I Wish Putin Were Our President!


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Trial of Bolotnaya 12 seen as a warning against challenging the Kremlin
By Kathy Lally

IN MOSCOW — The defendants sit in glass cages, bored or distracted, paying little heed to the case. It’s as though they’re extras in a tedious experimental theater production.

The prosecutors, two young women with bouncy ponytails who teeter on spike heels, appear to adhere to a script. The policemen testifying against the defendants don’t even remember most of them, but that doesn’t matter.

Conviction is almost certain.

So goes the trial of the Bolotnaya 12, a dozen once-ordinary Russians who were arrested at a demonstration on the eve of Vladimir Putin’s inauguration as president in May 2012. http://articles.washingtonpost.com/...lotnaya-square-alexei-navalny-sergei-udaltsovMost of them are charged with rioting and assaulting police on Bolotnaya Square, not far from the Kremlin. Nearly all are in jail, denied bail despite a lack of previous criminal records.

That protest was just one in a string of large demonstrations against dishonest elections and government corruption that had begun five months earlier. All the previous protests had proceeded peacefully. Detentions, when they happened, had lasted for only days.
But the May 6 march to Bolotnaya was a direct challenge to Putin as he was about to reclaim his Kremlin office, and this time the response was severe. About two dozen protesters in all were charged, but the Bolotnaya 12 are the first large group to go on trial.
The defendants’ supporters describe the proceedings as theater of the absurd, contending that the 12 were plucked out of obscurity to serve as examples of the peril of opposing the Putin government. The ***** Riot case of last year, in which members of a punk-rock group were sentenced to two years for staging a protest in a Moscow cathedral, sent a similar message, but the Bolotnaya 12 defendants are remarkable for their anonymity and the seeming randomness of their arrests.

Since they were charged, Moscow’s protest movement has withered. On Sunday, perhaps 10,000 people turned out to call for the freeing of political prisoners, the Bolotnaya 12 prominent among them. Earlier protests had drawn several times that.

Just as the arrests marked a turning point, ushering in a period of repressive laws and revealing a more vindictive Kremlin, so are the verdicts expected to provide a signal of what lies ahead. Will the authorities decide they have made their point, impose suspended sentences and send a conciliatory message? Or will the defendants receive the full sentences — up to 13 years?

More at link: Trial of Bolotnaya 12 seen as a warning against challenging the Kremlin - The Washington Post


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Sky News was reporting on the harsh conditions inside the Russian jail cell where the British Greenepeace protestor has been locked up. They were making it sound as though it was a Siberian Gulag and that this guy was an innocent prisoner.


Jan 6, 2007
As the church's stranglehold tightens on the country, you can expect more and more people locked up for disagreeing with the politics of Russia.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Supporters of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny are expected to descend on Moscow city centre for an unauthorised protest against fraud.

Mr Navalny was given permission to hold the rally at another location but said he had moved it after authorities tried to "humiliate" protesters.

The prosecutor's office has warned that police will take action against any unauthorised demonstrations.

There have been several arrests at protests in the east of the country.

At least ten people were detained at a rally in the city of Vladivostok.

Four people were also detained in the city of Blagoveshchensk and at least one other in Kazan, as small protests got under way in cities east of Moscow ahead of nationwide demonstrations.

Mr Navalny is due to attend the rally in central Moscow later on Monday. He was earlier granted permission to hold a rally at Sakharova Avenue but changed the location on the eve of the demonstration to Tverskaya Street, near the Kremlin.

One of the groups participating in the Moscow rally, which is over government plans to demolish Soviet-era apartment blocksin the city, said it would hold its protest on Sakharova Avenue as planned.

Permission has been granted for demonstrations in 169 locations across the country, some of which will be broadcast live on the Navalny Live YouTube channel. The main rallies are expected to be in St Petersburg and Moscow.

Despite it being a public holiday in Russia, turnout in Monday's protests has so far been lower than similar rallies led by Mr Navalny in March, which led to hundreds of arrests.

Those protests were the largest since 2012, drawing thousands of people - including many teenagers - to rallies nationwide, angered by a report published by Mr Navalny that accused Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev of corruption.



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
"How an anti-sharia protest outside the Texas statehouse got totally shut down

...But the few dozen sharia protesters who stood at the gates of the Texas statehouse didn’t manage to march anywhere. They had failed to secure the permits for that.....

...which are practiced privately by a tiny fraction of the U.S. population — the demonstrators were drowned out by a much larger group of counterprotesters (pro sharia law )who mocked and harangued them for hours on Saturday."

There you have the soros funded, ("much larger group of counterprotesters"), properly permitted, nazicommies beaking off in their SOROS type funded style.
"mocked and harangued"
lol, That's the retarded soros funded left alright...you can tell by the style.

"Morris was supposed to make a speech in Austin. But this didn’t happen either, as counterprotesters shouted her group down for most of the event’s four-hour duration."
(from the link)
No free speech for her...the Putin hating Leftii HATE THAT- fake news is all they can handle.
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on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
There were massive anti-corruption protests in Moscow and St. Petersburgh today, with hundreds of arrests, including the leader Alexei Navalny. Estimates of Putin's wealth run to $80+ billion, which would make him the world's richest man. Not bad for someone raised in a 1 room apartment and who made his bones as a middling KGB operative.

Unfortunately for him it is all held by surrogates and in a labyrinth of interconnected companies of untraceable ownership. And it is all contingent on his remaining in power. The alternative for him is a full scale looting of the assets, and likely an uncomfortable domicile in Siberia. A long way way from the $350 million Rennaissance Palace on the Black Sea that is at his beck and call.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Does Putin have the mantle of God like Trump?



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Russia would certainly be open to fast-tracking the paperwork should you decide to put that thought into action by moving to Russia.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I doubt very much Trump believes in God. He believes in saying whatever he thinks is a good marketing point.
Easy to see which is which, have him post something related to the Bible. An article somewhere in the past said he even has his own spiritual advisor. Probably not the best idea considering the deception surrounding the meaning of just about all passages.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
During the campaign, he showed that he doesn't even know how sections of the Bible are referenced.
When you get the opinions of others you also get the flaws. There is no substitute to reading the book for yourself, better yet read and article and then use the Bible to confirm that it says what others are saying it does.