The 'Official' Quit Picking On Trump Thread

Who Hates Trump the Most?

  • Dumbocrats

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • Reptilicans

    Votes: 9 28.1%
  • Broads

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • Canadians

    Votes: 9 28.1%

  • Total voters


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Re: Clinton vs. Trump: This one's a no-brainer

The no-brainer is the OP with his charts that nobody really looks at...or believe in except maybe other no-brainer progs....8O


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Re: Clinton vs. Trump: This one's a no-brainer

This is speculation and analysis not based on evidence. We can't get of an idea of how people will react to Trump bragging about this terrorist attack until we have polls.
And ultimately, the only poll that counts is the one on 8 November. And maybe not even that one.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Re: Clinton vs. Trump: This one's a no-brainer

Current polling matters for gauging the effect of Trumps reaction to the shooting. Even though Trump does whatever he wants it will determine how Trump reacts in the future. So far, all the stupid evil **** he says has mostly helped him, so he keeps saying it. If bragging about terrorism hurts him, I bet he's savvy enough to stop it.

The fact that the last poll is the only one that matters is a problem with the electorate. It's possible that if this hurts Trump badly, he still has time to recover from it, which would mean voters forgot about the horrible things he's just said. That doesn't seem healthy for democracy.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Re: Clinton vs. Trump: This one's a no-brainer

Current polling matters for gauging the effect of Trumps reaction to the shooting. Even though Trump does whatever he wants it will determine how Trump reacts in the future. So far, all the stupid evil **** he says has mostly helped him, so he keeps saying it. If bragging about terrorism hurts him, I bet he's savvy enough to stop it.

The fact that the last poll is the only one that matters is a problem with the electorate. It's possible that if this hurts Trump badly, he still has time to recover from it, which would mean voters forgot about the horrible things he's just said. That doesn't seem healthy for democracy.
Actually, it's more a matter that Trump has thus far been playing to the rightmost quarter of the electorate. Now we'll see how his schtick plays with the Great American Center.

Nixon's formula was "You run as far to the right as you can for the primaries, then as fast to the center as you can for the general (election)." But Nixon was a skilled, experienced politician. Trump is a chump-change carnival barker who ran for president as a stunt to promote his name and hotels. I'm sure nobody is more surprised than he is that he actually won the nomination.

I hope he wins. He's got my vote.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Re: Clinton vs. Trump: This one's a no-brainer

This is speculation and analysis not based on evidence. We can't get of an idea of how people will react to Trump bragging about this terrorist attack until we have polls.

It's an opinion of character and the presidential role.

I agree we'll need to see polls on this, but the problem for Trump is that the people who already dislike him will not be swayed by his position on terrorism or immigration.

In fact what we're seeing is that people are beyond the rhetoric and don't even believe Trump could even resolve whatever problem he's fabricated in his own mind here.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Re: Clinton vs. Trump: This one's a no-brainer

Actually, it's more a matter that Trump has thus far been playing to the rightmost quarter of the electorate. Now we'll see how his schtick plays with the Great American Center.

Nixon's formula was "You run as far to the right as you can for the primaries, then as fast to the center as you can for the general (election)." But Nixon was a skilled, experienced politician. Trump is a chump-change carnival barker who ran for president as a stunt to promote his name and hotels. I'm sure nobody is more surprised than he is that he actually won the nomination.

I hope he wins. He's got my vote.

He's won the Republican nomination and is still saying the things he said while we supposedly running to the right. But you're right, he seems to have at least tried to sidle to the middle occasionally. I don't think it's working for him personally. He doesn't follow the conventions you described and can't be understood that way.

It's an opinion of character and the presidential role.

I agree we'll need to see polls on this, but the problem for Trump is that the people who already dislike him will not be swayed by his position on terrorism or immigration.

In fact what we're seeing is that people are beyond the rhetoric and don't even believe Trump could even resolve whatever problem he's fabricated in his own mind here.

Trump doesn't need to sway the people who don't like him. Those who dislike him probably hate him. I can't imagine how anyone on the fence about Trump would be intelligent enough to consider the more nuanced opinions Clinton is putting out. If you're on the fence, you might be more easily persuaded by Trump grandstanding and stoking hatred.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Re: Clinton vs. Trump: This one's a no-brainer

There aren't enough people who support Trump as it is so he absolutely needs to sway others or he'll come up short.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Re: Clinton vs. Trump: This one's a no-brainer

There aren't enough people who support Trump as it is so he absolutely needs to sway others or he'll come up short.

I think you're right, but I'm trying to cautious about writing him off or thinking I can truly grasp the reasons for his popularity. It makes sense that he won the Republican nomination. Despite conventional wisdom, you can win over Republicans with overt racism, misogyny and bravado. But how does that translate into the general electorate? How can we explain that while it doesn't look like he can win, he's still popular? That seems to me that there's something in the general electorate he can still appeal to and he may win.

Like I said, I want to be cautious in explaining the Trump phenomenon, but I think you can connect his popularity outside of the circle of Republican hate with Bernie Sander's popularity. Part of his appeal is not just his Mussolini-esque rhetoric, but his being a voice of change to a people frustrated with the failures of conventional politics. Sanders had that same advantage. And you could see that polarization in the 1920s and 30s when fascists and socialists rose in prominence. It's radical change that people want and though you wouldn't expect it, there's a lot of crossover between supporters of fascism and socialism at the time, before things really coalesced. I think we're seeing that mentality now.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Re: Clinton vs. Trump: This one's a no-brainer

I can see that.

He can certainly pull off a Mussolini with red hair.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Re: Clinton vs. Trump: This one's a no-brainer

Trump will sweep the old rustbelt.. Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan as well as Florida.. while holding the traditional Red States. The latest transgender bathroom nonsense, and the imposition of the absurdity of homosexual marriage as a 'right', the catastrophic solutions to the concocted psuedo science of AGW.. means even moderate independents will see this as going too far and will not cede the Supreme Court for a generation to a radical, ecofascist, post structural feminist in Hillary Clinton. You can only deform the conscience of minority in the electorate, before order, morality and common sense kick back.

The Liberals.. for lack of a better word.. economic liberalism (Free Markets.. free trade, monetarism, deregulation, privatization, regressive taxation) and moral relativism and radical individualism are leading the U.S and the West to ruin. And it appears the electorates are finally waking up to threat.

I expect Trump to claim a relatively comfortable victory. I think he might be able to forge a moderate conservative alliance from both parties in Congress. which despite all the hysterics, will produce an effective and constructive Presidency. The first the U.S. has had in the uninterrupted string of mediocrities of the last 50 years. Lyndon Johnson was the last President who had a clue of how economies really worked.
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Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
Re: Clinton vs. Trump: This one's a no-brainer

Trump will sweep the old rustbelt.. Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan as well as Florida.. while holding the traditional Red States. The later transgender bathroom nonsense, and the imposition of the absurd homosexual marriage 'right'.. means even moderate independents will see this a going too far and will not cede the Supreme Court for a generation to a radical, post structural feminist in Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump has been a repeat flip-flopper on topics of LGBT rights. His initial positions, even while running for the Republican nomination, were in favour of marriage equality and transgender rights. He initially opposed North Carolina's anti-transgender washroom law. Now he's cautiously come out against these things, or says he'd "consider" opposing them. These are some of the few issues that Trump's confidence is the weakest on and it probably indicates that he's actually very liberal on these social issues. Abortion too.

Sorry to burst your bubble. But Trump isn't the Family Values savior you're hoping for. He may be the anti-christ though. That should put a little spring in your pants. Rivers of blood, swarms of locusts. Right up your alley.
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on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Re: Clinton vs. Trump: This one's a no-brainer

Donald Trump has been a repeat flip-flopper on topics of LGBT rights. His initial positions, even while running for the Republican nomination, where in favour of marriage equality and transgender rights. He initially opposed North Carolina's anti-transgender washroom law. Now he's cautiously come out against these things, or says he'd "consider" opposing them. These are some of the few issues that Trump's confidence is the weakest on and it probably indicates that he's actually very liberal on these social issues. Abortio too.

Sorry to burst your bubble. But Trump isn't the Family Values savior you're hoping for. He may be the anti-christ though. That should put a little spring in your pants. Rivers of blood, swarms of locusts. Right up your alley.

Trump's list of prospective Supreme Court nominees have been widely lauded by conservative and moderates, those not totally in thrall of the feminist, homosexual, radical environmentalist (and anti human) hegemony of the current paradigm. Trump is a promoter, he panders to any audience. You have to separate the wheat from the chaff in his campaign.

I've developed some trust in Trump's instincts.. which are often difficult to discern in all his bluster. I see him as an economic and cultural nationalist, a mild progressive on economic issues, a moderate conservative on social issues. It is Hillary who is the ranting, hysterical demagogue of the New Age.

For instance, Trump won't build a wall. But he will end NAFTA. There was no Mexican migration crisis before Nafta destroyed rural Mexican agriculture and cottage industry and set up Maquilladora free trade zones on the U.S. border, with a desperate, enslaved population in shanty towns payed below subsistence wages to manufacture product, at massive profit margins.. for the U.S. consumer.

He won't end Muslim immigration, but he won't spew out the lie that Islam is Religion of Peace. In fact it is not a religion at all.. it is ideological concoction, filled with contradictions, without an internal spiritual life, only a regimented and idolotrous social agenda. Since its beginning in the 7th Century it has expanded by conquest, violence and coercion.. not conversion. It has also been since its inception, a bitter, and irreconcilable, enemy of Christianity.

Just exposing the lies of some of sacharine sentimentality, the white man's guilt', of the amorphous psuedo morality of liberalism would be immensely helpful in charting a path forward.

The West might be too far gone to avoid the civilizational collapse we are headed for, but Trump might be able to establish a redoubt of reason.. in the West, which is quickly falling into chaos.. from which to rebuild.
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