Being transgender is a ‘mental disorder


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
You're hypocrisy is too funny, hence the +1.

Please don't give me +1... from you, it's worse than a -1 - it means you're in agreement with me... which is not what I want..

There's my -1 from Walter.. thank you, thank you Thank You..


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
It's your mind that's fukked... you're a bigot.

Well, what's a bigot? A bigot is merely a term used by a person to describe another person because that other person hates something that that name-caller likes. A Liverpool football fan would describe a Manchester United football fan as a bigot, and vice versa, because the two sets of fans hate each other. Now there is nothing wrong in that hater hating what he hates - everybody has something they hate - but he is called a bigot only because he hates something that the name-caller likes.

With homosexuality it's even worse. For some reason we are constantly being told nowadays in the West that we MUST all like queers. ALL of us MUST like and "tolerate" them and we are now allowed differing views on the matter. Those people who hate homosexuality, such as myself, are labelled "bigots" only by people who are annoyed that the "homophobes" take a differing view from the evil PC consensus.

Bigots are merely people with differing opinions.
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Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Well, what's a bigot? A bigot is merely a term used by a person to describe another person because that other person hates something that that name-caller likes. A Liverpool football fan would describe a Manchester United football as a bigot, and vice versa. Now there is nothing wrong in that hater hating what he hates - everybody has something they hate - but he is called a bigot only because he hates something that the name-caller likes.

Whatever makes you feel better about being a Bigot. :roll:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Whatever makes you feel better about being a Bigot. :roll:

Whether someone is a "bigot" or not is just down to each person's own opinion. Like beauty, bigotry is in the eye of the beholder.


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
If being transgender was a mental disorder, the takeaway would be what you do with that information. Good people would have compassion. Cruel people would use it to mock and oppress. What would Jesus do?

Dude, it's 2016.. not 1950..

Blackleaf's more of a 1933 kind of guy.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Blackleaf's more of a 1933 kind of guy.

Again, that's just a matter of personal opinion.

I'll decide what I like and don't like and what I think is wrong and what is right. I think for myself. I refuse to be part of some pointless PC lefty groupthink which tells its members that they MUST like this and thet MUSTN'T like that and anyone who dares think for themselves and takes an opposing view are labelled a "bigot" or some word with "-phobe" at the end.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Again, that's just a matter of personal opinion.

I'll decide what I like and don't like and what I think is wrong and what is right. I think for myself. I refuse to be part of some pointless PC lefty groupthink which tells its members that they MUST like this and thet MUSTN'T like that and anyone who dares think for themselves and takes an opposing view are labelled a "bigot" or some word with "-phobe" at the end.

Dislike who you want, hate who you want, be wrong about things all you want.

The moment you say so publicly you open yourself up to being called out on unreasonable BS. Don't want to be called out on it, keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself.

See, simple Blackie, all you have to do is STFU and you'll be fine! :D


Hubba Hubba
Apr 18, 2005
Das Kapital
Generally bigots use the term 'hate' in description of a group of people, who are generally the way they are due nature or whatever. I think using sports fans to add emphasis, or to highlight a point about bigots wherein one group hating the other is called 'bigotry' is weak and bigots.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Dislike who you want, hate who you want, be wrong about things all you want.

The moment you say so publicly you open yourself up to being called out on unreasonable BS. Don't want to be called out on it, keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself.

See, simple Blackie, all you have to do is STFU and you'll be fine! :D

Don't piss on his parade, Serryah, one of his few pleasures in life is acting like an idiot! :) :)

Nine times out of eleven, the "experts" spout twaddle.

And where does that put you? About 11 times out of 9!