God is dead. God remains dead.
And we have killed him.
Yet his shadow still looms.
/ Friedrich Nietzsche /
Every generation of people kills God but “his shadow still looms”
Why is there something rather than nothing?
By Robert Adler 6 November 2014
The universe is flat and why that's important
. . .
That's because only a flat universe is likely to have come from nothing.
Everything that exists, from stars and galaxies to the light we see them by,
must have sprung from somewhere. We already know that particles spring
into existence at the quantum level, so we might expect the universe
to contain a few odds and ends. But it takes a huge amount of energy
to make all those stars and planets.
Where did the universe get all this energy?
(, . . . . . . . from NOTHING . . . .
/ Israel Socratus /
As Krauss puts it, "The laws of physics as we understand them make
it eminently plausible that our universe arose from nothing –
- no space, no time, no particles, nothing that we now know of."
BBC - Earth - Why is there something rather than nothing?
My conclusion.
If everything was created from a Nothing then this Nothing can be some
kind of God. The God can be the scientific Nothing.
Different people in different places gave to Nothing different private names.
But Nothing doesn’t have private name.
The Nothing has only one private formula.
And this private formula of Nothing is T=0K. (!)
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik Socratus
God is dead. God remains dead.
And we have killed him.
Yet his shadow still looms.
/ Friedrich Nietzsche /
Every generation of people kills God but “his shadow still looms”
Why is there something rather than nothing?
By Robert Adler 6 November 2014
The universe is flat and why that's important
. . .
That's because only a flat universe is likely to have come from nothing.
Everything that exists, from stars and galaxies to the light we see them by,
must have sprung from somewhere. We already know that particles spring
into existence at the quantum level, so we might expect the universe
to contain a few odds and ends. But it takes a huge amount of energy
to make all those stars and planets.
Where did the universe get all this energy?
(, . . . . . . . from NOTHING . . . .
/ Israel Socratus /
As Krauss puts it, "The laws of physics as we understand them make
it eminently plausible that our universe arose from nothing –
- no space, no time, no particles, nothing that we now know of."
BBC - Earth - Why is there something rather than nothing?
My conclusion.
If everything was created from a Nothing then this Nothing can be some
kind of God. The God can be the scientific Nothing.
Different people in different places gave to Nothing different private names.
But Nothing doesn’t have private name.
The Nothing has only one private formula.
And this private formula of Nothing is T=0K. (!)
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik Socratus