Hypocrisy of the Left


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Re: Hypocrisy of the left

When Democrats Demanded John Brennan Resign

Progs always say the opposite of what they believe,

Actually suggesting that "Progs say the opposite of what they believe" might be flattering them and their level of intelligence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since they have NO belief in anything other than their ENTITLEMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Progs like Our idiot Boy display such a stunning lack of long term planning one wonders how they get through a day without ending up stuck in front of a lamp post that they aint smart enough to go around!

To see the proof of this one has only to look at the weekend kerfuffle over Trudeau calling some woman a racist for asking about the cost of LIE-beral immigration madness!

Our idiot Boy knows this is going to be a major election issue next year and apparently the ONLY tactic he has devised to respond to this pressing issue is to call questioners "racist" for asking about the issue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Conservative Kim Campbell took over after Lying Brian departed the scene and i figure she lost the election completely when a reporter asked her a difficult question and she responded with this: "the middle of an election ins no time to be discussing divisive questions like that"!

If you cannot come up with a sensible response during an election- and Campbell could not- then you are political TOAST!!!!!!!!!

Campbell did not even win her own seat as MP in that election and one has to think there is a moral and a lesson in that for Our idiot Boy to heed- but he aint smart enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If your only defense of 4 years of despised and failed LIE-beral policy is sneering "racist" while the security staff haul you away- then you HAVE LOST THE ELECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One has only to think how the tide turned for Wynne-bag LIE-berals as the cops dragged their feet with agonized slowness to investigate assorted LIE-beral scandals!

With the general public painfully aware that OPP

officers had previously endorsed LIE-beral party- once that whiff of scandal and suspected preferential treatment of LIE-berals came to public attention- LIE-berals slid into a political death spiral!!!!!!!!!

And it will not help LIE-berals keep their grip on power now that they have graphically illustrated that they will make us pay any price so they can cling to power!

Ontario Provincial Police have investigated enough political shenanigans that they ought to be well aware of the gross conflict of interest that they and other civil service union Hogs are engaged in! The member of parliament that speaks and votes on behalf of some proposed government contract that will benefit a company that he owns is in conflict of interest and will be in trouble if he does not withdraw. The CEO of some major corporation that attempts to bribe a government to give his company a rich contract will be in trouble. Why then are civil service Hogs allowed to publicly defame Conservatives simply because they expect that Lie-berals will give them better salaries and pensions? Is this not a gross conflict of interest? And why are election officials not stepping in to halt this shameless conflict of interest?

Oh…right….election officials are civil service Hogs at the trough and are quite happy with their PIG status and desire that it continue! We don’t let politicians do it and we don’t let corporate millionaires do it so why do we close our eyes to the greed of gravy train riding hogs who also happen to be bankrupting our country with their endless demands and entitlements!!! Civil service Hogs will point out that they pay taxes too- and its true- they do pay taxes- but what they pay is a lot like the guy who hijacked your car taking pity on you and flipping you a couple of bucks for the bus as he drives off with YOUR wheels!
And isnt it nice that our LIE-beral Wynne-bag premier has become the most hated politician in Canada and has been shamed into limiting the ad campaign of her Hog supporters! Or should we think she is so utterly hated she is afraid Hogs will turn away from her vile party and support NDP instead?

Hogs and LIE-berals are fine with smearing Conservatives in a gross conflict of interest but a “family squabble” with NDP, LIE-berals and Hogs fighting each other is undesirable- FOR THEM!


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
You'll do anything to try to divert from the fact that your Beloved Leader is a serial adulterer who pays hush money to porn stars, won't you, culo saltado?

Cuz he's a real fine Christian, right?

I dont recall Trump ever mentioning Christianity!!!!!!!!!!!!

But his major so called crime appears to be enjoying the company of attractive women possessed of what your Granny used to call easy virtue and of of using his well filled wallet to buy their attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If using your own personal money to excite attractive women becomes a crime then there will be a need for a LOT MORE JAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frankly the Trump haters seem to be mainly JEALOUS they dont have broads like that in their beds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or maybe they are jealous because they SLEEP ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Did they want to revoke his security clearance because he said mean things about them?

No they want to revoke his security clearance because he has clearly shown he is abusing it dishonestly.
I know honesty doesn't mean anything to you, but it does matter to the rest of us.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
No they want to revoke his security clearance because he has clearly shown he is abusing it dishonestly.
I know honesty doesn't mean anything to you, but it does matter to the rest of us.


If a law was written that required LIE-berals to be SINCERE every time they opened their mouths- the result would look like that old Jim Carrey movie called "Liar, Liar"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals never met a fact they could not twist like a circus strong man bending rubber horse shoes!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article spewing the usual lunatic left wing propaganda about housing costs in Canada. With some comments of my own in brackets):

OPINION: All three major parties ignore real solutions to Ontario’s housing crunch

Special to Toronto Sun. Published: May 31, 2018. Updated: May 31, 2018 7:40 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists


EDITORIAL: The bottom line is this pipeline must be built
FUREY: Tariffs also about how Trump’s preparing for war

Reduce housing costs by increasing supply of units


With the Ontario election fast approaching, voters want robust discussion on important issues facing the province. Unfortunately, on the crucial issue of housing affordability, constructive proposals and meaningful debate have been lacking.

(Oh that IS FUNNY! LIE-berals and their less intelligent cousins of NDP have ALREADY HAD the debate- and ordinary people lost it! Taxes and govt debt incurred while LIE-berals were busy buying the votes of civil service union Hogs and assorted bigoted groups like Black Lives Matter and Idle No more are the driving force behind current fiscal woes!)

(Ontari-owe had grown disgusted with Wynne-bag LIE-berals and have thrown them out in favour of Doug Ford! But as a parting gift- LIE-berals signed FOUR YEAR CONTRACTS with their Hog allies! Since over 75 percent of the Ontari-owe budget is spent on Hog salaries, pensions and perks of office- this means that most of the Ontari-owe budget is COMMITTED to Hog gravy regardless of what we want or who is in charge!)

The situation, however, is clear. Home prices in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) have risen almost 50% since the last provincial election in June 2014, despite a recent dip. While the rise in prices benefited many existing owners, the high prices have hurt anyone looking to enter the market.

(On the plus side- if you are a Hog- high housing prices have been a God send for our ever greedy LIE-beral govt thanks to those land transfer taxes that go up automatically along with house prices! More taxes equals more Gravy for Hogs- and they NEVER have enough!)

According to recent research by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), much of the increase in housing prices is due to a combination of strong demand and an inability of cities in the region to adequately respond with the construction of new housing units. Indeed, in the City of Toronto, new listings only stay on the market 16 days (on average) compared to 39 days in Calgary, for example.

(And WHY cannot cities build more housing? Might it be something to do with all the NIMBY Groups that city hall caters to? One has only to look back at the well heeled Toronto Moore Park residents who decided that putting up with commuter traffic in their little corner of heaven was not acceptable so they got Silly Hall politicians to CLOSE ROADS to through traffic and screw commuters! And things have gotten worse since then with ever more influential NIMBY`s multiplying like mushrooms after rain!)!

Similarly, the GTA-wide rental unit vacancy rate hovers around 1% compared to almost 3% in the greater Montreal area, where average rents are also much cheaper.

(It does nothing to allay the concerns of NIMBY`s that city hall so often moves drug addicts and crazy people into newly built or converted residential buildings! Nobody wants the crime, noise , garbage and discarded needles that come with too many low rent buildings! So NIMBY`s fight ever harder and city hall caves in!)

In short, the cost of buying or renting a home — especially in the GTA — is increasingly out of reach for many Ontarians — and again, this is largely due to a significant shortage of available homes.

(LIE-berals enjoy telling us that driving a car is a privilege- yet Cdns know better! Thanks to decades of neglect of our public transit we are increasingly FORCED to drive! Public transit is increasingly over crowded and often unreliable! If you miss too much work while standing on a transit platform waiting for a vehicle that is waiting for a tow truck- you may be replaced by your boss- who expected you tho show up regularly! Many bosses do not want an employee to walk a half mile from the nearest bus stop - arriving at work covered in sweat and ready to serve customers their food!)

(Bosses prefer employees who drive because they arrive looking neat and tidy regardless of heat waves or pouring rain! Then there is the simple time element- public transit is often TOO SLOW- thanks to our “just in time” warehouse system- bosses want employees to appear SWIFTLY when called in and transit will not cut it for those bosses!)

(Then add in the effect of clogged roads- they have not been expanded in 40 years either and it TAKES TIME top get anyplace! It is time we often do not have as we work ever longer hours and more erratic shifts! Not to mention that LIE-berals have helped us “save money” on our car insurance and Ontari-owe now pays the highest rates in all of Canada in spite of having the best drivers with least number of accidents! LIE-beral inaction on multiple fronts is forcing us to jam into already over crowded and costly cities!)

To be clear, all three major Ontario political parties have made promises about housing.

For example, both the governing Liberals and the Progressive Conservatives promise, if elected next month, to maintain last year’s expansion of rent control (a policy capping rent increases), while the New Democratic Party promises even more regulation of rents. This tri-partisan consensus is particularly disappointing given the nearly unanimous opposition to rent control among economists, who note that capping rent increases reduces the incentive to build new housing and forces landlords to cut corners on maintenance and improvements to existing rental units.

(Poor stupid economists- they have both feet in their mouths thanks to all the LIE-beral propaganda so many of them have supported! WE have been told often that our govt debts are manageable and yet we are also told our debt is crippling! Rent control is certainly damaging but so is the price gouging that comes when housing stocks are utterly inadequate to need- with NO socialist govt willing to shove NIMBY`s out if the way and let developers get to work! Part of the problem for govt is the need to supply assorted services- expanded sewage treatment plants, fore and police services and new roads- and much of that cost gets dumped onto existing tax payers who rightly resent paying for others! LIE-beral greed for gravy is so great it is crippling other parts of society!)

Instead of focusing on discredited policies such as rigid rental controls, the parties should propose credible plans to reduce housing costs in Ontario’s most expensive cities by increasing the supply of housing units to respond to growing demand. Otherwise, if supply can’t keep pace with demand, and rental vacancy rates remain below 1%, rents will go up.

(As we have already seen- LIE-beral hands are tied! There is some hope that a Conservative govt will take action on public transit in Toronto- but thanks to LIE-berals and their 4 year contracts with civil service union Hogs- over 75 percent of the Ontari-owe budget is locked into those 4 year contracts and cannot be altered by Ford!)

The same goes for would-be buyers, who face the inevitable bidding wars (and price increases) that result from too few units for too many bidders. If Ontario’s major parties want to get serious about tackling the cost of living in the GTA and beyond, they can look south of the border for ways to grow the housing supply.

(People would travel to and live in smaller communities where housing is cheaper- if there were any jobs! Sadly- other news articles illustrate that most areas outside of GTA are LOSING JOBS- not creating them! Only the GTA and close surrounding areas have recovered from the 2008 mortgage melt down! And of the jobs created in GTA- the majority have been for govt- meaning we pay for an ever growing herd of gravy grabbing Hogs out of static tax revenue!)

In Massachusetts, for example, the state government recently introduced zoning reform legislation, allowing for more flexible housing such as basement suites in communities that would otherwise forbid or restrict them. Similarly, there are ongoing efforts in California to pass a bill allowing increased density (rather than capped density) near rapid transit stations, encouraging the construction of new units where they’re most needed.

(Too late- we already have all the “flexible” housing in use! As for “increased density” -refer to the Ontari-owe NIMBY objections!)

In both cases, state governments aim to free-up urban land for additional homes. Needless to say, we’ve seen nothing like these smart supply-focused housing policies at Queen’s Park, from the Wynne government or its recent predecessors.

(Hogwash! Desperate LIE-berals have no intention of confronting powerful Nimby groups! LIE-berals are in enough trouble trying to sort out the hordes of illegals that need housing! And LIE-berals at any level of govt have NO PLAN! Besides- LIE-berals are to busy trying to ram safe injection sites down our throats- along with the crime, discarded needles and filth such sites generate!)

By continuing to ignore the supply side of the housing equation, Ontario’s three major parties can only guarantee more of the same on the housing front — high prices and low vacancies. Ontarians deserve better.

(Ontari-owe Conservatives DO have a plan for housing! They plan top build more pubic transit so we can travel a little easier from less jam packed areas to our jobs and they plan to derail the LIE-beral gravy train so people will have enough money in their pockets to solve their own problems without ongoing massive and costly LIE-beral interference!)

— Josef Filipowicz and Steve Lafleur are senior policy analysts at the Fraser Institute.

(Fraser Institute has an annoying tendency to focus only on one problem- while ignoring other obvious and related influences on that problem! As an example- economist Sheila Block told us -a couple years b ack as LIE-berals began lying about the size of their deficits- that our Ontari-owe LIE-beral debts ARE MANAGEABLE -as long as interest rates stay low and as long as no new economic shocks come along to upset the ship of state! And of course interest rates ARE RISING- albeit slowly! And we are now dealing with the Trump trade war that Our idiot Boy Justin has triggered by refusing to take our national security issues seriously- so we now are facing the economic shock that Block did not see coming!)

(LIE-beral/Socialist management of our economy has been a SH+T SHOW of loathsome proportions!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
No one reads long posts.

Oh Walter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When will you LIE-berals ever LEARN!!!!!!!!!

Fake News IS YOUR DOWNFALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You should rally just admit that YOU READ EVERY WORD I POST- DESPERATELY SEEKING some sort of fault in my logic!!!!!!!!

And your success at rebutting my arguments is a lacklustre as is ALL LIE-beral policy!!!!!!!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
What does more than one exclamation mark mean?


Extra exclamation points are designed for poor readers- most of whom are LIE-beral and have SHORT ATTENTION SPANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How much political trouble can we get into if we implement electoral reform and proportional representation (call it PR) under LIE-beral supervision? The Green Party is MOST excited about PR as they expect to be BIG WINNERS under PR. Of course most Cdns will be BIG LOSERS if Greens get what they desire! Consider these statements taken from Green Party policy statements, with some comments of my own in brackets):

Sustainable Economy. Because tomorrow is serious business.

Canada is teetering on a recession for the second time since Stephen Harper became prime minister. His ill-advised political pledge to eliminate the deficit he created, just in time for this election, is now risking a deepening recession.

(Harper is the most LIED ABOUT leader in Cdn history! Greens are clearly excited about deficit financing. They have learned NOTHING from NDP leader Bob Rae and the Rae Days that resulted when Boob tried to spend us rich- as Our idiot Boy Justin is now trying and FAILING to do! Nor have GREENS learned from the economic chaos that has enveloped the European PIGS-led by Greece!)

We are one of the wealthiest nations in the world in every sense of the word. Today, our economy produces 50 percent more wealth per capita than it did a generation ago.

(Too bad Greens did not calculate what our economy would be producing if we had to STOP borrowing and start PAYING BACK what we have borrowed! Greens IGNORE the debt disaster that is stalking us and getting CLOSER!)

Nevertheless, Canadians are feeling more squeezed economically than ever before. Despite a shift to two-income households, the current generation of young families faces increasing costs for housing, education, and childcare, and unprecedented household debt.

(This is what happens when you live beyond your means and are beholden to a cabal of powerful civil service unions that are holding the rest of us to ransom for their gravy! And this is another reason for our economy to LOOK healthy-average out the $95 grand a teacher gets with the $40 grand an ordinary person gets and it LOOKS respectable-but the teacher is the only one happy or comfortable and averages let Greens and LIE-berals pretend the economy is better than it really is!)

Meanwhile, our political leaders repeat the mantra that government cupboards are bare. Deep cuts in the tax rate for large corporations have led to a hoarding of cash in big business bank accounts. The Former Governor of the Bank of Canada called it “dead money” – and there’s a lot of it. Over $600 billion, equivalent to 32 percent of our GDP, is held in corporate bank accounts – not being re-invested, not working at all. Dead money. Old-line parties have ignored places to fund needed programs and instead claim there is no new money for health care services, education, pensions, infrastructure, public safety, or scientific research.

(Greens spout the sort of economic madness last heard at Communist Party rallies in Moscow-before the collapse of Soviet Union. All political parties are under HUGE PRESSURE to produce MORE JOBS and they all employ the same bait-LOWER TAXES. You cannot play the World Monopoly game without money!)

(Greens refer to money held in corporate accounts as `dead`-this is NOT the case-that money is what allows our banking system to continue being regarded as SOLVENT and more stable than banks in other countries! We certainly can not count on ordinary Cdns to save that kind of money-not without a gun to their heads! And corporations exist for the sole purpose of making MORE money-give them a real opportunity and watch them jump for it USING that `dead` money! Further, Greens IGNORE the reality that much of that money is tied to company stocks held by Cdns-if you waste that money stupidly then Cdns suffer.)

There is a serious disconnect between the unprecedented wealth produced by the Canadian economy and the increasing economic insecurity of Canadians.

(That `disconnect` is solely the result of MASSIVE transfers of wealth from ordinary Cdns into the pockets of Working Family civil service union Hogs. Ontari-owe LIE-berals have made promises to their high school teachers totaling FIFTY FIVE BILLION DOLLARS! If this money is not paid by LIE-berals by about 2018 then high school teacher pension plan will go BANKRUPT! We did not have the money when LIE-berals made the promises and we don’t have it now. LIE-berals cannot shovel OUR money fast enough into the 19 civil service union pension plans to keep them solvent-so great is union greed for gravy! Greens must accept that offering us LIE-beral style policies will ruin what`s left of our economy. Teacher Hog pensions are so lavish that a teacher can make as much or MORE money while retired than they earned while working!)

We need to immediately build those sectors that benefit from the lower Canadian dollar – manufacturing, tourism, value-added forest products and cultural industries.

(What a joke! Manufacturing in Canada is in a holding pattern-waiting to see if LIE-berals are stupid enough to go ahead with their Carbon crap and trade scam-the one Greens STRONGLY support! The Carbon crap is NOT a plan to save the environment; it is nothing more than a GIANT slush fund that LIE-berals plan to dip into so they can BUY Hog votes. If LIE-berals-or Greens do Not exempt Cdn manufacturing companies from the Carbon tax then they can wave BYE-BYE to ALL our manufacturing jobs as they flee to other countries where taxes are lower and carbon is ignored .)

(And what of tourism? Travel by air plane is the dirtiest way to travel-do Greens really want INCREASED air travel-with its VAST increase in air pollution and attendant rise in use of fossil fuel? And what of the recent proposal of Toronto council to put a tax on hotel rooms? How does increasing cost benefit tourism? But Silly Hall must buy Hog votes just like LIE-berals-so hike the new taxes!)

(Greens want to support `cultural industries`? That`s nice. Does anybody remember `Bubbles Galore`-the LAME soft porn film shot in Canada using the newly created LIE-beral inspired film credits? Or how about the shit art-literally-that was featured in The Globe newspaper a a decade back? LIE-beral inspired artists bought a dozen pairs of cotton slacks and then ate a nice range of foods-and then shit in their pants-some were over achievers and shit several times in the pants! The pants were then put on display at an art gallery that got 80percent of its operating budget from LIE-beral govt! The shitty pants-with their colourful variety of textures and range of application methods-some lightly done and others caked in place- were supposed to be some sort of parody of life and death and creativity. Do we want MORE bureaucrats producing shit art and soft porn? That rat Pierre Trudeau stated one good thing: “that the state had no business in the bedrooms of the nation!” I agree and add: the state should stay away from the art business too!)

We need to embrace the 21st century economic revolution of clean technology.

Canada is falling far behind the U.S. in productivity. More R & D and innovation will come from manufacturing and clean technology.

(Apparently Greens have not noticed that we are a branch plant economy. Sweden can sell us VOLVO cars because Volvo puts home based Swedish interests FIRST. Same sort of thing with Honda, Kia, Mercedes. Astin Martin. So called Cdn auto makers take their orders direct from Detroit generally and from Flint Michigan specifically. Cdn industry is OWNED by foreigners-and THEY dictate what we may make ands where we can sell it. The same sort of rules apply to value added forest products-we have sold ourselves to foreigners for quick economic fixes and now our hands are tied.)

Secure Canada’s economic leadership over the coming decade by creating a fund to invest in skills-training, education, energy efficiency, renewables, and emerging technologies.

(Apparently Greens have never tried to get hired as an apprentice in Canada. There are ALREADY all manner of colleges delighted to train us in all sorts of things-but there are NO JOBS. Going ever deeper into debt to train people for jobs that don’t exist is NOT a solution! Europeans have a much better apprenticeship training regimen than we do and yet their debts and unemployment rates are much higher than ours? Greens offer no answer regarding WHY? I say its DEBT that hobble s European economies-and ours as well!)

We will capitalize this fund by expanding revenue through returning corporate tax rates on large corporations to the 2009 level (19 percent), eliminating tax havens and tax credits used by the extremely wealthy, taxing pollution and waste, increasing the efficiency of our tax system, and working with provinces to increase resource extraction royalties.

(Oh great, LIE-berals are busy trying frantically to BRIBE companies to stay here and Greens want to ADD to the tax burden and ruin everything!)

The time has come to redesign our tax system for the 21st century economy. As a starting point, in line with fundamental principles of fairness, efficiency and equity, we will eliminate the exemptions, special cases and tax breaks for favoured interests. These boutique tax cuts have cluttered our tax code, needlessly increasing its complexity. We must ensure the tax system helps, not hinders, Canadians. These changes will ensure that we capture and secure economic benefits for all Canadians.

(Greens have not noticed that LIE-berals derive their votes from a cabal of powerful union Hogs-and both Hogs and corporations must be bribed with tax breaks or they wont play nice with govt! And for the 55 plus percent of Cdns who are too disgusted to vote-politicians calm that herd by offering up more assorted `boutique` tax benefits. Eliminating `boutique` tax cuts will ensure that Hogs and their dependants will maul Greens in any election-at every opportunity. Hogs are already FURIOUS at LIE-berals for holding back shipments of new gravy-and Greens seriously expect to win votes by taxing the wealthy even further?)

Canada is one of the safest places in the world to invest. Rather than investing abroad, the majority of the Canadian Sustainable Generations Fund will be invested here in Canada – in Canadian jobs, education, infrastructure, small-business, and communities.

(If only it was that easy-democratic govts around the world have been `managing` and `stimulating` their economies for decades-and the only result has been soaring DEBT! More govt is the problem-NOT the solution!)

(Greens are offering us nothing but a half baked melange of poorly thought out schemes spiced with old and disgraced former LIE-beral money management policies! Do we really want to turn the clock back to the Pierre Trudeau era? There is a reason why he told us all to Fuddle Duddle and then gave that Salmon Arm salute....and Greens want us to return to that?)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Walter once again coming to the aid of a racist.

At least this time it isn't also a pedo.



Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek

For you, Cliffy

.... of which I am sure you are one. :lol: