RAPPER AZEALIA BANKS hates Fat White Racist Conservatives


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
RAPPER AZEALIA BANKS Hates Fat White Racist Conservatives

Rapper Azealia Banks hates “white Americans” and everything about the U.S.

In a recent interview with Playboy, the 23-year-old Harlem rapper said she wanted to leave the U.S. because America is blatantly racist.

“I hate everything about this country,” she said. “Like, I hate fat, white Americans.”

“All the people who are crunched into the middle of America, the real fat and meat of America, are these racist conservative white people who live on their farms.”

“Those little teenage girls who work at Kmart and have a racist grandma — that’s really America,” she added.

But isn’t it blatantly racist to say you hate white people?

Banks also claimed that racism motivates her critics and that she’s owed “reparations.”

“It’s always about race,” she said. “[New Zealand singer] Lorde can run her mouth and talk **** about all these other b*tches, but y’all aren’t saying she’s angry.”

“If I have something to say, I get pushed into the corner.”

“Really, the generational effects of Jim Crow and poverty linger on,” Banks continued. “As long as I have my money, I’m getting the f*ck out of here and I’m gonna leave y’all to your own devices.”

She previously joked about “killing crackers” in their sleep after a jury decided not to indict Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson for shooting resident Mike Brown.


Banks’ views are testament to how “social justice warriors” and the Obama administration are increasingly pushing racial conflict.

Earlier this month we reported on a school textbook that claimed only white people could be racist.

“There is no such thing as reverse racism or reverse sexism (or the reverse of any form of oppression,)” the textbook claimed. “While women can be just as prejudiced as men, women cannot be ‘just as sexist as men’ because they do not hold political, economic and institutional power.”

And it was only a few months ago that First Lady Michelle Obama claimed that a shopper at Target was being racist for mistaking her for a Target employee.

“She said, ‘Can you reach on that shelf and hand me the detergent?’ I kid you not,” Obama said. “And the only thing she said — I reached up, because she was short, and I reached up, pulled it down – she said, ‘Well, you didn’t have to make it look so easy.’”

“That was my interaction. I felt so good.”

The Obama administration is pushing racial conflict to further divide the country, according to Ben Stein, the famous actor and political commentator.

“This president is the most racist president there has ever been in America,” Stein said. “He is purposely trying to use race to divide Americans.”

“They’re handing out pamphlets about this – and it’s been described a lot in the Wall Street Journal – [that say] ‘look, the Republican candidates are targeting President Obama because he’s black and you’re black, so you gotta go out and support him,” he added. “That’s just nonsense.”

source: » Rapper Azealia Banks: I Hate White Americans Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


I just heard this story on FoxNews and my first response was; "WHO??"

Anyone here on CC ever listen to her music?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Rapper Azealia Banks hates “white Americans”

“All the people who are crunched into the middle of America, the real fat and meat of America, are these racist conservative white people who live on their farms.”
The irony is evidently lost on her.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Some people will say anything for publicity and it has worked.

I likely would have never heard of her if not for this......


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Had Ed Sheeran come out and said he hates skinny, bony, black Ethiopians, the Twitterati would have palpitations and the Twittersphere would go into absolute meltdown (just look at how much they get worked up when somebody wears a shirt that they don't like).

There would be a Twitter-led boycott of all Sheeran's music, with the full support of The Guardian.

Effigies of him would be burnt in Islington and Queen Guardianista, Polly Toynbee, would write yet another angry article condemning "racist white Europeans".

Meanwhile the ludicrous Grayson Perry would once again go back onto BBC Radio 4 telling us once more about how the "Great White Male" "oozes privilege" and that it's time for more "positive discrimination" in society against him (except against Grayson Perry, of course).

The BBC would ban the playing of any of Sheeran's music on any of its TV and radio stations before it starts showing a week-long series of special programs "highlighting the plight of starving children in Ethiopia."

A lengthy article would appear in The New Statesman in which it tells us that Sheeran "is probably a Top Gear fan" and he would soon be forced to appear on Loose Women in which the group of nasty harridans give him evil stares whilst he "apologises profusesly for any offence caused" before being made to go on a two-week racial awareness course.

But this Azealia Banks story? We won't hear much about it. There certainly won't be much fuss made about this by any of the usual suspects. I doubt the BBC will even mention it and it'll soon be long forgotten about.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Had Ed Sheeran come out and said he hates skinny, bony, black Ethiopians, the Twitterati would have palpitations and the Twittersphere would go into absolute meltdown (just look at how much they get worked up when somebody wears a shirt that they don't like).

There would be a Twitter-led boycott of all Sheeran's music, with the full support of The Guardian.

Effigies of him would be burnt in Islington and Queen Guardianista, Polly Toynbee, would write yet another angry article condemning "racist white Europeans".

Meanwhile the ludicrous Grayson Perry would once again go back onto BBC Radio 4 telling us once more about how the "Great White Male" "oozes privilege" and that it's time for more "positive discrimination" in society against him (except against him, of course).

The BBC would ban the playing of any of Sheeran's music on any of its TV and radio stations before it starts showing a week-long series of special programs "highlighting the plight of starving children in Ethiopia."

A lengthy article would appear in The New Statesman in which it tells us that Sheeran "is probably a Top Gear fan" and he would soon be forced to appear on Loose Women in which the group of nasty harridans give him evil stares whilst he "apologises profusesly for any offence caused" before being made to go on a two-week racial awareness course.

But this Azealia Banks story? We won't hear much about it. There certainly won't be much fuss made about this by any of the usual suspects. I doubt the BBC will even mention it and it'll soon be long forgotten about.
Well I'll be danged. The persecution complex has crossed the Atlantic. You don't listen to American Talk Radio on the short wave do ye? Oh wait,,I forgot,,,They're following your lead.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Few comments here first of all I wondered how long it would be before Obama
was associated with the story. It came later than usual but was there and its
We don't know her story and how she grew up, although there is no excuse to
hate anyone. Ones upbringing does effect ones view of the world.
I don't think she will be singing for a country music audience anytime soon either.
While the mainstream community is turned off and appalled the urban hood areas
the ones she's appealing to she strikes a chord. You and I are not buying her music
she doesn't care about you and I she is appealing to those who buy.
Now to associate hating America with Obama is nonsense He does not hate America
or share the belief system of this young lady. In fact including Obama merely
detracts from the point one is trying to make. Her negativity is really about getting
noticed and that is called marketing. At least she's not running around half naked
drunk or on drugs. She is being successful too because we're talking about it


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Few comments here first of all I wondered how long it would be before Obama
was associated with the story. It came later than usual but was there and its
We don't know her story and how she grew up, although there is no excuse to
hate anyone. Ones upbringing does effect ones view of the world.
I don't think she will be singing for a country music audience anytime soon either.
While the mainstream community is turned off and appalled the urban hood areas
the ones she's appealing to she strikes a chord. You and I are not buying her music
she doesn't care about you and I she is appealing to those who buy.
Now to associate hating America with Obama is nonsense He does not hate America
or share the belief system of this young lady. In fact including Obama merely
detracts from the point one is trying to make. Her negativity is really about getting
noticed and that is called marketing. At least she's not running around half naked
drunk or on drugs. She is being successful too because we're talking about it

yeah I like your take on that grumps

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
Oh she also hates rappers that are too close to white people..

She hate America, but she is an American success story..


She looks like she would be WILD!! in Bed.. I'd Hit that A$$!!
Sure Boomer,I am sure you know how to spot the wild ones,your vision is so clear.

her comments were off the cuff,I remember how I hated everything around me,give her a break. I love her lips,they remind me of tiger woods beautiful lips,very talented woman.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Sure Boomer, I am sure you know how to spot the wild ones, your vision is so clear.

Actually pretty sure I can.. my ex girl friend in Texas was pretty crazy.. but must Texas women are pretty wild.

I love her lips, they remind me of tiger woods beautiful lips....


I get it's Friday night, and maybe you have your beer goggles on.. but you think Tiger Woods lips are beautiful?

Honestly, I really have never noticed.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Well really, it IS pretty easy to hate fat white racist conservatives, if you're dumb enough to waste the time and energy that takes, they can be very unpleasant. But I think she's gone a little over the top into being racist herself. Everybody's different, hating people in stereotypical groups is stupid.

...you think Tiger Woods lips are beautiful?

Honestly, I really have never noticed.
Just checked him out on Google Images. They're not.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
We'll have to wait and see how many of your predictions come true.

Well no white singer has been accused of racism yet. And if a white singer made the same comments about negroids as this Mrs Banks made about white people, all hell would break lose. You and your likeminded mates on here, for example, would have their eyes swivelling about in their heads and steam would emanate profusely from your external auditory canals as you vent your faux fury over the "rayyyyyyciiiiiiissssstttttttt!!!!!!!!" comments.

But when a negroid comes out with racist comments - whilst, ironically, calling white people "racists" - not a peep is to be heard. In fact, it's so quiet there is tumbleweed blowing right across this very thread.