Trudeau “proud to be a feminist”; against misogyny in gaming/Gamergate


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

I wanted a progressive PM but even I'm kind of shocked.

As long as he doesn't go all authoritarian on us, we'll be okay.
Well the only time marshall law was enforced was during his father's tenure .
But I really don't think Justin will go all authoritarian at all .


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
What you think is a waste is not what Canadians have decided unfortunately.

I don't recall this on his platform about how he was going to start funding all the 2 bit liberal arts losers who are too lazy to do real work. I thought he was going to spend on infrastructure. But like Kathy Wynn, what he promised means nothing after elected.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Re: Canada’s new prime minister says he is “proud to be a feminist”

I'd agree with him as well but I also believe he needs to make it clear that he doesn't endorse censorship.

When does he actually get to the office? Certainly he can't do that. Censorship is not necessarily anti social is it?

I don't recall this on his platform about how he was going to start funding all the 2 bit liberal arts losers who are too lazy to do real work. I thought he was going to spend on infrastructure. But like Kathy Wynn, what he promised means nothing after elected.

We will need an army of talented poster makers in the coming information age.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Oh yeah, Trudeau is already taking on the big issues that concern us all... life changing..

Not much into Video Games, first I've heard of "Gamergate" and don't they already have laws in place that talk work place discrimination?

I suggest these ladies get together and file a class action lawsuit. You would be surprise how attitudes change when your face with a million dollar settlement.


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
Feminism is a load of crap! It promotes competition between men and women.
Men and women should not be in competition with each other; they should complement each other. There are things women do better and things men do better but each individual needs to be respected for their individuality and not just for their gender.
Misogyny was never so rampant as it has become before women started getting so damned pushy!
It's all in the teaching of our children to look at all people as individuals and not classify them according to gender.
Trudeau is making a mistake by putting a quota on women in his cabinet. Doesn't ability, capability and talent count anymore? If a person is best qualified for a job it shouldn't matter whether it's a man or woman.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Feminism is a load of crap! It promotes competition between men and women.
Men and women should not be in competition with each other; they should complement each other. There are things women do better and things men do better but each individual needs to be respected for their individuality and not just for their gender.
Misogyny was never so rampant as it has become before women started getting so damned pushy!
It's all in the teaching of our children to look at all people as individuals and not classify them according to gender.
Trudeau is making a mistake by putting a quota on women in his cabinet. Doesn't ability, capability and talent count anymore? If a person is best qualified for a job it shouldn't matter whether it's a man or woman.

He can put a quota of women in his cabinet, it makes sense to have half and half... You get an equal perspective.

But that still doesn't mean that if someone sucks at their job that they can't be fired & replaced.

We'll see how the balance is in a few years. Maybe there will be more men, maybe less.

What won't be right is if a female does poorly at their job, they are replaced by another female simply because she's female. You can balance a cabinet between the genders at the start but you can't maintain that balance for long without someone being unjustly removed just to keep numbers balanced.

Woman A does badly at their job and is replaced by the most qualified person that might be Male A, and then Male B in another area is replaced by Female B just for the sake of keeping balance.... Or vice versa.

The person would have been fired or replaced simply due to their gender and that leads to sexism because despite you being good at your job, you were replaced to keep the gender balance.... Thus, you were removed because of your gender.

Then again, that can go the other way. You might be just as qualified for a position as the next person but you got the job because you have an in'y or an out'y.... That's not equality.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
The vast majority of victims of violence in computer games are men, just as the vast majority of victims of violence in real life are men.

Although, people need to be reminded that computer games aren't real, and campaigning against violence towards humanoid computer generated images is, quite frankly, completely and utterly ludicrous and it really needs to stop.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
The cabinet quota is the wrong way to go in my opinion.

It's good optics, but it's playing to an antiquated view of feminism.

Equality isn't about having 50% membership of each sex.

It's about giving both sexes equal opportunity.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The cabinet quota is the wrong way to go in my opinion.

It's good optics, but it's playing to an antiquated view of feminism.

Equality isn't about having 50% membership of each sex.

It's about giving both sexes equal opportunity.

I see, equality for sure, but, just not at the cabinet level. You may need a sensetivity refresher. Is it possible your devotion to the revolution has waned?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
What are you in about?

The equality principle is best shown when you give equal opportunity.

If it just so happens that women prove themselves to be better candidates than men, I would have no problem with them making up a majority of the caucus.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Trudeau, like his father, received a Jesuit derived early education at College Jean de Brebeuf in Montreal. The program is renouned for infusing and integrating artistic, scientific, philosophical and theological thought into a rigorous and morally objective intellect. It has produced more than its fair share of geniuses.

It seems Trudeau has ditched all that.. and simply capitulated to the zeitgeist and sophistry of the moral relativism, radical individualism and heterodoxy that now defines the West.

He eliminated the long held and cherished Liberal Party tradition of allowing freedom of conscience on moral issues for MPs. Unless you support the 'sacred' right of mothers to murder their children you need not apply to the Liberal caucus. He has shamelessly sold himself out to designated 'victims' groups.. without any sense of a coherent moral superstructure.

Any real woman knows that that Feminism has imposed a sense inequality and conflict in gender, and has inflicted a completely artificial identity on them. It has disempowered and trivialized the female role.. and squandered their God given genius and gifts and its attendant responsibilities. It's one the great failures of the 20th Century... and has had the most destructive effect on the culture.

In Justin Trudeau we are dealing with a very unimpressive mind. He is a born follower, lacking independence and insight. He is defined by the most maudlin sentiment and ideological idols our times. That is going to become increasingly evident in his administration. Within a year he will be presiding over a divided and disaffected caucus.. and will be drifting aimlessly towards the end of his one term in the office.
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