are issues with suicide if you cannot even keep clean in such a place!)

Officials to evacuate Kashechewan First Nation kids due to rashes, open sores

Attawapiskat declares state of emergency after suicide attempts

(Both Attawapiskat and Kashechewan are Cree reserves a few hundred KM apart.)

OTTAWA -- First Nations children suffering from skin rashes in a northern Ontario community are being treated by a team of doctors, but their struggle speaks to much deeper systemic problems, says the local MP.

Three children in Kashechewan First Nation were taken from the community for medical treatment this week after they developed painful sores on their bodies.

This came after the images of the children were circulated widely on social media.
Thirteen other children were expected to be flown out for assessment and possible treatment, but physicians were able to assist them on the reserve.

(What price to fly in a medical team the 900 km from the nearest paved road?)

Charlie Angus, the NDP MP for the area, said he is pleased by the response, but there is remaining frustration in the community about deplorable living conditions.

"The community is flooded out year after year, the houses are substandard because of the damage they've suffered," Angus said.

"This is what Third World poverty looks like when it is inflicted on children."

(No- this is what drunken idiots neglecting their kids- aided and abetted by LIE-beral politicians cravenly buying native votes look like!)

The children being treated now may very well be sitting in an evacuation centre far from their home in mere weeks, Angus added. "The problem we have is that this happens year after year," he said.

In a statement Thursday, Health Minister Jane Philpott said she has been very concerned about the health of Kashechewan children

(Yes- very concerned- but NOT so concerned as to actually DO anything about corruption and malfeasance and despair on reserves blighted by years of mis-management!)

She said she has been in frequent contact with Health Canada officials who have been working closely with community leaders to provide immediate care.

"In the last two days, a medical team led by Dr. Gordon Green of Weeneebayko Area Health Authority was on the ground in Kashechewan examining more than 30 children and ensuring care for those who require it," Philpott said.

"I spoke with Dr. Green yesterday and he informed me that he and his team of physicians and nurses diagnosed the vast majority of children examined with eczema. There are also a few cases of scabies, impetigo and psoriasis."

These skin conditions are fully treatable and the children are getting the treatment they require, she added, noting a member of the medical team will return in two to three weeks to follow up.

(If the condition is “fully treatable” that also means its fully preventable and its just careless treatment of the kids that is the root cause!)

While recent testing has confirmed the drinking water falls within established guidelines, there will be additional independent testing conducted, Philpott noted.

"While I am relieved to know there is no immediate medical emergency in the community, the situation in Kashetchewan is another troubling reminder of the many social and health challenges that are faced by many First Nation and Inuit communities," she said.

"As a physician, I find it unacceptable that these conditions exist in a nation as rich as Canada. I have spoken to First Nations leaders who are deeply concerned for their people, but just as deeply committed to finding real, lasting solutions."

(Oh yes- LIE-berals LOVE finding solutions just so long as they do not loose any votes in the process! Resolving native issues will require `tough love` of the Conservative sort- starting with the demand that band councils post ALL their spending on line so a govt monitor can see at a glance what they are doing with OUR tax money! This will resolve a large portion of corruption on reserves!)

The Canadian Red Cross said Thursday it is engaged in a dialogue with various government and community agencies as the needs in Kashechewan are being assessed.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
You addled troll. I'm with a trucking company and as
a mental break today from what I was doing, I played
with my basic math skills.
Could that not be erased by increasing the rate you charge for the deliveries?
It could have been an increase in royalties the oil companies pay Canada but that would have been out of the pockets of the shareholders.
If I didn't know better I would swear this looks like an increase in the freight rates for goods coming into a company town. No increase needed, it was only done to keep the residents from getting too uppity.

Sorry if that comes as bad news.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Your mental train of thought is so far OFF the rails that you dont even know where to look for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rather than you being off the rails any longer than needed perhaps if I made every one of your points a thread by itself would help you regain your focus on what is important and what is fluff.

No reply would be taken to be that is a good plan and I can start with any point I like as long as I do them all before moving onto something else.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
(What price to fly in a medical team the 900 km from the nearest paved road?)

Charlie Angus, the NDP MP for the area, said he is pleased by the response, but there is remaining frustration in the community about deplorable living conditions.

"The community is flooded out year after year, the houses are substandard because of the damage they've suffered," Angus said.

"This is what Third World poverty looks like when it is inflicted on children."
Welcome to Ontario, caution Whites only need apply.
The lesser races are here to serve as lab rates only.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Could that not be erased by increasing the rate you charge for the deliveries?
It could have been an increase in royalties the oil companies pay Canada but that would have been out of the pockets of the shareholders.
If I didn't know better I would swear this looks like an increase in the freight rates for goods coming into a company town. No increase needed, it was only done to keep the residents from getting too uppity.
Sorry if that comes as bad news.

Why not just admit that you don't know much about the trucking industry? And how close the profit margins are?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
They want little trucking company to go natural gas as it's abundant, works in any diesel very well, needs no refining, is piped to the littke trucking co shop but NG refilling outside an urban area is as rare as high speed charging outside an urban area.

At 13 cents a liter equivalent piped to the shop the carbon tax is bupkis but the $10K per truck conversion and $150K for compressors and storage is an intial hefty cost to carry without subsidies and tax credits.

There is so much NG they need to create markets.

Similar was done with the gas bbq craze in the 80s to sell propane they couldn't give away.

For the most part we're running between Indiana south of the Great lakes (with 5th wheel RV's & Travel Trailers) to dealerships in Western Canada, much of that in BC. 1270 miles from Regina to where we pick up, and 2300+ miles back to several dealers on the Pacific coast of BC....and it's hard enough finding Diesel 1 in the US much of the year let alone NG taps...but interesting concept.

Could that not be erased by increasing the rate you charge for the deliveries?
It could have been an increase in royalties the oil companies pay Canada but that would have been out of the pockets of the shareholders.
If I didn't know better I would swear this looks like an increase in the freight rates for goods coming into a company town. No increase needed, it was only done to keep the residents from getting too uppity.

Sorry if that comes as bad news.

Our competition for the most part are American haulers. What %'age of the Canadian population lives within 100 miles of the American border? About 90%? How much 'carbon tax' is Trudeau going to impose upon American haulers that pop up into Canada to dump a load and then pop back into the US? Somewhere around zero? How much should we increase our rates to chase away our business? Margins are tight and Americans already pay lower insurance rates than we do for the most part, and lower fuel costs, and they can deliver state to state as well as into Canada where Canadian haulers can only deliver into thank you Mr. Trudeau. This tax is to make us get ride of undesirable habits by making them too expensive to afford, like voting Liberals in for a second term.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
NG peak power plants that come online when it's dark and the wind isn't blowing are the real deal. Solar and wind are useless without them. Those shiny new power plants are the true future of energy. They just needed a way to convince you to pay for it.


It is the LIE-beral vision of mouldy green power that is USELESS!

First- LIE-berals signed contracts for up to NINE HUNDRED PERCENT HIGHER prices than other forms of generation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Second- LIE-berals agreed to buy any and all mouldy green power that their PALS produced- at those INSANE PRICES!!!!!!!!!!!

Third- in order to make room on the power grid for mouldy green- that has an UGLY HABIT of being most productive when we need it LEAST- LIE-berals had to SHUT OFF other CHEAPER sources of power!

So in spring and fall LIE-berals routinely DUMP river water that could have been used to provide the cleanest and cheapest form of electricity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And they make us buy that COSTLY mouldy green crap INSTEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On a typical spring or fall day- when it is also often windy- Ontari-owe has WAY MORE moudly green power than it can use- so it is sold at a LOSS - to Yankees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then LIE-berals and their Hog allies point to how low cost mouldy green power is in United States!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can there be any person more hypocritical than a gravy hunting LIE-beral Hog?

God help us if there is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course mouldy green power is so unreliable at ANY TIME that natural gas plants must be kept fully fired up- 24/7 - and ready to jump in the moment the wind stops blowing or the sun goes behind a cloud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some people wonder why we do not scale back nuclear power- and they do not want to hear that it takes THREE DAYS to run a nuclear power station from dead stop to full power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it takes ANOTHER THREE DAYS to run a nuclear power station from full power back down to idle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For anybody who is paying attention - ALL our electricity costs and problems come back to those insanely costly mouldy green contracts LIE-berals signed with their Hog FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some people ask why we dont get rid of nuclear power entirely- even though it supplies 40 percent of all the power used in Ontari-owe?

And of course if we did get rid of the nuclear plants- then the ONLY PRACTICAL ALTERNATIVE would be wide scale use of natural gas for power generation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals want us to USE LESS fossil fuel- NOT EVEN MORE- as would be the case if we scrapped nuclear power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Wynne-bag LIE-berals have already explored and DISCARDED the idea of forcing us to scrap all our natural gas burning appliances and go fully electric for everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any attempt to make Ontari-owe- or Canada for that matter- into a fully electric country- meaning battery powered cars, electric heaters for homes and biz, electric water heaters and electric stoves- would provoke a Cdn REVOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy Justin has no more hope of ending fossil fuel use in Canada in his lifetime than he does of being crowned Emperor of the North for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The odds are good that Our idiot Boy may not even be prime minister after the 2019 election since he has offended so many people with his rascist and delusional crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And God only knows how he will weasel out of HARD questions about Isis fighters returning to Canada- to a warm welcome- from idiot, white hating LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our idiot Boy Justin has yet to explain how or when he met and befriended Joshua Boyle- the Taliban friendly NUTBAR who took his Yankee born wife to Afghanistan and spent 6 years with Muslim jihadists who were fighting against the west!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nor has anybody explained how Our idiot Boy Justin should happen to be a pal to Joshua Boyle in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is HARD to imagine that trust fund baby Justin would run in any ofr the same social circles as Boyle- born into a Mennonite family!!!!!!!!

But there it is- Boyle and Our idiot Boy are so friendly that Boyle and his wife and kids MET one on one- in a PRIVATE MEETING- with Our idiot Boy in Ottawa- so Boyle could tell our idiot of his adventures among the Taliban!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Our idiot Boy tells us it is NONE OF OUR BUSINESS what he and the Boyles discussed in their happy meeting!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Boyle mess looks even worse when it is revealed that Boyle happens to be the first hubby of Zaynab Khadr- the radical sister of Muslim terror poster boy Omar Khadr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zaynab later divorced Boyle- I guess he was too crazed even for her????????????

It looks increasingly unlikely that LIE-berals will not be able to sell us any more of their muddled polices!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is time for loser LIE-berals to hit the unemployment line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Again - bullshit. You are comparing a country with over 300 million with a country with just 35 million. And I have driven both highways you speak of. The Montana to Seattle route went south, avoiding the highest parts of the Rockies in that area. The roads in Canada pass though the Rockies at two of the highest points since there is no other way to go.

So your excuse is for Canada being 3rd world is we don't have the population to build the infrastructure.

I mean Trudeau can forgive a 2.6 billion dollar loan to (which makes you wonder why a Union Auto workers jobs is more important than mine), but we can't afford better highways.

Norway has better infrastructure than Canada.. what is their population.

Liberals write off $6.3 billion in loans, including $2.6 billion to automaker