Turkey and Russia could easily take the world to the brink of WWIII


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
It appears all of Syria just became 'no mans land' for all NATO aircraft.

Russia's Su-34 Jets Launch First Mission With Air-to-Air Missiles

Turkish officers arrested for ‘treason’ after intercepting weapons destined for Syria!

TASS: World - Islamic State is political wrap for heavy oil smuggling — Russian official
MOSCOW, November 30. /TASS/. The Islamic State (IS) is a political wrap for enormous smuggling businesses, including oil, spokesman for the Russian Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin said.
"The terrorist organisations, which are outlawed in Russia, - the Islamic State (IS) and al-Nusra - are only political wraps for the big businesses of smuggling oil, currency, arms, cultural heritage objects, donor organs and for slave trade," he wrote in Izvestia’s column.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Turkey or crow?? Syria is no longer on NATO's plate unless you want to include who is going to be up on war crimes. I'll wager that Turkey sings a long and sad song before the noose snaps tight.

Discussing the matter with world leaders during the Paris climate talks, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow has evidence that the Su-24 was shot down by Turkey to protect oil deliveries of the ISIL terrorist group, also known as Daesh, and that oil from IS-controlled fields is being exported to Turkey on an industrial scale.

"We have every reason to believe that the decision to shoot down our aircraft was dictated by the desire to ensure the safety of supply routes of oil to Turkey, to the ports where they are shipped in tankers," Putin said.



Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Turkey claimed it had warned the Russian warplane 10 times’ before shooting. How the Turks could pre-position its F-16’s and issue ten warnings within 17 seconds was not explained. Russia’s president Vladimir Putin furiously accused the Turks of murder and supporting ISIS extremists.

The US-led NATO alliance rushed to back up member Turkey, which moved forces to its long border with Syria. Putin ordered lethal, long-ranged S-400 anti-aircraft missiles to Syria and missile cruiser “Moskva” to station off Syria’s Mediterranean coast. Both systems can cover large parts of western Syria, including areas routinely intruded upon by US, French, British and Israeli aircraft.

The location of this Russo-Turkish clash was very interesting, though unnoted by western media. It occurred along the southern end of a small, narrow salient of Turkish territory jutting into Syria.

The Turkish territory in question is Hatay Province: it contains the former Crusader stronghold of Antioch and the important port of Iskenderun. Hatay has been the arena of military crises since the first recorded battle there in 853 BC.

Hatay belonged to historic Syria until detached after World War I by Syria’s French colonial masters and handed to Turkey in an attempt to bribe the Turks to become French allies. Syria has long demanded the return of Hatay.

This week’s clash over Hatay will likely revive Syrian demands for a return of Hatay. Turkey dismisses all Syrian claims. The groundwork has thus been laid for a new Syrian-Turkish conflict.

Who is to blame for the latest crisis on the Turkish-Syrian border? Both sides. Neither should have been flying combat patrols over the border region. There should have been a minimum ten km buffer zone on both sides of the sensitive border.

Turkish trigger-happy hotheads are to blame for authorizing deadly force when a few wing wags would have served to warn off the Russians – if they were in fact intruding. Turkey is in no position to claim it’s the injured party when arms, munitions and logistics support for ISIS has been pouring across its border into Syria for almost five years.

Turkey is point-man for the odd coalition of stealthy ISIS backers that includes the US, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, France and Britain. ISIS is their weapon of choice against Shia Iran and its Syrian and Lebanese allies and, very soon, Taliban in Afghanistan.

Problem is, they back ISIS but can’t control its youthful members. The rabid dog they helped breed is now running around biting people.




the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Turkey is point-man for the odd coalition of stealthy ISIS backers that includes the US, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, France and Britain. ISIS is their weapon of choice against Shia Iran and its Syrian and Lebanese allies and, very soon, Taliban in Afghanistan.

Problem is, they back ISIS but can’t control its youthful members. The rabid dog they helped breed is now running around biting people.

Eric Margolis

Margolis convieniently leaves off any mention of the real control, Israel, that's what he's paid to do.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Four Syrian Soldiers Killed in US-Led Coalition Airstrike - Sources
lol It's like they don't know people are watching and talking.
DAMASCUS (Sputnik) — Four Syrian army soldiers were killed and some 13 were wounded in a US-led coalition airstrike in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor province, sources told Sputnik Monday. According to the sources, two tanks and an ammunition depot in Deir ez-Zor that belonged to the Syrian army were also destroyed in the airstrike.

Read more: Four Syrian Soldiers Killed in US-Led Coalition Airstrike - Sources

PressTV-‘US covering up Daesh oil transfers to Turkey’
The development came as US special envoy and coordinator for international energy affairs, Amos Hochstein, stated on Friday that the quantity of oil illicitly trafficked into Turkey from Syrian territories that remain under the control of the Daesh terror group is "of no significance from a volume perspective -- both volume of oil and volume of revenue."

NATO authorities have estimated that Daesh pockets $1.0 million to $1.5 million per day from the smuggling of stolen Syrian oil into Turkey, expressing "hopes" that renewed air strikes by US, British and French forces reduce that amount.

Russian Strikes in Syria again Halt North Iraq Flights — Naharnet


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Ever notice that it is always the West that publishes the lies?? Nice of you to supply so many fine examples.

US-led coalition airstrike on SAA position in Deir Ezzor (Photos) - Fort Russ
Below are pictures of the aftermath of the aggression of the US-led coalition on a location of the Syrian army in Deir Ezzor.

The bombardment from the missile was directed accurately to cause the destruction of vehicles and mechanisms of the army, the fatalities of soldiers and the wounding of others. The elite forces in the Syrian army managed to repel the ISIS attack immediately after the bombing stopped, which led to many terrorist losses of large equipment and many personnel, with the attack being disrupted.


Bondarev’s conclusion is that the Turkish pilots had spent several weeks training specifically to shoot down a Russian bomber on their border with Syria, and that the final details of the ambush had been carefully refined by the Turks – probably with their NATO allies – during the 12 hours which had followed the arrival of the information sent by the Russians before take-off.

Israel Claims Airstrikes at Syrian Army Convoy on Damascus : Reports
The airstrikes were said to have targeted a four-truck Syrian army convoy, loaded with ballistic missiles.
The Israeli planes struck the vehicles after they left an army base, the reports claimed.
The Israeli Air Force also reportedly hit a gas supply, sparking massive explosions, According to Fars News Agency.
Israeli airstrikes in Syria have been widely reported over the last almost five years of the country’s crisis in support of the Takfiri terrorists.
- See more at: Israel Claims Airstrikes at Syrian Army Convoy on Damascus : Reports



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
No word that is was fired and missed. Russia is still pounding ISIS, you know the group nobody else can find.

Nice Catch: Saudi, UAE Weapons Found in Islamist Strongholds in Syria

New Pentagon Comedy Routine: Russian ? Not American ? Warplanes Attacked Syrian Army
A U.S. military official, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue, said later in the day that the Pentagon is “certain” that a Russian warplane carried out the attack. There was no response to that assertion from either Syria or Russia.

Anonymous U.S. officials always tell the best fairytales.
We don't really have anything more to add. Except maybe these two quotes, from celebrated American patriots:
The aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” … “That's not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” — widely attributed to Karl Rove


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
You spelled USA wrong. They have yet to find the right target as a side note. lol
The U.S. is running out of bombs to drop on ISIS - CNNPolitics.com
Washington (CNN)The U.S. Air Force has fired off more than 20,000 missiles and bombs since the U.S. bombing campaign against ISIS began 15 months ago, according to the Air Force, leading to depleted munitions stockpiles and calls to ramp up funding and weapons production.

As the U.S. ramps up its campaign against the Islamist terror group in Iraq and Syria, the Air Force is now "expending munitions faster than we can replenish them," Air Force chief of staff Gen. Mark Welsh said in a statement.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
They will be getting all the reconstruction contracts as well as paid for 'expenses' in routing the US from the whole area. That is quite a fantasy you are projecting. Is Disneyland where you go for your reality training??