Abolish the Senate


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
The Senate works as a check and balance in the USA.. they need to say to the members of the senate your time is up and elect senators for a 4 year term.

Retire the ones we have or they can run in a new election.

Never abolish the senate, it's an important part of our Government body.. just reform it.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Here's a thought; it would take the moral courage and ethical strength of a Hercules but suppose all parties agree in principle to simply NOT appoint any more of the leeches and when a vacancy occurs simply leave the seat empty.

No constitutional reform required just some agreed upon back-bone watched over by the people of Canada to see which azzhat breaks the commitment first.

Then we agree to hire Emeril and Paula to feed the porkers and within a year or two they'll all be getting treatment for acute arthrosclerosis and won't last long enough to bother us any more.

A little humour to brighten the day as we all know these lying boobs we elect say one thing and do another in any case; so reforming the senate is as far over the horizon as it ever was.

Only two parties appoint Senators: Liberal and Conservatives. No one else gets a chance at it, so you "only" have the two parties to agree not to load up the Senate when they are in office (and thus extending their power beyond the Commons). They both do it.They are both as guilty and crooked as the other.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Only two parties appoint Senators: Liberal and Conservatives. No one else gets a chance at it, so you "only" have the two parties to agree not to load up the Senate when they are in office (and thus extending their power beyond the Commons). They both do it.They are both as guilty and crooked as the other.
naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah couldn't be...some on here think their side is golden

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Stop lying. Harper never promised. Mentalfloss has already posted Harper's quote and it didn't fly.

The "Triple E" Senate idea, even the name itself came from the Reform Party. Who would lie about that?

It's a great idea, BTW but an impossible one to achieve.

Perhaps, it's because you are young and a lot of this happened before you were born?
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Education is a provincial matter hence we have different curriculums in each province and different funding methods .
Funding in Ontario is much different than funding in B.C. say .

Off-reserve in-country education is a provincial matter. Education on-reserve and out-of-country are Federal responsibilities.

Education on reserves is covered by the Indian Act and a few other Federal laws. The education of the children of military personnel posted abroad andsometimes on-base falls under national defence, which is a Federal matter. On reserves and on military bases, the Federal Government will usually just adopt the curriculum of the surrounding province. Abroad, it will usually adopt the Ontario curriculum for reasons of convenience. In principle though, it would be well within its right to establish its own Federal school system in such cases if it wished to do so.

Additionally, minority English and French language education and the Separate confessional school systems are Constitutional and therefore both Federal and Provincial matters: the provinces administer these schools by Constitutional obligation but would need the consent of the Federal and other provincial governments to abrogate these obligations. In conclusion, education is just as much a Federal matter as it is a provincial one.

This is another problem in Canadian public education. I never learnt the Constitution at school. I had to read it of my own initiative. As a future voter at the time, I should have been required to read it.

Personally I would support the creation of a Federal curriculum and let provinces opt in and save money if they want. Same concept as the RCMP. Some provinces use it while others opt out.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Unfortunately, the Conservative Party oif Canada has been hijacked by the Reformers. The difference will be even more noticeable during this upcoming election. With the losses of Peter McKay and Jim Flaherty, there are very few voices of the party that do not come from that Western rump ... Lots of backbenchers from other parts of the country but the core of the party is Alberta and the BC interior. Years ago, the Liberals had the same problem of being controlled by Quebecers. The rest of the country (especially Reform country) resented it deeply and the bad taste still lingers.The apparent homogeneity of what should be a national party works against the Conservatives. They get re-elected because the opposition is divided and carries a label of dubious business skills.

BTW, I am no fan of Trudeau junior or senior and I do not remember Pierre with any fondness.
The western rump ! I like that one , I will wear it with a badge of honour .

Off-reserve in-country education is a provincial matter. Education on-reserve and out-of-country are Federal responsibilities.

Education on reserves is covered by the Indian Act and a few other Federal laws. The education of the children of military personnel posted abroad andsometimes on-base falls under national defence, which is a Federal matter. On reserves and on military bases, the Federal Government will usually just adopt the curriculum of the surrounding province. Abroad, it will usually adopt the Ontario curriculum for reasons of convwnience. In principle though, it would be well within its right to establish it's own Federal school system in such cases if it wished to do so.

Additionally, minority English and French language education and the Separate confessional school systems are Constitutional and therefore both Federal and Provincial matters: the provinces administer these schools by Constitutional obligation but would need the consent of the Federal and other provincial governments to abrogate these obligations.In conclusion, education is just a much a Federal matter as it is a provincial one.

This is another problem in Canadian public education. I never learnt the Constitution at school. I had to read it of my own initiative. As a future voter at the time, I should have been required to read it.

Personally I would support the creation of a Federal curichly and let provinces opt in and save money if they want. Same concept as the RCMP. Some provinces use it while others opt out.
Thank you that helps clarify some things .


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
He'd have no choice on this one. If he is elected and wants to do something with the Senate he will be unable to do it alone. Harper has tried that and it didnt work. So its either keep this promise or dont touch the Senate at all.

As someone who lives in downtown Ottawa I can tell you a full breakfast for $10 or under is damn near impossible here. Though I will agree the $16 orange juice is a bit much. $4 or so is the highest Ive seen for that - and even that is insane.

Quebec just ignored it. No reason why Ontario can't.

Quebec did not just ignore it; it asked the Federal Government to modify the Constitution to exempt Quebec from it. It's written in the Constitution. Voters should read it.

The western rump ! I like that one , I will wear it with a badge of honour .

Thank you that helps clarify some things .

This is an effective way to test a federal candidate's knowledge of the Conatitution. Ask him to present his Federal education policy. If he answers that it's a provincial responsibility, you know right away that he's too lazy to read the Constitution before running for Parliament. That alone reveals a lot about him.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
The western rump ! I like that one , I will wear it with a badge of honour

Regional rumps: the BLOC QUEBECOIS, the CREDITISTES (morphed into the Bloc starting in the Mulroney years) SOCIAL CREDIT (morphed into Reform at the same time as the emergence of the Bloc) REFORM was concentrated in one corner of the country and were going nowhere fast until taking over the Progressive Conservatives. In fact, they kept the Cretien Liberals in power, long after their sell-by date.

We live in a federation. Periodically, the leadership of the federation gets skewed to one of the big or rich regions ... Quebec ... Ontario ... now Alberta have all been uber alles in their turn. (Atlantic Canada has been screwed since 1867) but it never lasts forever.

Regional Rump = Opposition, or worse.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
In all honesty, if Mulcair decides it's time to have a new open public discussion on revising the Constitution and my local NDP candidate supports that decision, I might be prepared to plug my nose and at least seriously conider voting for that candidate. That said, I'd rather the Constitution be opened by a Conservative government. It needs to be opened either way.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
NDP have already opened the constitution before and nothing nefarious came out of it.

The Cons on the other hand...


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I'm not sure that an N.D.P. Gov't. with no Senate would be a good idea. There would have to be a system in place to put the brakes on spending!


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I'm not sure that an N.D.P. Gov't. with no Senate would be a good idea. There would have to be a system in place to put the brakes on spending!

The Senate has never overturned a bill passed by the House. The only time they came close was on Free Trade where they did not vote but made agreement with the Great Muldune that he would make it an election issue. Once he won, the Lieberal senate passed it after the house did.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
NDP have already opened the constitution before and nothing nefarious came out of it.

The Cons on the other hand...

When did an NDP Government open formal Constitutional discussions?

The last time it was the Progressive Conservative Party under Mulroney. The Present Conservative Party has done no such thing.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
When did an NDP Government open formal Constitutional discussions?

The last time it was the Progressive Conservative Party under Mulroney. The Present Conservative Party has done no such thing.

When was there an N.D.P. Gov't. in Ottawa?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Regional rumps: the BLOC QUEBECOIS, the CREDITISTES (morphed into the Bloc starting in the Mulroney years) SOCIAL CREDIT (morphed into Reform at the same time as the emergence of the Bloc) REFORM was concentrated in one corner of the country and were going nowhere fast until taking over the Progressive Conservatives. In fact, they kept the Cretien Liberals in power, long after their sell-by date.

We live in a federation. Periodically, the leadership of the federation gets skewed to one of the big or rich regions ... Quebec ... Ontario ... now Alberta have all been uber alles in their turn. (Atlantic Canada has been screwed since 1867) but it never lasts forever.

Regional Rump = Opposition, or worse.
Actually it was the formation of the Bloc that allowed Cretian to gain and remain in the Prime Ministers seat .

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Actually it was the formation of the Bloc that allowed Cretian to gain and remain in the Prime Ministers seat .
Actually, it was Reform coming along and splitting the right wing vote in half that kept Cretien in power.