Jesus Christ was born in Autumn, not in Winter!

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Yes but they were all wicked, wicked Zionists and therefore were required to die.

They were not the wicked Zionists .. their adversaries Jews were the Wicked Zionists .. the minions of Satan and his devils.


The only ones that would have known she was a virgin was Mary and Joseph and the mid wife and that was probably Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist.

Wrong; all people knew she was virgin, and not married yet.

There is no record of when they were married, with God she could have conceived a day before the wedding and Joseph had the dream the night before the wedding.

Again, this isn't correct .. if she conceives a day before the wedding, none may object or have any doubt .. people would say he was the son of the Carpenter.
But she did not marry until after giving birth to Jesus, so that no doubt would be about he was born without father.

Conceived in late Dec and they had been married almost 9 months when His birth took place.

Again, this is only your assumption.. moreover, his fetus period was about 6 months, not 9 month.. this was to conceal about her pregnancy before people.

She and her cousin, Elizabeth, were daughters of Aaron

Elizabeth was not the cousin of Mary, but her aunt: the sister of her mother Ann.

I may later on complete the reply, with God's will.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
In correction to my previous post: the pregnancy months of Virgin Mary when she bore Jesus were not 6 but 7 months, after which she gave birth to Jesus.

Quran 19: 22, which means:
("So she conceived [Jesus], and withdrew with him to a remote place [away from people, in order to give birth of him i.])

22 i The duration of her pregnancy with him, was seven months.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
In the story of Jesus birth, nothing is mentioned about Elizabeth to act as a midwife .. moreover, Elizabeth the sister of Ann mother of Mary, was an old woman, when she had given birth (also miraculously) of John (who later was know as the Baptist)

The story of Mary giving birth to Jesus goes like this:

Quran 19: 22-24, which mean:
(22. "So she [Meriam or Mary] conceived [Jesus], and withdrew with him to a remote place [away from people, in order to give birth of him i.]

23. And the labor pains drove her to the trunk of a palm-tree [to recline on it in the delivery j]; she said [then]: "Would that I had died before this [incident]; would that I had been something forgotten."

24. And [when she gave birth to him, Jesus] called to her from below her: "Grieve not; your Lord has made beneath you[r feet] a flowing [water] stream.")


22 i The duration of her pregnancy with him, was seven months.

23 j Mary walked until she reached to a garden; in that garden there was a hut consisting of four trunks and mats [made from leaves of the palm tree]; so Mary went into that hut, and reclined on one of those trunks in order to give birth to him.


That hut was made of parts of palm trees: 4 columns (from palm trunks), while the roof was made of palm tree mats .. the purpose of such hut was to put the dates on it, so that it would not be corrupted by worms in case they put the dates directly on the earth.
So they culled the dates and put it on the roof of that hut ..that garden belonged to her family, and she entered into that garden .. the labor pain drove her to recline on one of such palm tree trunks ..

It was like this:

But the difference is the columns were made of palm trunks.

So the roof was flat with mats, while the columns were of palm trunks, like these in the following picture

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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
it would have been funny if Caitlyn gender was the next mary. ;)
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Some think that it was a miracle when she shook the palm trunk, because the palm trunk cannot be shaken by a stout powerful man, then how about a weak woman just following her child birth.
While the interpreter solved the puzzle: it was not a palm tree which she shook, but as the aya tells, she shook the palm trunk, and the dates fell upon her, because it has been culled and put on the roof of that hut .. as was the custom of people when they cut off the date clusters.

Quran 19: 24-26, which means:
(24. And [when she gave birth to him, Jesus] called to her from below her: "Grieve not; your Lord has made beneath you[r feet] a flowing [water] stream."

25. "Shake the trunk k of the palm-tree toward you, and it will let fall on you culled l fresh dates."

26. "Eat, therefore, [of the fresh date], drink [of the stream water], and be comforted [and don’t fear of disgrace.])

25 k Which is at your side.

25 l Because it was Autumn, and it was the time of cutting the date-clusters; so when they culled its date, some dates fell on that hut, and when she shook the trunk, some dates which were on the hut fell which Mary took and ate.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
In the story of Jesus birth, nothing is mentioned about Elizabeth to act as a midwife .. moreover, Elizabeth the sister of Ann mother of Mary, was an old woman, when she had given birth (also miraculously) of John (who later was know as the Baptist)

The story of Mary giving birth to Jesus goes like this:

Quran 19: 22-24, which mean:
(22. "So she [Meriam or Mary] conceived [Jesus], and withdrew with him to a remote place [away from people, in order to give birth of him i.]

23. And the labor pains drove her to the trunk of a palm-tree [to recline on it in the delivery j]; she said [then]: "Would that I had died before this [incident]; would that I had been something forgotten."

24. And [when she gave birth to him, Jesus] called to her from below her: "Grieve not; your Lord has made beneath you[r feet] a flowing [water] stream.")


22 i The duration of her pregnancy with him, was seven months.

23 j Mary walked until she reached to a garden; in that garden there was a hut consisting of four trunks and mats [made from leaves of the palm tree]; so Mary went into that hut, and reclined on one of those trunks in order to give birth to him.


That hut was made of parts of palm trees: 4 columns (from palm trunks), while the roof was made of palm tree mats .. the purpose of such hut was to put the dates on it, so that it would not be corrupted by worms in case they put the dates directly on the earth.
So they culled the dates and put it on the roof of that hut ..that garden belonged to her family, and she entered into that garden .. the labor pain drove her to recline on one of such palm tree trunks ..

It was like this:

But the difference is the columns were made of palm trunks.

So the roof was flat with mats, while the columns were of palm trunks, like these in the following picture

She noticed that the hut had no walls, so Mary spaketh: "Wattle I do, now."


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
These are not more than vain words .. non-sense ..

From such silly words of yours, I think you are of Christian descent or origin .. although non-religious ..

so you don't agree to read and reason the words of the Quran, the meaning of which I have just explained .. therefore, you mock .. while the mockery is nothing more than vain silly words.

So you have kept your Christian descent (bigotry), while at the same time, you ignored reading and realizing the words of the Quran (claiming you are non-religious.)


Now I ask Christians (and Muslims) this question:
Why did the family of Virgin Mary pardon her, after she gave birth to Jesus miraculously without father?

Keeping in mind that she belonged to a most strict and observant family who were the custodians of the House of God at Jerusalem?

After listening to the answers, I may give two reasons, by God's will some time later on.
Probably because it never happened. And if it did, so 'effing what. In that time period all prophets, many kings & such all claimed that their mothers were f*cked by gods. Utterly irrelevant.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
No, He can sit on a throne and rightly claim to be the King. Being conceived as the 'seed of Eve' that fulfills the bruise to the heel from Ge:3:15 is a destiny He alone was fulfill.

Jesus Christ was assigned by God to the king, like King Saul. So he did not need any explanation or justification. When John Baptist anointed him, he did not do that of his own accord, but by God's commanding him to do so.

Even the Christ himself: the affair of being the king or the prophet was not by his own will, but by God's will, to which Jesus could not object, but had to fulfill.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Jesus Christ was assigned by God to the king, like King Saul. So he did not need any explanation or justification.

Funny. Benjamin Netanyahu believes the same thing.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
You and the Netan are the garbage of humanity.
So play and dance and bubble now as you like, while your time has expired.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Wrong; all people knew she was virgin, and not married yet.
Mary was not visited until after she and Joseph were engaged and I will give you that the marriage had not yet taken place when he was ready to give birth. They had to be married when Mary took Him to the temple a month later to be anointed. The woman there would have known Mary was a daughter of Aaron so her connection to God goes back to Adan and Eve so she would be considered to be ' the seed of Eve' that would give birth to the child that would complete both bruises from Ge:3:15. Satan tried to exterminate all 5 fingered people and god stopped the effort when Noah and his wife and 3 sons were the only ones left alive that had 5 fingers, all others had 6 fingers, including the wives of the 3 sons. When Mary named Joseph that would have recorded that the male child was in line to be the King that is promised should events turn out that way. Joseph left for Egypt as soon as that anointing took place so they escaped the round-up that took place.
The point I'm making is they both would have been stoned to death under the laws that were in place if the locals did not see them as already being married rather than giving then some slack for 'jumping the gun'. Being a daughter of Aaron would also have put certain duties on her as far as setting standards for the rest of the flock about how to maintain the law rather than being experts at finding loopholes.
Today it would be a tax advantage to get married before the end of the year, back then it may have been better to wait until the start of a new year.

Again, this isn't correct .. if she conceives a day before the wedding, none may object or have any doubt .. people would say he was the son of the Carpenter.
But she did not marry until after giving birth to Jesus, so that no doubt would be about he was born without father.
He was recognized as having claim to the throne because Joseph was known as His father. The 2nd woman in Re:12 is Mary, the mother of Jesus and her role in the completion of the bruise to the heel as determined by God in Re:3:15. There are 4 Gospels so that is 4 different witnesses to the cross being a literal event. Satan being put into chains will the the conclusion of a similar period of time that is 3 1/2 years in duration, every bit as literal so the events associated with it are also literal events. The last woman in Re:12 is what the people alive for that timeline will go through. Moses fed the people with mana in the desert and the ones going through those years are said to find safety in the wilderness while Satan and Co are off to wage war against the two witnesses who are the only thing standing between them and having control of Jerusalem. It also support the concept that if god is going to save you he moves you to a different location and you do not have time to 'pack a lunch'. Gentiles go through their 40 day fast in the 40 days that follow the resurrection of the two witnesses. They walk to Israel in that 40 day fast so the enter from the east. The first water they come to is the living water in Eze:47, the first food they come to is the tree of life. Combined they have what is called ;a glorified body' and they can enter Jerusalem after that. The 12 Tribes go through that same process in the first 10 days after the two witnesses are resurrected, they are gathered so they set foot on the Promised Land so they have no walking time before they are at the river of life, the volume will be why it takes 10 days.

Again, this is only your assumption.. moreover, his fetus period was about 6 months, not 9 month.. this was to conceal about her pregnancy before people.
Winter/summer are the 2 seasons given in Ge:1. Born before Mar:21 means you were born in the winter, born before Sept:21 makes you one that was born in the summer. God is pretty good at explaining important things. If there are some blanks in the story then perhaps the story is not one that is vital to the overall message. I'm willing to go over all the verses there are but when something is compared to science today is used then let it also apply to other parts of the book, such as Ge:1 covers 4B years and it is laid out as being 7 steps that took place over that vast span of time.
Christian faith is based on the doubting Thomas story actually taking place as recorded. With 24 or more passages that contain the term 'day of the lord' you would rather cover this topic that may have 12 verses that are relevant to the story.
Mary was obviously an important person in the book or you would not be posting what you are. How much more important was Mary of Bethany, aka beloved Disciple of John the Baptist to Jesus and the story the Bible tells is she was the writer of 2 of the most important NT books.

Before you answer, Adam ate so Eve would not die alone.

And God said,
Let us make man in our image,
after our likeness:
and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
and over the fowl of the air,
and over the cattle,
and over all the earth,
and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God created he him;
male and female created he them.

And Adam said,
This is now bone of my bones,
and flesh of my flesh:
she shall be called Woman,
because she was taken out of Man.
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother,
and shall cleave unto his wife:
and they shall be one flesh.

One of the two which heard John speak,
and followed him,
was Andrew,
Simon Peter's brother.

This is the disciple which testifieth of these things,
and wrote these things:
and we know that his testimony is true.

When she left Judea for Asia when Stephen was killed she took many Christians with her, including all of Jesus's family. That is what Jesus was referring to in His last words to her before He died.

Elizabeth was not the cousin of Mary, but her aunt: the sister of her mother Ann.
The point is they were both 'daughters of Aaron'. John's heritage went back to Moses, Jesus is the High Priest going back to Adam and Eve. If Mary being single is important it is to make the family tree in Luke the one Jesus belong to, Priests only, rather than the one He gained through Joseph

I may later on complete the reply, with God's will.
Okay, ignore any delay I have in replying.

Maybe me but he's got nukes and you don't.
So really Gaza and the West Bank are probably the safest places for Muslims to live as Jews are still under the impression that radiation is bad for you and probably won't nuke them as the first option..

Jesus Christ was assigned by God to the king, like King Saul. So he did not need any explanation or justification. When John Baptist anointed him, he did not do that of his own accord, but by God's commanding him to do so.

Even the Christ himself: the affair of being the king or the prophet was not by his own will, but by God's will, to which Jesus could not object, but had to fulfill.

The 70th week could not start before John was called. Jesus was around for about a month after He came back from the wilderness until the first Passover is mentioned. John being called first allows for a 6 month period to be introduced.

I will send my messenger,
and he shall prepare the way before me:
and the Lord,
whom ye seek,
shall suddenly come to his temple,
even the messenger of the covenant,
whom ye delight in:
he shall come,
saith the LORD of hosts.

There was a man sent from God,
whose name was John.
The same came for a witness,
to bear witness of the Light,

that all men through him might believe.
He was not that Light,
but was sent to bear witness of that Light.

Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John,
to be baptized of him.
But John forbad him,
I have need to be baptized of thee,
and comest thou to me?
And Jesus answering said unto him,
Suffer it to be so now:
for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness.
Then he suffered him.

She noticed that the hut had no walls, so Mary spaketh: "Wattle I do, now."
Set up a larger life-raft and anchor it to one of the stronger trees


Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
Two reasons for Mary's family to spare her from punishment:
1- Jesus miraculously spoke in the cradle.. to quit his mother of the adultery. This is clearly cited in the Quran in more than one site.
2- By deduction and reasoning among some of my friends: which may be right or wrong:
Zacharia the prophet, was the guardian of Mary, and was the husband of her aunt: the sister of her mother.
This Zachariah had his son John Baptist born to him of his wife the barren and the elderly, and he himself was elderly.
Anyhow, this Prophet Zachariah might have a role in protecting Mary and explaining about the miraculous bearing of Mary without father.
The lineage of Jews has always been through the mother so poor old Joes lineage was irrelevant.

Basic mistake wonder boy. ROFL

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
A son of man can die and go to the grave and be with others that are asleep. Angels are 'sons of God' which means they cannot ever be put into a sleeping mode, when they are put into the grave they are still awake. That part of the grave is called 'the Pit' and hell is a cage with a gate that can be locked. The ones alive during the 1,000 years will be called 'sons of God' in the new earth after they are given the living water and eat from the tree of life. The people born to the ones that make their homes outside New Jerusalem marry at the age of 20 and when the are made immortal 100 years later they have 100 children and after they are immortal they acts as grandparents and do not have any more children, just like the ones living inside New Jerusalem who are acting as the Shepherds and they are not given in marriage so their population never rises or falls.

Angels are not the sons of God.
True: because angels [and souls] do not sleep, but only a doze may overtake them; the afterlife world is called the sleepless or the vigil world.

Quran 79: 13-14, which mean:
(13. But surely, it will be but a single [compelling] cry;
14. When they will immediately be in the sleepless [world.] k)

14 k It means: The angel of death will shout at them with one shout, and they will immediately die, and the souls get out of their bodies and go to the ether world: a world wherein they will not sleep, because souls do not sleep.

Similar to this aya, is His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 37: 19, which means:
(It will only be one ‘compelling cry’ [of the angel of death]; and behold, they will be waiting [for the judgment and punishment!])


The idea of the 'son of God' is a great mistake, and unforgivable.
The son of man, yes Jesus called himself the son of man in a large number of occasions in the Gospel, while the 'son of God' was the word of a possessed man.. but Christians disregarded the so many times Jesus called himself the son of man, and they clinged to the word of the possessed man who called him the son of God, according to devil suggestion who possessed that man.

Moreover, you follow literally books that are non confidential, and make your belief according to such distorted books: the distortion affected the basic principles of the monotheism, such distortions which Jesus Christ certainly does not agree about and does not accept.

Quran 19: 88-93, which mean:
(88. And they a say: "[God] Most Gracious has begotten [or adopted] a son [or daughters.]"

89. Indeed, you b have advanced a thing most hideous c.

90. Because of [their serious word]; the [gaseous] heavens are about to crackd, the earth split asunder [or break up to become meteorites] and the mountains fall down crushed [to be destroyed and dispersed.]e

91. For that they have attributed a son [or daughters] to the Most Gracious.

92. But the Most Gracious ought not to adopt [or beget] a son [or daughters.] f

93. None is there in the heavens and the earth g but he [following his death] will come to the Most Gracious as a servant. h)

88 a These are: the associaters or idolaters among the Arab who said: “the angels are the daughters of God”, while Christians say: “the Christ is the son of God.”

88 b Who ascribe son or daughters to God.

88 c i.e. you have said very hard and grievous words, in the sight of God, which lead its speaker to Hell.

90 d i.e. are about to tear up because of their tremendous and serious words.

90 e These events will take place before Doomsday.

92 f It means: it is not proper for the Most Gracious to take a son or daughter, and to be like created beings. Glory be to Him and exalted be He above that; He is the Creator, the Almighty and Most Able: He does not need any son, daughter, assistant or helper.

93 g It means: those who are in the planets including the earth.

93 h It means: none of human beings die but will submit, following his death, to the slavery to God, and will admit that he is a servant of God and will submit himself to His divinity.
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Council Member
Nov 15, 2014
Angels are not the sons of God.
True: because angels [and souls] do not sleep, but only a doze may overtake them; the afterlife world is called the sleepless or the vigil world.

Quran 79: 13-14, which mean:
(13. But surely, it will be but a single [compelling] cry;
14. When they will immediately be in the sleepless [world.] k)

14 k It means: The angel of death will shout at them with one shout, and they will immediately die, and the souls get out of their bodies and go to the ether world: a world wherein they will not sleep, because souls do not sleep.

Similar to this aya, is His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 37: 19, which means:
(It will only be one ‘compelling cry’ [of the angel of death]; and behold, they will be waiting [for the judgment and punishment!])


The idea of the 'son of God' is a great mistake, and unforgivable.
The son of man, yes Jesus called himself the son of man in a large number of occasions in the Gospel, while the 'son of God' was the word of a possessed man.. but Christians disregarded the so many times Jesus called himself the son of man, and they clinged to the word of the possessed man who called him the son of God, according to devil suggestion who possessed that man.

Moreover, you follow literally books that are non confidential, and make your belief according to such distorted books: the distortion affected the basic principles of the monotheism, such distortions which Jesus Christ certainly does not agree about and does not accept.

Quran 19: 88-93, which mean:
(88. And they a say: "[God] Most Gracious has begotten [or adopted] a son [or daughters.]"

89. Indeed, you b have advanced a thing most hideous c.

90. Because of [their serious word]; the [gaseous] heavens are about to crackd, the earth split asunder [or break up to become meteorites] and the mountains fall down crushed [to be destroyed and dispersed.]e

91. For that they have attributed a son [or daughters] to the Most Gracious.

92. But the Most Gracious ought not to adopt [or beget] a son [or daughters.] f

93. None is there in the heavens and the earth g but he [following his death] will come to the Most Gracious as a servant. h)

88 a These are: the associaters or idolaters among the Arab who said: “the angels are the daughters of God”, while Christians say: “the Christ is the son of God.”

88 b Who ascribe son or daughters to God.

88 c i.e. you have said very hard and grievous words, in the sight of God, which lead its speaker to Hell.

90 d i.e. are about to tear up because of their tremendous and serious words.

90 e These events will take place before Doomsday.

92 f It means: it is not proper for the Most Gracious to take a son or daughter, and to be like created beings. Glory be to Him and exalted be He above that; He is the Creator, the Almighty and Most Able: He does not need any son, daughter, assistant or helper.

93 g It means: those who are in the planets including the earth.

93 h It means: none of human beings die but will submit, following his death, to the slavery to God, and will admit that he is a servant of God and will submit himself to His divinity.
More rubbish. Other than earth, the planets are uninhabitable. Is your fountain of nonsense infinite?

BTW virgins do not get pregnant no matter how many writings by gullible fools and lying charlatans claim otherwise.

Grow up.