There Goes America


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
I'm sure that was the cry of the day back then too..........

No it wasn't. I made it up myself.

Mildred Jeter, an African-American woman, and Richard Loving, a white man, were indicted in 1958 for violating Virginia’s ban on interracial marriages after they married in the District of Columbia and then returned to Virginia.

They brought their case before the Supreme Court, which decided that Virginia's anti-miscegenation laws could not stand consistently with the Fourteenth Amendment.

I like interracial marriages. I'm in one. What about you?


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
This honestly made me laugh; obviously you don't know much about the US as it is today, right? Marriage between gays won't do this, it's already going on and has been for, well, a long, long time in the US.

That's right. The U.S., Canada, the West have been in a state of moral, economic, cultural and social disintegration for 40+ years.

The Middle Class has been wiped out.. the economy has been deindustrialized by Global Free Markets founded on an ethos of greed and exploitation.. occult superstitions on which radical environtalism, AGW, cosmology are based have supplanted real science and the scientific method .. the central structural civilizational component of marriage has been reduced to an absurdity.. moral relativism, self gratification are the prime directives of the day. The legitimization of same sex unions is a symptom of a profound disorder that will rip the West apart.

A Dark Age, filled with violence, ignorance and want looms.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
That's right. The U.S., Canada, the West have been in a state of moral, economic, cultural and social disintegration for 40+ years.

The Middle Class has been wiped out.. the economy has been deindustrialized by Global Free Markets founded on an ethos of greed and exploitation.. occult superstitions on which radical environtalism, AGW, cosmology are based have supplanted real science and the scientific method .. the central structural civilizational component of marriage has been reduced to an absurdity.. moral relativism, self gratification are the prime directives of the day. The legitimization of same sex unions is a symptom of a profound disorder that will rip the West apart.

A Dark Age, filled with violence, ignorance and want looms.
As opposed to the last Dark Age, which was fueled by the exact theocratic fascism you espouse.

I won't say that seeing the despair in you would-be Taliban types isn't the best part of advancing equality, but it's a nice side benefit.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
I've noticed it for a while, but it's definitely a sign of victory that homophobia's arguments have become this anemic. It used to be that you could just give your unfiltered bigotry. Now like racism you have to cloak in sad, nonsensical bull**** like this.

It must be hard for you to make such a limp argument and know that no one actually gives a **** or even comes to close to accepting the basic premise of your argument let alone the idea that it actually diminishes "the nuclear family".

There's nothing wrong with SSM from the standpoint of morality. And there's nothing wrong with gay marriage from the standpoint of individual liberty . The 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause has been in existence since Antebellum days. It logically compels approval of SSM. This raises a question.

Why didn't the Equal Protection Clause permit SSM long ago? Yesterday's Supreme Court decision is the product of forty years of campaigning for societal transformation. The SSM case settles the question of SSM for American society. But the forces of social liberalism feel compelled to continue the transformation of society. The ground is already being prepared for the further expansion of the definition of marriage. Normalization of polygamy is the next step.

It’s Time to Legalize Polygamy - Fredrik deBoer - POLITICO Magazine

All it will require is time and a campaign involving a litigation strategy. It may take decades, but it will happen in the fullness of time. The fact you can't imagine further expansion of the definition of marriage simply means there has been a failure of imagination.

I can see it now.

Republicans trying to sway the gay voter to their side.

It's the perfect stragedy!

Tecumseh got to the point before I did.

Well done.



Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010



Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Somebody better watch this guy.

He's likely to go full on jihadist.

That seems Islamophobic.

That's true, but I don't think it would be motivating enough if the Republican candidate was, say, another Romney. Why vote for the Republican when you know it won't actually get you what you want?

That's a good point. The mass of American conservatives have no representation, and won't have. In many ways they have no stake in the success or failure of the US Govt.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Bottom line is it's just about people sticking their nose where it doesn't belong. It simply isn't their business, it doesn't threaten anything. Don't "like it"? Fine, great even. Feel free to not like it to your hearts content. Who cares?

The right to privacy? Tell that to the NSA. In America the govt. doesn't recognize privacy.


Haltingly, painfully, with many setbacks. . . but nonetheless, the arc of the moral universe is bending toward justice.

So maybe you ain't all that much of a Pollyanna.

It was a good day. The circle of people who qualify as fully human grew a little.

Not a bad day's work for the Court.

There is no arc of history. The course of history is random. All things are temporary.

300 years

The pace of history is accelerating. There won't be a United States in 300 years. The centrifugal forces are too great for the US to continue as a nation-state. In fact the Westphalian model is coming apart in much of the world. New forms of political organization will replace it. The US is filling with people who have no loyalty to it. The same thing is happening in Europe.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Re: Gay marriage ruling a giant leap for couples, court

The right to privacy? Tell that to the NSA. In America the govt. doesn't recognize privacy.

It's not the government that's trying to interfere here though. It's just some random individuals who think they should be able to tell other people how they should live their lives.

Should I be able to impose my values and beliefs on your life and force you to live by them?

Is thread marriage legal yet?

No, I don't get that fancy with it.

Let 'em live in sin. ;)