Edmonton father jailed for throwing infant son in 'frustration'


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
How do you control brain chemistry on command?
self awareness and then limiting oneself accordingly

single parent women that I know of have dealt with such issues by locking the child into a room to ensure they are safe, then locking themselves into a room and phoning their help line if they need it or just taking a few minutes of down time

it most assuredly can be done so that the family stays intact I know of one such situation currently


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
That is you. Kudos for not letting brain chemistry skew your judgement. Does that make this guy a unique raging a-hole or does it make him like millions of others?

It makes him someone who should never have been left alone to care for a child. Are you trying to say someone with poor impulse control makes it into adulthood and no one realizes he has poor impulse control? Because that's BS.

And do not give me that "millions of others" crap....if it was really millions of others, nearly every child would be inflicted with an ABI.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Do we not all do so every day?


It makes him someone who should never have been left alone to care for a child. Are you trying to say someone with poor impulse control makes it into adulthood and no one realizes he has poor impulse control? Because that's BS.

And do not give me that "millions of others" crap....if it was really millions of others, nearly every child would be inflicted with an ABI.

Did he abuse the other kids or his wife?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
self awareness and then limiting oneself accordingly

single parent women that I know of have dealt with such issues by locking the child into a room to ensure they are safe, then locking themselves into a room and phoning their help line if they need it or just taking a few minutes of down time

it most assuredly can be done so that the family stays intact I know of one such situation currently

Explain in detail how a sleepwalker is aware?


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
So you are equating throwing a baby, causing brain damage, with being sent to your room? Perhaps you're the one that needs to fuk off....not even being spanked equates. This was a fukking baby.

Not equatin' nothin. Did I not post this guy need to spend eternity in jail.. throwing a baby.. use common sense. If this man can do this to a "infant" what other abuse has been going on in the household.

But when it comes to corporal punishment.. I thing society has gone to PC. You can't spank your kid for fear of some Liberal NutBar saying your abusing your kid..

I guess it starts around 4 or 5 years of age.. open hand spanking, or grounding..

Video sums it up perfectly..



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Explain in detail how a sleepwalker is aware?
he was not sleep walking

Not equatin' nothin. Did I not post this guy need to spend eternity in jail.. throwing a baby.. use common sense. If this man can do this to a "infant" what other abuse has been going on in the household.

But when it comes to corporal punishment.. I thing society has gone to PC. You can't spank your kid for fear of some Liberal NutBar saying your abusing your kid..

I guess it starts around 4 or 5 years of age.. open hand spanking, or grounding..

Video sums it up perfectly..

baloney, I was never belted in my life I could count on one hand the number of times I was spanked...actually I couldn't, I don't remember get smacked...why is it necessary to smack a kid? why? if someone knows what they are doing and does their job properly as a parent violence in the home is completely unnecessary...frustration is what leads to smacking...maybe take a parenting course for fuk sake

if someone is completely unable to figure out how to adjust their child's behaviour I guess a smack here and there is okay, each child's temperament is different I'll give in that far. but it has nothing to do with being a liberal nutbar unless of course liberal nut bars can just figure things out better than non liberal nutbars


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
You wash the hoods, I'll wrap the and soak torches in kerosene.

Oh yeah, there's the strawman. Take it the ultimate and most ridiculous extreme.


A lack of sympathy for a man who threw a baby so hard he suffered brain damage does not equate to being part of a bigoted lynch mob.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
he was not sleep walking

baloney, I was never belted in my life I could count on one hand the number of times I was spanked...actually I couldn't, I don't remember get smacked...why is it necessary to smack a kid? why? if someone knows what they are doing and does their job properly as a parent violence in the home is completely unnecessary...frustration is what leads to smacking...maybe take a parenting course for fuk sake

if someone is completely unable to figure out how to adjust their child's behaviour I guess a smack here and there is okay, each child's temperament is different I'll give in that far. but it has nothing to do with being a liberal nutbar unless of course liberal nut bars can just figure things out better than non liberal nutbars
Don't believe in spanking children. Don't care who or what says it's okay. Not okay with me.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Don't believe in spanking children. Don't care who or what says it's okay. Not okay with me.

it's pure frustration on the part of the parent, they simply don't know what to do so they resort to physical control via instilling fear of pain by inflicting pain...wtf?

they should be using their head before their hand


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
he was not sleep walking

baloney, I was never belted in my life I could count on one hand the number of times I was spanked...actually I couldn't, I don't remember get smacked...why is it necessary to smack a kid? why? if someone knows what they are doing and does their job properly as a parent violence in the home is completely unnecessary...frustration is what leads to smacking...maybe take a parenting course for fuk sake

if someone is completely unable to figure out how to adjust their child's behaviour I guess a smack here and there is okay, each child's temperament is different I'll give in that far. but it has nothing to do with being a liberal nutbar unless of course liberal nut bars can just figure things out better than non liberal nutbars

Eight Reasons to Spank your child..

1. Love.
You have to love your child enough to be tough and do what is necessary to get the desired result. Parent first, friend second.

2. You want to be respected.
To be feared (in the sense of reverence) is to be respected. Your children should be weary of going against your rules. It also teaches them to submit to authority regardless of whether or not they agree.

3. You want to teach them how to make good decisions.
Our destinies are determined by decision-making. Children have the option to obey or face the consequences, and they need to know consequences hurt.

4. You want them to have self-control.
When you are aware of what is on the other side of making a poor decision, it is easier to exercise restraint.

5. You want them to be accountable.
Every decision has an outcome, good or bad. Just as your reward your child for the good, you must also acknowledge and address the bad.

6. You want to set standards.
Children need limits to learn how to grow up with restraint. They will never be able to do whatever they want. Teach them to live by the rules set in place.

7. You see strength not weakness.
Western parents seem to assume fragility rather than strength. Spanking your child properly is not going to damage their self-esteem. Accepting mediocrity and dismissing poor behavior teaches them to indulge in being weak.

8. It works best.
Some kids need it, period. When time-out, talking and taking away toys doesn’t work, you have to get that butt.

By the sound of it Sal, you're long over due for a spanking.. ;)


Kelly Scott Hilbert, 40, was sentenced to six months in jail

Why did the judge only give this guy 6 months and 2 years probation.. The poor child is now brain damaged for life..

The father claims it was an accident.. who knows.. great cover story to save his butt.

He already covered up the accident once. This is a second version.

The bastard should have gotten at least 10 years minimum, if not more.. Friggin Canadian justice system.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Punch a cop and you'll get a full deuce, pen time.

It's because of his remorse and clean slate but hey, f-ck it, just hang him.