
Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
hey hey hey please judge fairly, I'm Muslim , and I select this religion myself , because that's Religion of peace and humanity
, and if you don't have info about it please don't say anything at all , I'm ready to answer all question about Isalm

Islam isn't a religion of peace. It's a murderous, intolerant cult.


Electoral Member
Feb 27, 2015
Islamic Republic of Iran
and another point I forgot , you think member of Daesh ( ISIL) are muslim ? they even aren't human . do you think with yourself what happend in Syria ? In Iraq ? why Iranian and Malaysian people are not terrorist ?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
and another point I forgot , you think member of Daesh ( ISIL) are muslim ? they even aren't human . do you think with yourself what happend in Syria ? In Iraq ? why Iranian and Malaysian people are not terrorist ?

The members of ISIS are Muslims, just as members of Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram and the Taliban are Muslims.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
If you made these threads into T-shirts you could probably sell them easily in places like Syria. Pick almost any parking lot.


Electoral Member
Feb 27, 2015
Islamic Republic of Iran
The members of ISIS are Muslims, just as members of Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram and the Taliban are Muslims.

when Anti Balaka Emerged in central africa (and they are Christian extremists ) we didn't say christians are terrorist , that's why we know a lot about Christianity and Jesus , when you say Islam makes terrorist group that's come from your unaware about Islam


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
I work with a Muslim and he's the most respectful person in our workplace.


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
hey hey hey please judge fairly, I'm Muslim , and I select this religion myself , because that's Religion of peace and humanity
, and if you don't have info about it please don't say anything at all , I'm ready to answer all question about Isalm

Good grief, what a way to up the interest.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
The members of ISIS are Muslims, just as members of Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram and the Taliban are Muslims.

There are militants/extremists in every religion, that doesn't mean they are that religion. They may SAY they are part of that religion, but they're not.

Unless of course you agree the WBC are Christians, and KKK are Christians and any other of those white power types who claim Christianity as their religion, are Christians. And the Minutemen and the Militiamen and fundamentalist Christians and the Evangelical types and...

Or what about the really Orthodox Jewish people who are pretty much extreme Muslims just in the black outfits and the extra hair? Are they Jewish?

Your ignorance is amazing.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
when Anti Balaka Emerged in central africa (and they are Christian extremists ) we didn't say christians are terrorist , that's why we know a lot about Christianity and Jesus , when you say Islam makes terrorist group that's come from your unaware about Islam

The world doesn't have a problem with Christian terrorism. It has a problem with Islamic terrorism. It is the barbaric, murderous, medieval nature of Islam itself which is why the biggest problem on Earth today is Islam.

Islam is a medieval murder cult that is highly incompatible with life in the 21st Century.

There are militants/extremists in every religion, that doesn't mean they are that religion. They may SAY they are part of that religion, but they're not.

Unless of course you agree the WBC are Christians, and KKK are Christians and any other of those white power types who claim Christianity as their religion, are Christians. And the Minutemen and the Militiamen and fundamentalist Christians and the Evangelical types and...

Or what about the really Orthodox Jewish people who are pretty much extreme Muslims just in the black outfits and the extra hair? Are they Jewish?

Your ignorance is amazing.

I'm fed up with the bloody Lefties telling us that the likes of Al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram and Al Qaeda are "nothing to do with Islam." It is a tired, worn-out phrase that is total hogwash and which, quite frankly, most people are getting sick of.

There is a reason why most terrorists in the world today are Muslims and why Muslim terrorism - not Christian or Hindu or Jewish or Sikh terrorism - is the main evil the world is facing today. And the reason for that is the nature of Islam itself. Islam has everything to do with ISIS and Al Qaeda and Boko Haram and the Taliban.


Electoral Member
Feb 27, 2015
Islamic Republic of Iran
The world doesn't have a problem with Christian terrorism. It has a problem with Islamic terrorism. It is the barbaric, murderous, medieval nature of Islam itself which is why the biggest problem on Earth today is Islam.

Islam is a medieval murder cult that is highly incompatible with life in the 21st Century.

I'm fed up with the bloody Lefties telling us that the likes of Al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram and Al Qaeda are "nothing to do with Islam." It is a tired, worn-out phrase that is total hogwash and which, quite frankly, most people are getting sick of.

There is a reason why most terrorists in the world today are Muslims and why Muslim terrorism - not Christian or Hindu or Jewish or Sikh terrorism - is the main evil the world is facing today. And the reason for that is the nature of Islam itself. Islam has everything to do with ISIS and Al Qaeda and Boko Haram and the Taliban.

Islam don't accept terrorism and terrorists are not Muslim , we hate terrorism in any faces but that's intersting " you think most of muslim are terrorist " and you said another religional terrorism aren't dangerous , Ok see this :


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Islam don't accept terrorism and terrorist are not Muslim , we hate terrorism in any faces but that's intersting " you think most of muslim are terrorist " and you said another religional terrorism aren't dangerous , Ok see this : <iframe src="" allowFullScreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" height="360" width="640" ></iframe>

What a load of codswallop. Most terrorists on Earth today are Muslim, and that's no surprise considering that the Koran teaches your lot to kill the "stinking kuffar pigs" and Mohammed himself enjoyed beheading "non-believers." Mohammed himself was what we'd today call a terrorist.


Electoral Member
Feb 27, 2015
Islamic Republic of Iran
What a load of codswallop. Most terrorists on Earth today are Muslim, and that's no surprise considering that the Koran teaches your lot to kill the "stinking kuffar pigs" and Mohammed himself enjoyed beheading "non-believers." Mohammed himself was what we'd today call a terrorist.

prophet Muhammad said : " whoever kills kafir (zami) he is not from us "


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
The peaceful religion only applies to other Muslims for the rest conversion or death.
I don't fear Muslims I am critical of our own government for allowing people who have
a dangerous belief system to be unleashed into the midst of western culture.
This particular segment of society does work with numbers they are peaceful until the
numbers are sufficient to force their beliefs on others.
Om the infamous day of 9/11 Islam declared war on us we did not declare war on them.
As of that day we have been in a state of conflict with an ideology and we are slow to
act, even to recognize the new fascist threat to our way of life.
China is waking up the Russians are starting to get the message, Europe is in denial
and We are still apologizing for their actions not our actions.
What is to be done? Well we can get frustrated and adopt the kill them all policy.
Which is a response not worthy of mention really or we can adopt an approach that
recognizes the problem we face.
Ban all further immigration from nations that pose a terror threat
Stop supplying weapons to countries that intend to enforce their beliefs on us.
We will however supply weapons to countries like Jordon that are fighting fanatics.
We must understand Syria is a nation that has been able to control these people and
support the government forces in that region. There are no moderates you are on one
side or the other there.
At some point if the attacks on the west and kidnappings continue we should escalate
to the point of boots on the ground in ISIS controlled areas and cut off all food, medical
and other humanitarian aid period. The sooner we deal with this the better. Running
around being afraid is not the answer. I for example am not afraid I am angry as hell but
not afraid. It is time we dealt with this at home and abroad.
If the religion at the community level preaches a violent doctrine or one not in keeping
with the law it should be regarded under the organized crime laws such as against the
mob or bikers its no different


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
You should probably know that BL also thinks the UK should be running the world as it was back in the crusades. That it was probably a false flag operation back then isn't something he can comprehend let only any of the ones in play these days.

What a load of codswallop. Most terrorists on Earth today are Muslim, and that's no surprise considering that the Koran teaches your lot to kill the "stinking kuffar pigs" and Mohammed himself enjoyed beheading "non-believers." Mohammed himself was what we'd today call a terrorist.
Here is what I mean by not willing to see facts. (as in Jihadi John being trained by the UK and where there is one there is more)

(in part)
United States Army School of the Americas: Background and Congressional Concerns

Richard F. Grimmett
Specialist in National Defense
Mark P. Sullivan
Specialist in Latin American Affairs
Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division


This report provides background information on the School of the Americas, a U.S. Army training facility, largely for Spanish-speaking Latin American cadets and officers, located at Fort Benning, Georgia. It reviews the history and background of the School, discusses its missions, and examines several controversies that have developed in recent years. These include concerns about the School's graduates who have been implicated in human rights violations and the adequacy of human rights training at the School. Questions over continued funding of the School of the Americas were raised in Congress in 1993 and will likely be raised again in 1994. On September 30, 1993, the House rejected an amendment to the FY1994 Defense Appropriations measure (P.L. 103-139, H.R. 3116) that would have cut $2.9 million from the Army's operation and maintenance account, an amount equal to the amount in the account dedicated to running the School. In 1994, further legislative attempts to close the School may again target the Army's operation and maintenance account as well as another funding source for the School -- International Military Education and Training (IMET) program funds -- provided through foreign assistance legislation. BACKGROUND 1

The School of the Americas was originally established in 1946 in the U.S.- controlled Panama Canal Zone as the Latin American Center--Ground Division. In July 1963, the school acquired its current name, and Spanish became its official language. On September 21, 1984, the school suspended operations in compliance with the terms of the 1977 Panama Canal Treaty. In December 1984, ---------------------------- 1 All background facts and data were taken from materials provided by the Department of the Army, Public Affairs, and the United States Army School of the Americas. The staff and faculty figure represents total as of March 3, 1994. --------------------------- the school reopened at Fort Benning, Georgia, as part of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command. All elements of the School of the Americas are located at Fort Benning with the exception of the Helicopter School Battalion which is located at Fort Rucker, Alabama. Since 1946, more than 57,700 officers, cadets, and non-commissioned officers from Latin America and the United States have been trained at the School of the Americas. The School's staff and faculty-- comprised of 308 civilian and multi-service military personnel-prepare, support and present 34 different courses in Spanish to students representing 16 nations. The School of the Americas teaches a variety of courses relating to U.S. Army doctrine, from basic patrolling techniques to the Command and General Staff Course (CGSC). The School of the Americas is charged by P.L. 100-180 (10 USC 4415) with the mission of developing and conducting instruction for the armed forces of Latin America, using the most doctrinally sound, relevant, and cost-effective training programs possible. The law stipulates that the School will promote military professionalism, foster cooperation among the multinational military forces in Latin America, and expand Latin American armed forces' knowledge of United States customs and traditions. The school is organized to provide principal training elements-joint and combined operations, special operations and civil military operations, noncommissioned officer professional development, and resource management. Two academic departments present all instruction, except the Instructor Training Course. The Helicopter School Battalion (HSB) at Fort Rucker, Alabama provides initial and advanced helicopter flight instruction in Spanish. Additional helicopter maintenance instruction is provided at Fort Eustis, Virginia. The 47-week Command and General Staff Course, taught by the Department of Joint and Combined Operations, is attended by students from Latin America and the United States. Since 1955 over 1,100 students have graduated from the CGSC. Training programs to deal with insurgency threats were developed for students in the 1960s and programs aimed at contending with narco-terrorism in the 1980s. Human rights training is part of the program of the School of the Americas. The majority of the students who attend the School are funded by International Military Education and Training (IMET) program funds, provided through foreign assistance legislation. Since 1978, Congress has directed that education and training conducted under MET would be designed to "increase the awareness of nationals of foreign countries participating in such activities of basic issues involving internationally recognized human rights." In 1990, Congress established an expanded IMET program which earmarked a portion of IMET funds to be used for "developing, initiating, conducting and evaluating courses" for training "foreign and civilian officials" in the creation and maintenance of "effective military judicial systems and military codes of conduct, including the observance of internationally recognized human rights." Prior to 1989, the School of the Americas provided human rights training both formally--in classroom instruction on the Laws of Land Warfare--and informally--through exposure to American institutions. Since 1989, the School has established a policy on human rights training and revised its curriculum to integrate human rights training into every course taught. A total of nearly 1,000 hours of such instruction is reportedly interwoven into the curriculum and consists of four specific components: human rights, military justice, civilian control of the military, and democratization. The School of the Americas budget for FY1994 totals $4.475 million from two sources. The School's fixed budget comes from Operations and Maintenance, Army (OMA) which is provided through the Defense Department's authorization and appropriations legislation. In FY1994, the School's OMA funding level is $2.908 million. The OMA funding pays for all of the School's overhead costs, including civilian pay, guest instructor programs costs, supplies and equipment, certain travel expenses, and contracts. About 90 percent of OMA funds are spent on civilian pay and the guest instructor program. The other funding source for the School is reimbursable funds granted to Latin American countries under the United States Foreign Military Sales (FMS), International Military Education and Training (IMET), and International Narcotics Matters (INM) programs. These funds pay for the actual costs of student training. In FY1994 the total funds the School will receive from these sources is $1.567 million.
United States Army School of the Americas: Background and Congressional Concerns

, and if you don't have info about it please don't say anything at all , I'm ready to answer all question about Isalm
Jesus was a Prophet in the Quran, what would stop that book from being what Jesus taught the woman He met at Jacob's Well? At some point between His baptism by John and when John was in prison and Jesus started teaching as a High Priest with more power than Moses (which is where John was)

If the religion at the community level preaches a violent doctrine or one not in keeping
with the law it should be regarded under the organized crime laws such as against the
mob or bikers its no different
You do that all the time, nobody takes you serious let alone serious and informed.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
prophet Muhammad said : " whoever kills kafir (zami) he is not from us "
Someone posted a quote from that book that seemed to equate an 'infidel' as being somebody who had not heard of the term 'God' as mentioned in the 3 books that mentions Abraham and Noah. Based on that it is a continuation of the task given the Apostles, deliver the book and then leave and the relationship after that point is based on the person and God rather than the relationship being one of teacher and resistive student. Most here would seem to disagree with and say that only one brand of belief is tolerated and all others should be made extinct, ASAP in the view of some. They would be quite easy to spot.

Speechless again eh? That run and hide tactic never worked in the past, why expect it to work now. The part you are missing is that if your argument had a solid base you would be posting your own words and not some meaningless picture.

I know thy works:
I have set before thee an open door,
and no man can shut it:
for thou hast a little strength,
and hast kept my word,
and hast not denied my name.

The pic in the upper left seem to me an American combat rifle and the bodies have yet to start showing any signs of being dead for awhile, let alone 'finding all the other photos' that are meant for publication only in the West.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I am curious which secular western nation has been converted to an islamic state as per the OP?

The OP is a bunch of claptrap from what I see. I am curious if any of the people here making assumptions have ever met a Muslim in real life?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I am curious which secular western nation has been converted to an islamic state as per the OP?

The OP is a bunch of claptrap from what I see. I am curious if any of the people here making assumptions have ever met a Muslim in real life?
You want a list of the threads from other sites? How about a summation of the Ark story instead?
Your experience as this board is as Muslim free as anyplace I've ever seen. Boomer is all about fights in parking lots so that explains the thread title.
My question to him still stands, why post so many Muslim based threads if there are none that post here?


Electoral Member
Feb 27, 2015
Islamic Republic of Iran
you know I'm Muslim , I'm from Iran ,at here all people are muslim and all of them hate terrorists , today Iran is Influential country in Iraq war . many of Iranian people went to Iraq to help them and went there for Jihad agianst Daesh . today broadcasts are so Important and and most of these broadcast controled by western country (specially US) and they give you truth in the other ways . Muslims hate Daesh , Al- qaedah , Taliban and ... we are ready to fight with them .
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