Driving while on the phone.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Just heard on the news that fines for all phone use while driving in B.C.has been increased has been increased to $540. Yippee! However I think it still falls short. I think a three month driving prohibition is also in order! :) :)


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
Typical for BC. Taking the wrong road to get to an unknown destination.

It should be illegal NOT to drive, while talking into a cellphone. The theory of everybody doing the same thing, and it helping (binding), has been proven by scientists, and demonstrated at the Olympics. It's a radically simple concept that the people who make up the laws never considered.

But first, let's start with a basic idea. Something that everybody does.

You've filled a cup too full with red wine, and have to go from the kitchen to the living room - without spilling the contents onto your new, pure white shag carpet. Spilling it would waste the wine, and the money it costs to have the carpet professionally cleaned would cut into your wine and dope money.

Yes, you could hire an expert to carry it for you, but that costs money too. But you remember watching the Discovery Channel. Some person said that if you hum while walking with a full glass, you're less likely to spill the contents. Hmmm, sound and rhythm. So you tried it, and it worked! Problem solved. Fill that glass to the tippy top and don't be afraid of walking with it!

Take that same idea, only modify it. Everybody should be talking on a cell phone at the same time. Here's how the logic works.

In the Olympics, they have an event called synchronized swimming. A gaggle of swimmers move in unison through the water. Their actions become instinctive. Hmmm, rhythm and motion! It takes a relaxed person to do this efficiently.

If every driver was moving through the streets talking on their cell phone, no one would be paying attention to anybody, and, according to the physics of it, no one would collide. Random motion isn't really random then, is it?

The whole universe is made of atoms, orbited by electrons. Often, their movements are random, yet you never hear about atoms slamming into each other, causing a nuclear explosion. That's because they move in a coordinated manner. In effect, they are used to the other atoms advancing around them.

See? The world hasn't exploded yet because random atomic motion binds rather than breaks up the universe.
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Since texting is the flaw and talking is not a distraction or drivers would not be able to have passengers why not use a voice to text app where you spell out the message so it is accurate and does not need editing and have the same app read text to you so your eyes never leave the road while receiving or sending messages.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Find someway to have the input device be a CB mike as that kind of 'device' is not considered a 'distraction' and it would actually be a voice actuated control for your smart phone. If it was also 'fully useful' you could send a voice message to the 10 closest cars to you over an 'emergency band'.

How much for a steering wheel that requires both hands be on the wheel or the vehicle shuts down some systems or honks the horn randomly. (should you have a habit if texting and driving)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Wish it would jump to $1,500 and 3 points. Same for truck drivers in the USA text & talking. ;)

Shortly after I posted I realized what I recommended was too lenient. A three month vehicle impoundment is also in order. One guy on the radio was whining that a $500+ fine was too tough as it would curtail his ability to buy groceries and pay his mortgage. Who gives a f**k, he whines about that banal sh*t while innocent people are getting killed!


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Though many of my neighbors would very much like to see cell phone towers in our area, I am glad we don't have them. I don't have to worry about drivers texting or phoning until I get to the outskirts of 100 Mile. There is a tower in Forest Grove but it has limited range. I followed a woman I saw talking on the phone with three kids in the car. Caught up to her in Save-On parking lot. Went up to her window and mentioned to her in a civil manner that what she had been doing was illegal and if I saw her doing it again I would give her license plate number to the police. At first she was all defensive but as we talked she did admit that it wasn't a safe thing to be doing.


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
Last month the cops in my city handed out 110+ fines related to texting and driving, and they say theyre going to keep blitzing folks.

They had this one strategy where a cop would be in a public transit bus and stand next to the driver watching out for people texting while at the lights when waiting for a green. He would write your license number down and a nearby cruiser would come for you and f#ck you up!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Though many of my neighbors would very much like to see cell phone towers in our area, I am glad we don't have them. I don't have to worry about drivers texting or phoning until I get to the outskirts of 100 Mile. There is a tower in Forest Grove but it has limited range. I followed a woman I saw talking on the phone with three kids in the car. Caught up to her in Save-On parking lot. Went up to her window and mentioned to her in a civil manner that what she had been doing was illegal and if I saw her doing it again I would give her license plate number to the police. At first she was all defensive but as we talked she did admit that it wasn't a safe thing to be doing.

Good for you Mowich, had you been me I may have been tempted to slash a couple of tires! :)


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Though many of my neighbors would very much like to see cell phone towers in our area, I am glad we don't have them. I don't have to worry about drivers texting or phoning until I get to the outskirts of 100 Mile. There is a tower in Forest Grove but it has limited range. I followed a woman I saw talking on the phone with three kids in the car. Caught up to her in Save-On parking lot. Went up to her window and mentioned to her in a civil manner that what she had been doing was illegal and if I saw her doing it again I would give her license plate number to the police. At first she was all defensive but as we talked she did admit that it wasn't a safe thing to be doing.
Don't try that in the States.

No, seriously, don't. For your own safety.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Shortly after I posted I realized what I recommended was too lenient. A three month vehicle impoundment is also in order. One guy on the radio was whining that a $500+ fine was too tough as it would curtail his ability to buy groceries and pay his mortgage. Who gives a f**k, he whines about that banal sh*t while innocent people are getting killed!

Simple solution to his grocery problem .... spend $19.95 on a bluetooth device.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Good for you Mowich, had you been me I may have been tempted to slash a couple of tires! :)

I quite amazed myself by remaining calm and cool as I truly wanted to use a few choice expletives. Glad I refrained from doing so.

Don't try that in the States.

No, seriously, don't. For your own safety.

Heck, there are places in the states where I would never even visit let alone be stupid enough to try and correct someone's behavior. This is Canada and I have found that 8 times out of 10, when people are approached in the right manner they are willing to at least listen if not, in the end, agree with whatever it is I am on about. It really is all in the delivery for most folks. Of course, even in my wonderful country, there are certain folks that I would never ever even think of approaching, let alone reproaching.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I think actually enforcing it would be good.

No kidding. I see twenty people a day on their phones. I'm sure that every one of them considers themselves to be crackerjack drivers who are good enoungh to handle it. No one is watching.

Don't try that in the States.

No, seriously, don't. For your own safety.

Only whacko sick maniacs "reach for their guns", here.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Here is a quick and easy solution. Have their numbers blocked starting when the cop gives them the ticket. No recommendations to how long the block should be in place.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Here is a quick and easy solution. Have their numbers blocked starting when the cop gives them the ticket. No recommendations to how long the block should be in place.

How about jamming transmissions along the highway?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
How about anti tank weapons that can home in on an activated cell phone? (or a fine in the mail based on calling and switching towers at the same time)

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
How about anti tank weapons that can home in on an activated cell phone? (or a fine in the mail based on calling and switching towers at the same time)

Maybe, train crows to peck their eyes out!