Thats one way of succeeding but its not the only way.
Here is a story about 3 amigos who happen to be millennials and their individual stories. For context the 3 amigos here grew up in the same area of town and that area of town might be considered the ritzy part of town.
Amigo #1 was the kinda kid everyone liked to hangout with back in high school. He was hip was happening and really had no concern in his life as far as hardship went. His parents gave him an allowance till he was 30 years, and he only one job in his life till that point, which he only held for 2 weeks. He loved his drugs though and he did them without thinking of the consequences and till this day he is still on methadone and has to stay on it because he has no self control at all. His parents paid 5 years of college for him which he flunked and paid his phone bills and bought him his groceries when he lived with his girlfriend. He turns 30 and parents got him a job as a janitor with the hospital and put $75,000 towards the house he lives in now. Now he has a job which he pays into a pension and lives in a decent neighbourhood kicking his feet back telling everyone that he worked hard to "make it"
Amigo #2 was pretty much the same except for a few differences. He loved his video games and had the highest gamer score on the block. Although he actually had a few of the "Survival" jobs growing up he only got them because his parents forced him to get them. To his credit he did pay his own phone bill and bought his own drugs and he did pass the college years his parents payed off. They bought him a car and gave him everything, he had no worries at all. But man im telling you he loved those video games and as a result became very awkward socially and couldn't get past the interview process let alone function in the work place because there is a difference between talking to people in front of you as opposed to a headset. Anyways around his 30s his parents say he has to move out but he doesn't know how its done, so his parents find him and pay a years worth of rent on an apartment buy everything he needs and his mom gets him a job which also pays into his pension and he lectures other people who grew up poor that he had to struggle in life because he made it.
Amigo #3 is pretty much like you in the mid 90's although he may have lived a little bit better growing up because he is from the same area as the amigos. Sure he grew up in the rich end of town but his parents told him he is only getting a roof over his head and a meal on the table which is still a lot more than a lot of people. They made him pay for his own college and he worked wherever he needed too even if it meant leaving town for a long period. He saved up his money and even went back to school and even took a minimum wage job while in college just to keep some income rolling in. Even after graduating the second time he finds out that his new field is plagued by nepotism and that no matter how many of the 200 tailored resumes/cover letter he sent out no one considered him for the job shattering his dreams of a second career. He takes a really low paying job just to get his foot in the door and finally gets a good job albeit temporarily and gets experience in a completely different field re-inventing himself a third time but since his contract got cut because of a certain mine closure he has to reapply. Now he still hasn't heard back from any of the jobs he recently applied to because nepotism. Now he has a choice where he has to start a 4th career path. He gets so pissed off when people tell him that he is lazy and not trying hard enough because he is a millennial but he accepts that that's the way things are. He still has faith in himself and hope that one day maybe all his work will pay off in the end and he can be successful in life like Amigo's 1 & 2.
Basically what i'm saying is that millennials aren't all what they are cracked up to be and regardless of what generation were in, were all the same. There are some of us out there "slugging it out" working hard