Trump to Deliver One of Biggest Tax Cuts Since Reagan


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head

I am Groot.

Tell me Mr. Government pensioner.

How would you cut taxes here, now that you live off the Dole?

How is living off your pension, living off the dole..

You work your life and pay into Social Security, that is your money.

...and how do you know that he is not living off his savings.. RRSP's or a Company Pension.

You making a huge assumption, that everyone is as unsuccessful as you in life.


Time Out
Apr 28, 2017

I am Groot.

How is living off your pension, living off the dole..

You work your life and pay into Social Security, that is your money.

...and how do you know that he is not living off his savings.. RRSP's or a Company Pension.

He's Canadian and worked for the government.

If he tells you different he's lying.


Time Out
Apr 28, 2017
No I didn't you're trying to insult the guy, and you really don't know the man.

This web forum has become a very negative place filled with childish name calling and trolling.

I know his opinions....that is enough.

I was here long before you.

I agree, this place has become negative, many good people have left. It is a shame indeed but the collective has taken over and Chris let it happen when he let Brietbart (loc) take over.

Forum rules? What forum rules?

You my little pap smear don't want rules. You want chaos....the very definition of a troll.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
should all workers get a pension?

Абсолютно товарищ



Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
You do realize the Government offers a pension plan.

My uncle worked for Revenue Canada, and when he retired he got a great pension plan. RIP

Q - where does the government(s) get the money to pay those pensions?
A - Taxes supplied by taxpayers.

JLM has previously stated he was a government worker in BC. There is nothing wrong with him or any one else getting a pension from your employer but if you are a worker who gets a pension from taxpayers and then demand that taxes be cut you should be prepared to have your pension cut to save taxpayers money.

My company pension planned started when I was 55 although I haven't taken the CPP yet, which I paid into all along.

In my view everyone should get a pension and everyone should be able to retire at 55 because there's a lot of things to do that you never had time to accomplish before......


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Q - where does the government(s) get the money to pay those pensions?
A - Taxes supplied by taxpayers.

JLM has previously stated he was a government worker in BC. There is nothing wrong with him or any one else getting a pension from your employer but if you are a worker who gets a pension from taxpayers and then demand that taxes be cut you should be prepared to have your pension cut to save taxpayers money.

My company pension planned started when I was 55 although I haven't taken the CPP yet, which I paid into all along.

In my view everyone should get a pension and everyone should be able to retire at 55 because there's a lot of things to do that you never had time to accomplish before......

Then you had best make a lot of money before you are 55. Don't expect the people that work to support you because you are too lazy.