White Privilage


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
You know what bugs me the most is when people (only one person in my life) says that it wasnt my hard work that got me my current job but instead the colour of my skin.


House Member
May 18, 2010
If Whites are privileged it is because of their hard work, Whites are entitled to the privileges they have earned.

It's the other useless losers who like to live off the hard work of the Whites.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
It's interesting that our stalwart Canadian manly men will be first out of the gate to claim that the children of the rich (like Justin Trudeau) receive unearned benefits in life, but utterly reject the notion that they could possibly be the beneficiaries of societal unfairness.

I rather suspect Mr. Prime Minister would also assert that he earned everything he has.


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
It's interesting that our stalwart Canadian manly men will be first out of the gate to claim that the children of the rich (like Justin Trudeau) receive unearned benefits in life, but utterly reject the notion that they could possibly be the beneficiaries of societal unfairness.

I rather suspect Mr. Prime Minister would also assert that he earned everything he has.

In the Mining industry in which i work Natives are given priority over non-natives on the basis of them being native. Im not against it.

The reason why i said i worked hard to be where iam now is because i had to be that much more qualified for the position... Saying i only got it because of my skin colour takes away from me as an individual in my opinion.


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
It's interesting that our stalwart Canadian manly men will be first out of the gate to claim that the children of the rich (like Justin Trudeau) receive unearned benefits in life, but utterly reject the notion that they could possibly be the beneficiaries of societal unfairness.

I rather suspect Mr. Prime Minister would also assert that he earned everything he has.

I wonder if he thinks he's earned all of the negative criticisms that he is completely out of touch with average Canadians?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I wonder if he thinks he's earned all of the negative criticisms that he is completely out of touch with average Canadians?

I got a whine from a govt Hog a while back telling me the solution is for more people to get govt jobs like him!

The civil service gravy train riding jackass tells any people who think he is grossly overpaid that the `whiners` should shut up and become government workers like him and then they can be fat and lazy and wealthy (and ignorant) just like all the other gravy train riders! Actually you CANNOT simply become a gravy train rider on a whim! Ontario Colleges (for example) have been training about 15000 aspiring teachers in each of the past few years……but only about 5000 graduates are hired each year-according to an article published a couple of years back in the Lie-beral loving Toronto Star newspaper……reality is there is simply not enough room on the gravy train for everybody!
Further, we are part of the global economy and our standard of living is dropping…..unless you are a gravy train rider in which case you are living VERY nicely on BORROWED MONEY! If government had a gun put to its head and were forced to balance the books within 6 months and STOP borrowing money, our economy would instantly face unemployment levels that would make the Great Depression look like a modest economic inconvenience! This is why math challenged Working Family Coalition is facing so much anger and so little support, regardless of whether they are teachers or nurses or cops or bureaucrats-their position just does Not add up!
Our cops are mostly pretty good people who have sadly shamed themselves by siding with Toronto garbage men who expect jobs for life, sided with teachers who don’t care if Johnny cannot read and are prepared to fight it out with any parent who doesn’t like their attitude, sided with water department workers who know that much of the city drinking water supply passes through sections of old toxic lead pipe and don’t do anything about it, sided with idiot Lie-berals who don’t understand how electricity is produced and have made vastly expensive changes to the electricity supply without regard to reason and logic. The gravy train needs to be derailed as soon as possible before it damages the country any further! In spite of what gravy train riding hogs believe, we are NOT immune to Greek style economic messes!


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
In the Mining industry in which i work Natives are given priority over non-natives on the basis of them being native. Im not against it.
I am.

The reason why i said i worked hard to be where iam now is because i had to be that much more qualified for the position... Saying i only got it because of my skin colour takes away from me as an individual in my opinion.
If I get bored enough, I'll explain "white privilege" to you.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
If Whites are privileged it is because of their hard work, Whites are entitled to the privileges they have earned.

It's the other useless losers who like to live off the hard work of the Whites.

its not like a white man ever made a nickel off of a black man's work



House Member
May 18, 2010
its not like a white man ever made a nickel off of a black man's work
Actually it's the black man making money of Whitemans efforts.
Football was invented by the White guys and the team is owned by the White guys who take the investment risk and pay the players