88% agree with Harper on niqab


Electoral Member
Mar 22, 2015
Ya, in private only. The thing is, she admitted to removing it in PUBLIC for her drivers license photo. Yet she won't remove it in PUBLIC to swear the oath? We don't need the hypocrite here. She can go back to Pakistan and wear it to her hearts content.
Everything should be taken in context.Do you know that her family(meaning the men in her life)wanted her to uncover in public?
She said she liked to wear it in public as it made her comfortable.Seems to me she did not feel her culture is anti-woman.And she did take it off as you said for her license.I think it comes into the not my business area as who is she hurting?I thought our country was about freedom of choice unless you hurt somebody?
Harper just sold $15 billion of weapons to Saudis(home of 9/11 and severe Muslims -women are not even allowed to drive) in a shady deal that got around our policies against selling arms to serious human rights abusers.Then Harper is outraged over a scrap of cloth in a public ceremony?There is your hypocrite-not the lady who followed her heart and our laws.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Everything should be taken in context.Do you know that her family(meaning the men in her life)wanted her to uncover in public?
She said she liked to wear it in public as it made her comfortable.Seems to me she did not feel her culture is anti-woman.And she did take it off as you said for her license.I think it comes into the not my business area as who is she hurting?I thought our country was about freedom of choice unless you hurt somebody?
Harper just sold $15 billion of weapons to Saudis(home of 9/11 and severe Muslims -women are not even allowed to drive) in a shady deal that got around our policies against selling arms to serious human rights abusers.Then Harper is outraged over a scrap of cloth in a public ceremony?There is your hypocrite-not the lady who followed her heart and our laws.

Nice to see you finally admit her hypocrisy. She followed her heart? Right, followed her heart and took MY government to court, because SHE refused to uncover while taking the oath. When her face is covered, can you tell that she is actually reciting the oath?


Electoral Member
Mar 22, 2015
Nice to see you finally admit her hypocrisy. She followed her heart? Right, followed her heart and took MY government to court, because SHE refused to uncover while taking the oath. When her face is covered, can you tell that she is actually reciting the oath?
I said no such thing .I said SHE followed her heart and Harper was the hypocrite.YOUR? govt keeps landing itself in court because they will not listen to advice from law experts and cost us money and time getting their unconstitutional laws slapped down by courts.They are the ones appealing the already passed,perfectly constitutional citizen ship laws.(more money & time wasted)
As to hearing her recite the oath-you don't think that scrap of cloth is soundproof ,do you?
I think she is taking her new Canadianism seriously by not bending to an arbitrary rule with no basis in law.
An oath is only words (sometimes empty )-nobody has invented a lie detector yet that can tell whether your heart is in it.

Got no rely on his selling $15 billion of arms to Saudis? Tell me that wasn't HUGELY hypocritical and maybe even dangerous to our country.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Got no rely on his selling $15 billion of arms to Saudis? Tell me that wasn't HUGELY hypocritical and maybe even dangerous to our country.

You want to talk about that, start a thread. This thread is about a non Canadian telling us what she will and won't do to become a Canadian.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
These people need to adapt to Canadian society not try to adapt Canada to their wants.

What a silly comment. The people on this forum can't seem to agree on what Canadian society should look like. What you really mean is that immigrants should do what you want them to do.


Electoral Member
Mar 22, 2015
You want to talk about that, start a thread. This thread is about a non Canadian telling us what she will and won't do to become a Canadian.
I don't want to beat this to death but SHE followed the law. Thanks for your opinion though.

Don't like the idea of making women prosties wear a veil.That is probably where the legal dictum(dictum ha ha)of Caveat Emptor (let the buyer beware) probably came from.Or alternatively "buying a pig in a poke" or is it "for a poke"?
Seriously, i assume you were not serious.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
I like Trudeau's line: "it is a cruel joke to claim you are liberating people from oppression by dictating in lawwhat they can and cannot choose to wear."

Perhaps we should allow religion into government and back into schools. Maybe we should return to the ways of the Old Testament and encourage stoning and garb for women which is akin to the backward thinking of these extremist religious sects. You can't have it both ways, as Mr. Trudeau would think, you are either for advancing the human rights of all Canadians or you aren't. Fence sitting in this case is just giving a nod to the neanderthals who think that this sort of knuckle dragging is acceptable in the 21st century.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
CBC continues to beat that dead Niqab

Niqab a choice that ‘doesn’t limit us,’ Ottawa’s Mahbrainwashed Fatima says

Count on the CBC to give voice to a Muslim cultist unrepentant about her rejection of Canada, Canadians and western values.

The niqab has nothing to do with being devout it is a symbol of the contempt its adherents hold for us all.

All in the name of fairness I’m sure, I can’t wait for the Swastika tattoo enthusiasts to have their day at the CBC.

CBC continues to beat that dead Niqab | Blazing Cat Fur


Electoral Member
Mar 22, 2015
Wiki says there are over 4,200 religions in the world.I'm no poker champion but odds tell me a lot of 'em are wrong.
My brain tells me ALL of them are wrong.I do not believe man can reveal to man the nature of God.
I lean toward secular Humanism as my way of life.I like the idea of being good because human reason tells us we should.
Personal morality in the absence of reward-no 72 virgins,no crucifixion forgiving a whole planet's "forever sins",no Santa Clause type reward/punishments from religious Big Daddies-appeals to me.

Fill your boots-i am neutral on what you believe and respect anything that helps humans deal with life.

Anybody telling others they know what God wants them to do is a snake oil salesman.I have heard people laugh at Scientology-saying how crazy it is.

I was brought up Catholic -virgin birth,transubstantiation,"holy ghost" and god is somehow a 3 in one entity.Do you think some other of the 4,200 might find it weird ,stupid and culturally distasteful?

Paul Simon-in song explained the phrase "cognitive dissonance " with " a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest. "

Here it is distilled.It is the religion ,culture and traditions we most dislike that must be defended by law.
Mob rule or uninformed dislike of the "other" is the slippery slope to racism,hatred and oppression.

Most people ranting against the niqab have not processed the fact that she did offer to comply with our rules and law in private.
A judge said our govt was/is wrong -our govt wants to waste time and money on an appeal that will fail.
Our prejudice and fear of Islam is being stoked by our PM who is himself an extremist evangelical for votes- for political power (maybe a tinge of religious bias as well?)

Should he be rewarded for bringing out the worst in us?

“Man is certainly stark mad. He cannot make a worm, and yet he will be making gods by the dozen.”
―Michel de Montaigne


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
As has already been pointed out, numerous times, she had no problem removing the niqab, IN PUBLIC, to get her drivers license. She has also stated that her wearing the niqab has very little to do with religion or her culture and everything to do with it makes her feel "comfortable". Since she had no problem with removing the damn thing for her license, then she should have no problem removing the damn thing while she takes the oath.


Electoral Member
Mar 22, 2015
Yet you and so many as a way of registering your dislike and distrust of Muslims don't want her to be comfortable. What is wrong -we all like to feel comfortable.It is a failed argument and a failed real world attempt to make a law abiding woman bend to "popular" fear and distrust.
The Canada i am hoping for-is bigger than all this petty baloney.This means zero...


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
The garment in question is not part of the religion its part of the custom
that argument has been around for a long time. The nigab is designed
to protect the woman from unwanted advances by males who cannot
control their urges.
It is also the fuel to demonstrate they are being persecuted when told
change is required to meet the letter of the law