Should Canada and the U.S. tolerate an intolerant Islam?

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Exactly why the fewer Muslims we have in the country, the fewer will be abused by those who recognize the immorality and worthlessness of right wing Islam's ideology. If that woman and others wish to be safer on our streets, then they should remove all such displays of Muslim oppression of women.

Canadians do not like head and face wear that denotes the subjugation of women by Muslim men which is the case in the majority of cases.

Funny ... I've heard the same spoke of a certain Province

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Too late. Big business would mine the quarters from your dead mothers' eyes and not even give change ... and what has my daughter got to do with your rant? She's not property....

She is chattel to the right wing Muslim mind set.

Shall I get you their rules on how you are to beat her, or if young enough, arrange her marriage to an old man?



Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
We are not banning a religion. Sharia is a political system.

But I do not see why we should not ban religions that go directly against our constitution and are homophobic and misogynous and do not grant equality to all.

Those are basic human rights and if a religion falls short of that, why should Canadians tolerate it?


I'm all for banning all religions (outside of your home or church). I just don't think that would be possible or acceptable to anyone but atheists/humanists. Sharia is a political system, yes but can it be seperated from it's religion? I don't think so.
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French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
I think the tenets of Islam are incompatible with our relaxed, secular western lifestyle and values. They harshly proscribe moral behaviour we accept, such as sex outside marriage, homosexuality... bikinis... and there seems no room in that religion for the concept of 'live and let live'. It seems that you must follow their path or else they are so offended they must force you to. Oh, I know it's not all Muslims. But i also can't think of a single Muslim nation where large numbers of its followers don't follow this path. I can't even think of a nation with a substantial percentage of Muslims among its population where Muslims aren't violently agitating to make things more like the prophet, bless his little nine-year-old loving mind, thought was righteous.

I don't know any way to ban it, though, in a nation which values freedom of religion. I do think we should stop admitting its followers into Canada in such large numbers, though.

There is no freedom of religion as we know from whenever our government has stepped in to end death cults etc.

I like freedom of moral religions.

That is not what Islam is.


I remember some Christian churches being the same sort of controlling mechanism. Could it be Islam's in its death throes too?

2050 has been estimated as the tipping point of non-belief over belief.

Do we want to suffer the B.S. from religions that others are suffering till then?

I don't and I do not want my children and grand children to have to tolerate the intolerant till then either.


French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
Funny ... I've heard the same spoke of a certain Province

Many provinces if you check the survey that showed the vast majority offended by those who can't even take our citizenship oath without their sign of subjugation on.



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
What a pathetic defence of western values. The west has no values. The west is full to the brim with ignorant buffoons who indignantly rant for the same elite who would stuff them into cannon barrels again in the defence of the privilaged few.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Exactly why the fewer Muslims we have in the country, the fewer will be abused by those who recognize the immorality and worthlessness of right wing Islam's ideology. If that woman and others wish to be safer on our streets, then they should remove all such displays of Muslim oppression of women.

Canadians do not like head and face wear that denotes the subjugation of women by Muslim men which is the case in the majority of cases.


I'm ok with a women wearing a scarf. I dislike seeing women wearing burqa's or similar garb where all that can be seen is the eyes. To me it says that these women are nothing. They have no status and therefore there is no need to see their faces since they don't matter.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
No bloody way! Why would he/she be in our country?

To make it a part of their world caliphate.

I think we are and should be promoting a one world government but not a one world Islamic caliphate.

Not unless Islam civilizes itself.

They have to do that from within but in the meantime, Canada should protect its ideology.


I'm all for banning all religions (outside of your home or church). I just don't think that would be possible or acceptable to anyone but atheists/humanists. Sharia is a political system, yes but can it be seperated from it's religion? I don't think so.

I do not think so either but if you look about at the countries that have both, even as a majority, the interpretations given to Sharia in some countries is quite democratic and humane.

Unfortunately, way too many of those countries are not worthy of our respect.


Not to worry.... You aren't likely to see 2050

True but my children and grand children will.

When our forefathers and foremothers died on the battle field, they were fighting for you and I.

For us to let their death mean nothing by us losing their hard won freedoms for us would shame every Canadian.


What a pathetic defence of western values. The west has no values. The west is full to the brim with ignorant buffoons who indignantly rant for the same elite who would stuff them into cannon barrels again in the defence of the privilaged few.

Strange then how immigration is from East to West and almost none is from West to East.

Sure we are not perfect but we are the best to date.


I'm ok with a women wearing a scarf. I dislike seeing women wearing burqa's or similar garb where all that can be seen is the eyes. To me it says that these women are nothing. They have no status and therefore there is no need to see their faces since they don't matter.

Not to disagree with the spirit of what you said, but those women are something.

To Muslim men who impose such dress, they are chattel and slaves.



Electoral Member
Sep 9, 2013
What a pathetic defence of western values. The west has no values. The west is full to the brim with ignorant buffoons who indignantly rant for the same elite who would stuff them into cannon barrels again in the defence of the privilaged few.

The West clearly has values. Not everyone shares them, but overall, we have values which derive from our religious and secular histories. That's why there are gay pride parades here, even though not all of us are particularly happy about gays and the gay lifestyle. We have a culture of tolerance for others and their beliefs and preferences. We don't force everyone to follow one path.

Try and hold a gay rights parade in pretty much any Muslim country and mobs will beat you to death, if the cops don't arrest you first. Heck, try and hold a woman's rights parade and the same thing will happen. There are no rights in Islam. Islam literally means SUBMISSION and all must submit to Allah.

French Patriot

Council Member
Sep 17, 2012
...or in their language of preference

I am of two minds on language.

Refugees may not have had the time to learn one of our official languages.

Most immigrants should have.

I do not mind being flexible for language but if some cannot or do not wish to be face to face with Canadians, my flexibility goes to not wanting to tolerate what I see as a lack of respect for Canada and Canadians.

When in Rome, --- or stay in your old home.



the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The West clearly has values. Not everyone shares them, but overall, we have values which derive from our religious and secular histories. That's why there are gay pride parades here, even though not all of us are particularly happy about gays and the gay lifestyle. We have a culture of tolerance for others and their beliefs and preferences. We don't force everyone to follow one path.

Try and hold a gay rights parade in pretty much any Muslim country and mobs will beat you to death, if the cops don't arrest you first. Heck, try and hold a woman's rights parade and the same thing will happen. There are no rights in Islam. Islam literally means SUBMISSION and all must submit to Allah.

OK I was wrong the west has worthless values, worse than none at all. Building nations on gay pride parades! Give us a break. Tolerance goes both ways and a culture of tolerance for sexual deviations will not build a nation. Aren't we being forced to tolerate gay parrades? Certainly these people deserve the protection of the law but they do not deserve to become the accepted norm at 4% of the total populations. Islam is not and never has been a problem but while we are kept busy bashing the smoke and mirrors the problem will become apparent too late, as those who have manufactured the threat of Islam intend. While you fire at Islam the enemy laughs at you.


Electoral Member
Sep 9, 2013
OK I was wrong the west has worthless values, worse than none at all. Building nations on gay pride parades! Give us a break.

Well, I used gay pride parades because most liberals are pretty gay friendly. But I could also simply say that in our society, we value the individual's right to be what they will be, to go and do and explore what they think is right for them. We don't stuff them all into mental straitjackets and say they must do this, say this, act like this, believe this.

The very ability to voice extreme opposition to government is part of our western value system. You wouldn't be able to post the kind of stuff you do if you were in other lands. The police would be pounding on your door and would drag you off for a 'chat'.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia

Police Civil Asset Forfeitures Exceed The Value Of All Burglaries In 2014

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/17/2015 - 13:30 Between 1989 and 2010, U.S. attorneys seized an estimated $12.6 billion in asset forfeiture cases. The growth rate during that time averaged +19.4% annually. By 2014, that number had ballooned to roughly $4.5 billion for the year. Now, according to the FBI, the total amount of goods stolen by criminals in 2014 burglary offenses suffered an estimated $3.9 billion in property losses. This means that the police are now taking more assets than the criminals.

Well, I used gay pride parades because most liberals are pretty gay friendly. But I could also simply say that in our society, we value the individual's right to be what they will be, to go and do and explore what they think is right for them. We don't stuff them all into mental straitjackets and say they must do this, say this, act like this, believe this.

The very ability to voice extreme opposition to government is part of our western value system. You wouldn't be able to post the kind of stuff you do if you were in other lands. The police would be pounding on your door and would drag you off for a 'chat'.

Liberal is another neutral word like tolerant. You've been stuffed into a liberal tolerant straight jacket and you obviously don't realize or appreciate that you've been manipulated by a valueless consumer society. You liberally tolerate hive thinking. The individual has rights but those rights do not trump those of the majority.


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
still impossible to ban 1 religion while allowing others to be.

We should not tolerate an intolerant religion. Hate laws exist to protect people from hate ideology.

We'll need to come up with things that we won't tolerate. Religious laws. Promotion of any form of rights denial based on colour, ethnicity, beliefs, sexual preferences, personal dress, etc.

Religion should never trump personal individual freedoms and any person found to be forcing, bullying, for the purposes of promoting their personal beliefs should be charged, fined, deported, denied freedom, or some such something to keep personal freedoms at the forefront of a reasonably logical society.

If they want to have their own religious laws and regulations, they will have to find a country that is a secular country.

I think 'religious freedom' should be more clearly defined. In the case of Islam, the freedom to practice that religion even in one's
own home conflicts with Canadian law. Under our law no man can force his wife and family to follow his rules. But Muslims are subjected to the law of male dominance.
In the case of the 'honor killing' of a Muslim wife, the husband's defense was that 'she found out she had rights', and he claimed self defense even though he had stabbed her numerous times. In court he stated that the only law he obeys is Islam.
This is not something that should be tolerated in Canada. The laws of our land have to be observed and enforced and every immigrant coming here should understand that and observe it.
There are a number of religious sects in Canada that have different beliefs and different ways of life (Mennonites, Hutterites, Jehovah Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, but they all seem to live within the law. The only cases I cases I can think of are the few where JWs had their children taken into custody because they were refused blood transfusions by their parents. And the law stepped in on those.
Muslims also use 'religious freedom' to cover their faces in citizenship ceremonies, etc. when it is not really a religious necessity at all but a cultural habit.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
"If your religion truly is the religion of peace, then your radical extremists should be radically and extremely peaceful." Wonderful quote. Don't know who coined it though.

I'm thinking only the Buddhists are peaceful. Maybe that's the belief system that should be encouraged.