Saudi Arabia expelling Canadian ambassador, suspending new trade


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Some end up being worse than their parents because they grew up believing all the hype. Libya was quite different as the people has as much freedom as the West would allow, since his son grew up in that he could probably be a moderate leader who could rule for decades and the citizens would benefit the whole time.

This guy looks he could have been the one interviewing the man via video link when all his body parts fell off due to 'stress' and been having cake and talking to trump about the next billion worth of weapons at the same time.
Russia actually delivering an operating S-400 system to them is when somebody walks on the moon.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005


Audio confirms Jamal Khashoggi was tortured and dismembered, a Turkish official said, revealing gruesome details and contradicting Saudi denials.

"contract" kill, ordered by the prince??? "the press being the enemy of the people" kinda also fits with trump's MO.

CNN reporting that they are trying to come up with a"cover story" so as not to implicate the prince. wonder what Trump will get out of it.Given that the Trump US is prone to conspiracy theories....... will be interesting to see what BS they come up with.

What is a reporters's life when there are billions in contracts involved. Ethics?? humanity?? ........The priorities are obvious.
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Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Over the last 10 years, Canada has spent $20.9 billion on Saudi crude
Between 2007 and 2017, Statistics Canada figures show that Canada imported a total of $20.9 billion of Saudi Arabian petroleum oils. For context, this is almost precisely what Canada spends on its military per year. It’s also way more than the expected $15.7 billion cost of the Energy East pipeline. On average, in recent years, Saudi Arabia supplies about 10 per cent of Canada’s oil imports. Canada, in turn, is responsible for buying roughly 1.5 per cent of total Saudi oil exports. What’s more, Saudi Arabia is climbing the leader board of countries that Canada’s relies upon for its foreign oil. As recently as 2010, Saudi Arabia ranked as Canada’s fifth largest supplier of foreign oil (behind Algeria, Norway, the U.K. and Kazakhstan). Now, Saudi Arabia is second only to the United States.

(I bet very little of that Saudi oil is being shipped into Western Canada though....)

As I said - hardly any. During that time Canada produced over 10 billion barrels of oil. Value - at least 500 billion.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
During that time Canada produced 10 billion barrels oil, and exported how much of that to the US at approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of the world price (???) while importing oil from places like Saudi Arabia into Eastern Canada. Does that not seem so stupid on the part of Canada? So beyond stupid just to appease Quebec with respect to pipelines while it dumps it's raw sewage into the Saint Lawrence Seaway? Great political choices....not. Saving the world one bad choice after another to buy votes in Eastern Canada with equalization money flowing from Western Canada (petro dollars) in order to buy Saudi Arabian oil at fullbore$$$ and ship it across the globe into Eastern Canada. Oh well.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
The Canadian government does not set oil prices.Either our own or the world's.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
U.S. intelligence officials are increasingly convinced a dissident Saudi journalist was killed and the crown prince was culpable in his death.
Trump is siding up with the Saudis........ and creating smoke and mirrors with alternative theories.
How can Trump be an objective leader .......when he has so much financial investment with SA........(and other places??) His motives are controlled by his own personal interests. He is actually using the presidency for his own personal gain.
He certainly does not Lett he facts get in his way .. while making things u pas it suits HIM. There is NOT one iota of compassion in that narcissist for the person who was probably tortured, dismembered in the most atrocious way. Not a word of compassion or caring for the fiance left standing at the embassy. His callousness and cruelty is boundless.

This would be a tough position to be in by any US Gov. not a US citizen but a US resident, yes human rights but he is not officially American his family is, he is a Saudis citizen. MSM is ramping up the pressure especially CNN, what would their reaction be if Hitlary was POTUS? They are using the incident to attack Trump and force his hand, Why are the Turks pushing this so hard and how did they get all the evidence with pictures? There is an agenda there as well.

IMO the Whitehouse has to let the investigation conclude and then come up with an appropriate recourse, not just overreact before all the facts come in.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
I'm pretty sure the people wouldn't mind higher royalties if the money went into the pockets of somebody other than the big-wigs;

There are royalties and they are paid to the Prov. governments which in turn Ont., Que., Man., NS, NB, Nunavit and PEI benefit from them in transfer payments. Do not forget all the taxes that are spun off from the industry that benefits all Canadians Federally and Provincially.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Getting Treasury Secretary Manuchin to withdraw from the Riyadh Economic Conference was like pulling teeth. Even after virtually every other national, supranational agency, media organ and, investment bank had done so. And Trump continues to waffle and punt the issue.

Let's be clear that there is 'high confidence', which in diplomatic terms means it is a moral certainty, that MbS ordered the torture and murder of Khashoggi in his Turkish Consulate as a message to Saudi media critics world wide. That message is there is no where you can hide from me and my vengeance. He was the ONLY one with the means, motive and, opportunity.

The reluctance of the Trump Whitehouse to acknowledge the obvious comes from one doctrinal imperative and from one proponent in the Administration. The proponent is Jared Kushner and doctrine is that of containment of Iran which is deemed to be an existential threat to Israel. Kushner in first and foremost a citizen of Zion; the political and geographical manifestation of Jewish nationalism.

In this construct Saudi Arabia/Sunni is seen to be the counterweight to Iranian/Shia dominance of the Middle East. Hence Yemen, Quatar, Syria are all drawn into spheres of influence. The whole woven narrative of 'demonizing' Iran and 'angelizing' Saudi Arabia stems from this premise. Trump seems totally bamboozled and deferential to his Son-in-Law on the issue and MbS is seen as a reliable and malleable intrument in its execution. That quilt in now unravelling.

The truth is the whole region, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Israel included, is a nest of vipers. And Trump has managed to botch this whole sordid affair to the point that it is discrediting his reputation after significant victories in SCOTUS and federal courts, and, in the economy.

It is time to cut loose MsB (and Kushner.. make him Ambassador to Israel and get him out of the Whitehouse). The Crown Prince is finished inside and outside the Kingdom. Trump has to get out in front of this or it will effect his ability to keep the House of Representatives. And that would provide a platform for the Dems to torment him for the next two years.
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Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Conservatives are mounting a whisper campaign smearing missing journalist Jamal Khashoggi in defense of Trump

A cadre of conservative House lawmakers allied with President Trump has been privately exchanging articles from right-wing outlets that depict Khashoggi as allied with terrorists �� false and distorted claims that have begun to flare into public view as conservative media figures have amplified them.

Khashoggi, a dissident journalist, is believed to have been killed and dismembered by Saudi operatives.

There really is NO low these barbarians would descend to.

The REAL America is now showing its true colours for all to see. and it is disgusting.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
he was actually alive as they dismembered him.
And now the stupid greedy inhumane Trumpians want to smear his name too. ......just to cover for the barbaric prince. Lowering the US to level of the Saudis .....the Russians and other despot nations.


The world is watching...... with horror.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
he was actually alive as they dismembered him.
One can only hope he went unconscious shortly after the horrific pain stated. The mind does shut off when body is in extreme pain. No wonder it took a group of sadistic thugs to do the "wet" work. shame on those primitives & shame on the US.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
There are royalties and they are paid to the Prov. governments which in turn Ont., Que., Man., NS, NB, Nunavit and PEI benefit from them in transfer payments. Do not forget all the taxes that are spun off from the industry that benefits all Canadians Federally and Provincially.
Would you like the charts, local and foreign, we sell to the oil companies below wholesale. Who do you thinks gets paid to make sure it stays that way?


Electoral Member
Aug 2, 2018


Reconsidering the US-Saudi relationship

By Matthew Oct 19, 2018, 1:00pm EDT

By 2018, though, things look quite different. For starters, the Saudi population has more than tripled, so the Saudi government’s ability to use its oil reserves for anything other than straightforward economic development is reduced. But more importantly, while Russia still wins from expensive oil, American foreign policy is no longer oriented exclusively around competing with Russia.

One thing you hear is that the Saudis are valuable allies against Iran. But that’s backward. The Saudi-Iranian rivalry is very intense, and we are valuable to Saudi Arabia as allies against Iran. The leverage here is entirely in our corner. As the country that’s located on another continent and that doesn’t admire either country’s political system, we have the option of moving to a more neutral position between these two countries unless the Saudis do what we want.

Fear that Americans would realize this is what drove think tanks funded by the Saudis and the United Arab Emirates into such a frenzy of opposition to President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran.

Resolving the nuclear issue would have set the stage to make a more neutral US posture at least theoretically possible, which, in turn, would have given the US a very strong upper hand vis-à-vis Saudi Arabia. But the Gulf states, working with Israel, got Republicans to scuttle the deal in a way that has made the world less safe from nuclear proliferation but serves their narrow regional political agenda.
