Actually what I don't give a "fuk" about is your opinion. Learn to issue a reply without without resorting to vulgarity or ignorant comments about the poster and I might take you seriously. Right now your posts give the impression that you are an ignorant lightweight.
I will reply to your comment about the drop in the birthrate. The number one reason for the drop in the birthrate is due to women controlling their bodies and deciding to have fewer children or even none. And it is a damned good thing too, considering the the world population has not yet peaked.
I understand that you're simply replying like you don't give a fuk about the subject because you are emotionally compromised over anything I post and are no longer thinking logically but rather emotionally. And that's rather light weighted of you.
But In this particular article we are talking about the many women who wish they could have children but don't feel they will ever be in the right situations to have them before its too late.
So yet again, based on you're last post, you said its a damn good thing. So are you saying you don't give a fuk and its a good thing women that want children can't have them because of poor economic growth and we are better off because of overpopulation?
Cause I've been predicting this problem for well over 6 years. "Light weights" usually can't predict the future like I have so often many years before the "experts" government thinktanks whom are in charge of predicting these problems for the future generations and to alter government policies to avoid these kinds of problems.
I've been predicting a huge housing bubble in Canada for the last 6 years too, well look at what's going on lately, its all you see on the news. The same way i predicted Trudeau would win the last election a few days after he won the Liberal leadership. Not things a simple light weight could have predicted.
Maybe you need to face the facts that its you're opinion that is overated not mine. My prediction have been spot on. My record is damn good so far.