Edmonton father jailed for throwing infant son in 'frustration'


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
no I really never did or it would have been talked about in latter years because years later we would discuss how laws made to protect kids are good but sometimes parents know their kids best and intervention is not always in the best interests of the child

now I did almost burn down the garage...but that's a whole other story....lol
Let alone the scar that comes wi.th any serious event

I have a whole service station to 'my credit' About 10 i was the one sent to get some gas on a glass gallon jug fot the go-kart and when paring for it it fell of the counter and broke in the floor. The furnace was not far away and the manager grabbed me an we made it into the shop area just as the door was ripped blown open. He sent me to report the fire at the bowling alley. After that I probably set a new speed/distance record for myself that still stands today. Gas was never a good friend of mine. Finding the boiling point got me 2 weeks in isolation where I peeled off two layers of skin. No scars as it was a 'flash burn' and nothing was touching the skin.
Must have been on some good stuff as I never felt any pain at any time.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Let alone the scar that comes wi.th any serious event

I have a whole service station to 'my credit' About 10 i was the one sent to get some gas on a glass gallon jug fot the go-kart and when paring for it it fell of the counter and broke in the floor. The furnace was not far away and the manager grabbed me an we made it into the shop area just as the door was ripped blown open. He sent me to report the fire at the bowling alley. After that I probably set a new speed/distance record for myself that still stands today. Gas was never a good friend of mine. Finding the boiling point got me 2 weeks in isolation where I peeled off two layers of skin. No scars as it was a 'flash burn' and nothing was touching the skin.
Must have been on some good stuff as I never felt any pain at any time.
hoooooooly wow you were lucky and so was the manager...

it's a wonder we made it through childhood but we did


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC
How many kids do you have?

What would any other primate do? Grunt " f-ck it" and go search out a fermented coconut to "calm his nerves"?

We are every bit the animal they are.

Did he go too far causing injury? Yup.

As a human animal what would you do when a child just won't shut up?

As a mother what would you do?

When I get frustrated I don't hurt babies. Is this the argument your trying to make? Deep down we'd hurt babies? Speak for yourself. Preferably in front of a psychologist.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
yes I actually was alone in the house...my parents were at work and I came home for lunch and I liked soup...there were no microwaves in those days....my dad didn't get home from work until an hour after school let out...so I was alone in the house then too...now...it was a different era so houses were unlocked, neighbours knew us and there were other latchkey kids on the block too


I was way better off than the rich kid who lived beside me and came home to an alcoholic mum who might or might not have been passed out on the bed...mostly all day actually...I liked her though way better than the old nag who cried because I wouldn't eat what she had prepared for me...kids know...they do have an instinct...parents who know their kids well know just how far to trust their kids...and kids will respond to that

each kid is different and should be treated thus
Were you handed the trust and respect or was it earned?

Let's hear the burning down the garage story?

Any brothers?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
each kid is different and should be treated thus
Parents don't want to accept that they are witnesses to how a person grows up. It is the 'help they provide' that results in actions such as both of these parents in that when the kids are awake the parents are also rather than when the parents are tired the kids have to be also.
Want to bet the parents of the mother in this case were also negligent and with the man they were physically abusive? Cafe from 0-6 shhould be pretty standard as far as duties and if you want the best kid possible be there to help them do the things they aren't quite capable of doing if they were just a bit bigger. (if it is a safe and constructive activity)


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
When I get frustrated I don't hurt babies. Is this the argument your trying to make? Deep down we'd hurt babies? Speak for yourself. Preferably in front of a psychologist.

In other worlds you have no clue because you aren't a parent?

Parents don't want to accept that they are witnesses to how a person grows up. It is the 'help they provide' that results in actions such as both of these parents in that when the kids are awake the parents are also rather than when the parents are tired the kids have to be also.
Want to bet the parents of the mother in this case were also negligent and with the man they were physically abusive? Cafe from 0-6 shhould be pretty standard as far as duties and if you want the best kid possible be there to help them do the things they aren't quite capable of doing if they were just a bit bigger. (if it is a safe and constructive activity)

If you have a baby that cries at night do you still let it take naps in the evening?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
In other worlds you have no clue because you aren't a parent?

you think that being a parent qualifies one to know kids

the sheer level of abandonment, abuse and neglect disproves that theory immediately

Parents don't want to accept that they are witnesses to how a person grows up. It is the 'help they provide' that results in actions such as both of these parents in that when the kids are awake the parents are also rather than when the parents are tired the kids have to be also.
Want to bet the parents of the mother in this case were also negligent and with the man they were physically abusive? Cafe from 0-6 shhould be pretty standard as far as duties and if you want the best kid possible be there to help them do the things they aren't quite capable of doing if they were just a bit bigger. (if it is a safe and constructive activity)

I don't think one can judge all parents and say they don't want to accept that they impact a child's future behaviour as an adult. This mum did nothing wrong in grabbing a nap...UNLESS she knew the kids were unsafe with him...we do not know the back story here...I would not bet on the mum's past unless he had been violent with her previously then the odds are high she was raised in a violent background...the father's odds for that are high too since he had no impulse control.

But not all parents who were abused pass that abuse on.

if you want the best kid possible be there to help them do the things they aren't quite capable of doing if they were just a bit bigger. (if it is a safe and constructive activity)
agreed that is mostly a given


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
In other worlds you have no clue because you aren't a parent?

If you have a baby that cries at night do you still let it take naps in the evening?
This would be interesting, various solutions for important parenting skills.
Yes I do becaus the wake-up in the middle of the night id a cry for food and once that has been 'fixed' the baby goes back to sleep intil the next time the bottle gets tossed aside and the word 'parl' comes out. Guess what comes next if you want a quiret happy child. Housework or the park? Coming back from an visit to the park (extended by my watch) some food and a nap are on their list and housework is still at the top of my list. It is better that I adjust my daily list rather than them having to adjust theirs so it fits mine.
If you need a motive try thinking ahead to when you are very old and infant like and they are taking care of you. What should come first then, park (your wish)or housework (their wish)?


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
When I get frustrated I don't hurt babies. Is this the argument your trying to make? Deep down we'd hurt babies? Speak for yourself. Preferably in front of a psychologist.

Oh fukk off.. your father never took the belt to your butt, or your mother the kitchen wooden spoon to your butt??

You were never told go to your room as punishment, or privileges taken away.

MHz, you were bounced on your head... we get that..



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

you think that being a parent qualifies one to know kids

the sheer level of abandonment, abuse and neglect disproves that theory immediately
Yup. Raising a hamster isn't quite the same.

Adondonment is something kids get over by not being coddled at 3AM.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Oh fukk off.. your father never took the belt to your butt, or your mother the kitchen wooden spoon to your butt??

You were never told go to your room as punishment, or privileges taken away.
At 3 for being awake and wanting something? That is the OP's story, you stealing the family combine/18 wheeler/car/horse is a different story. Frustrated people will strike out at anything if they get angry enough. For this guy the last 30 months would be needed although the last 24 hrs might also give you an answer that a 'reasonable person' (as in Law Dictionary) would arrive at rather than waiting for an 'expert' to speak on the subject.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
How many kids do you have?

What would any other primate do? Grunt " f-ck it" and go search out a fermented coconut to "calm his nerves"?

We are every bit the animal they are.

Did he go too far causing injury? Yup.

As a human animal what would you do when a child just won't shut up?

As a mother what would you do?

Speaking as a mother........ you do not, under any circumstances, take your frustration upon a helpless infant. No excuses, no ifs, ands or buts. Period, end of story. Someone who doesn't have the self control not to throw a baby when having a temper has absolutely no business EVER picking up a child or caring for one.

Children come first. If someone doesn't have the patience or is lacking in controlling their anger then it is on them, 100%, to get that in order before attempting to care for a vulnerable and helpless individual, especially a baby. No exceptions.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Children come first. If someone doesn't have the patience or is lacking in controlling their anger then it is on them, 100%, to get that in order before attempting to care for a vulnerable and helpless individual, especially a baby.

He should have hid in the basement like the mother and the siblings to get some sleep?

How does stress and fatigue play into his anger or was he flat out being an *******?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Whose' parents would have jailed for how you were disciplined? Raise your hand.

The law is inexact, at best. But what would you have as the alternative, petros?

I am completely serious in asking. With the mental discipline of a scientist, and the understanding of the realities of life of a farmer, you could be a powerful teacher to those of us on this board.

That's a challenge, son.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
He should have hid in the basement like the mother and the siblings to get some sleep?

How does stress and fatigue play into his anger or was he flat out being an *******?

Stress and fatigue? Oh boo-fuking-hoo. I've been stressed and fatigued, I've been up all night with a screaming infant. I have never taken out my frustration upon my child. So stop trying to make it out like it something everybody does, that it just happens. Because that's bullsh!t, it doesn't.

Oh fukk off.. your father never took the belt to your butt, or your mother the kitchen wooden spoon to your butt??

You were never told go to your room as punishment, or privileges taken away.

So you are equating throwing a baby, causing brain damage, with being sent to your room? Perhaps you're the one that needs to fuk off....not even being spanked equates. This was a fukking baby.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Stress and fatigue? Oh boo-fuking-hoo. I'vjudgment.ressed and fatigued, I've been up all night with a screaming infant. I have never taken out my frustration upon my child. So stop trying to make it out like it something everybody does, that it just happens. Because that's bullsh!t, it doesn't.

So you are equating throwing a baby, causing brain damage, with being sent to your room? Perhaps you're the one that needs to fuk off....not even being spanked equates. This was a fukking baby.

That is you. Kudos for not letting brain chemistry skew your judgement. Does that make this guy a unique raging a-hole or does it make him like millions of others?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
That is you. Kudos for not letting brain chemistry skew your judgement. Does that make this guy a unique raging a-hole or does it make him like millions of others?
yes it does make him a unique raging azzhole who has anger management issues and it does not let mum off the hook "if" she knew that he was


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
He is as far from unique as it gets.

What is your opinion of Guy Turcotte?
he was an individual that should have followed through on suicide rather than kill his babies

he obviously had identification issues...he had no skills for handling frustration and rejection and was mentally ill

should he be out...I think not