Canadians prefer Trump over trudeau


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Yeah....keep laughing sunshine. It must be nice on that Sunshine List! And what will you do when LIE-berals default on ALL their promises? They have made promises to OSSTF/our high school teachers totaling about fifty five billion dollars and without it that money coming in right around the time of the next provincial election, the OSSTF pension fund starts sliding RAPIDLY into bankruptcy!

The last news reports that greedy civil service union leaders allowed-about 7 years ago-stated that 97 percent of ALL defined benefit pension plans in Canada would be sliding RAPIDLY into bankruptcy in the nest decade UNLESS they got hundreds of billions of dollars in top up cash from LIE-berals! Union Hog greed is so great and so impossible to feed that LIE-berals and Hogs have conspired to HIDE just how much they are DEMANDING from us in exchange for putting LIE-berals back in power!

WE dont have that fifty five billion and we don't have the two hundred fifty billion for the other 18 Ontari-owe provincial civil service Hog unions either! Nor do we have the 400-500 billion needed to buy off the pension plans of federal civil service Hogs. The municipal workers have been more careful NOT to let the public know what they have been promised but best guess is they also hold worthless LIE-beral IOU`s totaling a hundred billion at least!

LIE-berals have taken their best shot at buying Hog votes and saving their place in govt and all they have done so far is come up with chump change for Hogs and in the process, have so enraged the public that McWynnty is looking at a record low support in the 11 percent range! With the general public raging and threatening revenge on all LIE-berals!

And that keeps you Sunshine types awake at night doesn't it? Oh yes-you cannot fool us with bland smiles to hide the fear! When that drunken, drugged up physical train wreck named Rob Ford ran for Toronto mayor, the voter turn out JUMPED UP by almost fifty percent! Saturday nights Rob Ford was a rampaging mess-but Monday morning he was in his office, hung over, bleary eyed and shaming Toronto socialist hordes into removing goodies from the city hall gravy train!

Our grand poobah McWynnty is making noises about giving us a break on hydro bills- TILL AFTER THE NEXT ELECTION!!!! If she wins another majority she will have the power to wreak havoc on Ontari-owe as she seeks to fulfill even a few of her mad and self serving promises.

Ontari-owe is beginning to see that we have only two options; either we defeat the LIE-berals or we suffer an unrivaled economic blood bath when they are back in power. If they win again there will be nothing they wont dare and no ripoff will be to shameless!

LIE-berals have ruined Ontari-owe industries with hydro rip offs, have buried us in record debt, have dropped our standard of living with a combination of frozen wages, reduced hours and higher govt costs, we have a lower ratio of doctors and nurses per population than other provinces and LIE-berals have blighted the futures of several generations of kids with this indebted disaster-and ALL in the name of keeping LIE-berals in power at any price!

The latest news states that one Cdn in five cannot afford the drugs they have been prescribed for their doctor. And one Cdn in three cannot afford to take a vacation-even as HOGS demand even more gravy!

So you go ahead Sunshine-you put on those sunny ways to hide your fear -and hope it doesn't start raining on your `suddenly cloudy ways`!

LOL...How funny. That is not rage you see but amusement!! None of that even touches me!! I live in a well run, reasonably well oiled country. Only those who haven't a clue think this is rage or even upsetting. After all, I can sell my second house for a couple of hundred thousand down here and spend time in the Bahamas or the Riviera without a problem. Actually I really should, as it is getting a bit risky in Florida these days.

Oh well, my kids still enjoy a couple of weeks here every year, so I will wait until they tire of coming down.

Have you needed a knee or hip replacement yet?? Or perhaps removal of cataracts? Maybe even just gallstones removed? Better stay healthy because a minor health problem can clean you out.

My neighbor across the way here in Florida died last year,,,,,, he had to sell his car to have the tests done to tell him what was wrong. Unfortunately it was too little too late. I have seen the Walmart greeters and the Public baggers (no young fellows, just old folks) way beyond the normal retirement years.

I asked one fellow why he wasn't retired,,,,,, he told me it was because those stores gave them health care along with the low salaries and while some of them were working for their own protection, some were doing it for their ailing spouses. So, I do look around and talk to people. It doesn't involve or affect me me, it does make me very sad and sorry to see so many who probably worked all their lives and still have to continue just to keep on living,


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Only lefties like Trudeau, everybody else recognizes a loser when they see one

loser, right. yeah, sure. He's set for life.

loser, mmmhmmm, sure.

The world loves him. But don't feel bad, they'd probably like you too if they knew who you were.,


House Member
May 18, 2010
loser, right. yeah, sure. He's set for life.

loser, mmmhmmm, sure.

The world loves him. But don't feel bad, they'd probably like you too if they knew who you were.,

He might be set for life, but it's nothing he did, he is just living off his old folks just like he is living off the Canadian taxpayer now.

Oh, btw, everybody loves me, you would as well if you really knew me


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
He might be set for life, but it's nothing he did, he is just living off his old folks just like he is living off the Canadian taxpayer now.

Oh, btw, everybody loves me, you would as well if you really knew me

Actually he's our prime minister and therefore gets his own paycheque and his very own pension.

oh Durry, I do love you. Secretly. shhhh!

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
He said he'd do in within 30 days...take out isis.

Apparently, Obama had already authorized an extra $36 billion for Defence, this year anyway, so the Great Trump Buildup is only an extra $18 billion ... which will buy you warm mittens for everyone in the US military and fuel for the Presidential helicopter for four years.

McCain is calling for much more to be spent on defence but "Heez a LOOZAH!!"